starting to wonder when it isn't crazy
So kiddo is in a musical revue...she's been practicing and rehearsing for that...every night on her own and then at least once a week with the group, sometimes more. They opened last night to a decent sized audience and they'll close and strike this evening.
This afternoon she has an audition for her next show. Different theater company. Fingers crossed as getting in here could lead to a lot more things. She's pretty attached to her current company, but the new one could mean payment instead of paying.
There's an audition next week with her current theater company but she is leaning toward not doing that show at all...we'll see how she feels this evening.
and now it is the next day so I have updates on the stuff above and more things to add as always...
the revue is now over. They did very well. I didn't go see it as I've been listening to these songs for the past two months and a wee bit tired of some of them. But overall it was a marvelous show and we're looking forward to the next one.
Unfortunately the audition didn't work out for kiddo. they had about 20 girls or so show up with ages ranging from 11 to 17. and all different looks. But judging from the first cut it seemed they were going for a shorter certainly looking for a size difference between the older and younger versions of this character...oops I forgot to mention that...kiddo was going for the younger version, the older was already cast. However, the silver lining of this is that a friend of ours who was in the revue also was not cut yet. So we look forward to hearing if she is cast or not. Her mom was telling me that they were asking the girls with lighter hair if they minded coloring their hair for the show...our friend already has darker hair. :D plus for her!
We still don't know if kiddo is going to audition for the other show yet. She was trying to determine if any of her friends were going to be in the show also and of course she can't get anyone to commit to it. ;)
In the mean time she has a different kind of audition coming up in December...this one will be for getting into a musical theater program in college. there is a chance of a scholarship, which would be awesome but it will be interesting to see which schools might be interested in her. A friend of hers ended up in New York! so fingers crossed on that one.
still plugging away on the driver's license. I went out with DH & kiddo last time and she was driving my car for the first time...she did awesome. She still needs to get comfortable with my car, but most of her problems were with DH changing the directions on her. We were both ready to hit him. lol
My garden never really did all that well this year...I think I didn't get started in time and all the rain we had also put a hamper on things are cooling off quickly so today I took several of the plants and put them on the compost pile. I am still hoping for a few more tomatoes but they and the peppers keep splitting so probably not.
Time now to make kiddo's halloween costume and then start making broth out of all the bones in the freezer to make room for our turkey and stuff. I have no idea how much I might get...I should go count my jars first. ;)
I found a sewing job the other day. The gal had wanted to meet on Saturday to discuss the details, but of course I was busy...hopefully we can get together soon so I can knock that one out...super easy sewing job, shouldn't take me more than an hour. and then I'll look for others. or maybe keep an eye out instead.