Sunday, December 14, 2008


to do:
buy Christmas ornament for SIL & Brother
buy gift card for MIL <- I was going to get her something else too.
buy something else for my Mom too (got her gift card)
speaking of cards, I need to get Christmas Cards for the moms.
finish up Christmas cards
buy stamps and mail them
pack up Mom's stuff and mail it to her
buy a homemade gift for my homemade gift exchange pal and mail it.

figure out what kind of gift to get for my neighbor! Get it and deliver it cuz we're already eating the yummy cookies she brought for us.
WRAP Gifts!!!
Fix sewing machine if it needs it (I don't know what's up with it!)
Sew American Girl sized doll clothes for Darly
Hope the gift cards that I ordered from Discover for JCPenneys get here soon so I can buy the stuff I've got in my basket there!
Almost all my ordered gifts have arrived, except one...It is supposed to be here Tuesday.
remember where I hid all the gifts!
if it ever warms up, hang our Christmas lights...right now I think it's about 3 degrees!
Clean my house top to bottom...MIL is staying over on Christmas Eve!
clean frig!
clean my coffee pot!
Figure out Christmas Dinner and buy the food for that, along with food for all the other days.

Done: (by the way, I'm adding things to both lists as I remember them!)
finish up Christmas cards
buy stamps and mail them
pack up Mom's stuff and mail it to her
buy made a homemade gift for my homemade gift exchange pal and mail it.
figure out what kind of gift to get for my neighbor - she's getting the same as my homemade gift exchange pal!
Ordered gifts I needed
Bought gifts
hid gifts all over the place
I ordered an ornament for my ornament exchange's on it's way Mel!
I went out to the garden today in 6 degree temps to dig up some carrots for the soup I made from the leftover turkey...yummy! (the soup, NOT the weather!)
Worked the Scholastic Book Fair Warehouse sale
Took the kid to the gym
Darly & I were both in the Wednesday night performance of the Christmas Program. This time went a bit smoother as we didn't have to wait quite as long beforehand. However, one of the Angel moms asked if her child could wear Darly's wings and then without waiting for an answer, she took them! The wings were too big for her kid! They had pinned the straps to fit on Darly. :eyeroll:
Bought a bunch of books with all the vouchers I got for working the book sale. Darly is in heaven with all the kits I bought. Even DH was happy with some of the stuff I got.


  1. "buy a homemade gift" I won't even make a comment about this line, but I would like it noted that it made me smile.

    I started my Christmas cards this weekend. I'm mailing the first batch this AM.

  2. Your blog hates me again. Hopefully this time it will work.

    I'm done. Except for wrapping four gifts that have yet to arrive that is. Once those get here, I'm done, done, done. And after a weekend of nothing but baking, that's good news.

  3. Oh! Though I may have just agreed to go shopping for my best friend and wrap those presents for her so that she doesn't have to try and get all of her gifts from Washington to Wisconsin 8-)

  4. Boy,that's some list! Thankfully, mine is not as long! LOL!
