Monday, July 03, 2006

The struggle continues...

This past weekend Darly & I went camping. (see post below) And when we got to our campground on Friday around 1pm we found that we had some "squatters" on our campsite. 3 cottontail bunnies. 2 were under the car in the next campsite and one was under the tree on our site. On Friday night I was startled by one running from our tent to the car as we were heading to bed and then on Saturday, just out of curiousity I picked up the corners of our tent and found that one we dubbed "Tenty" had camped out under our tent. The picture above was NOT taken by's one I grabbed from the 'net. There was NO green grass at our campsite.

I had to explain to our neighbors in the next campsite that there was no need to give the rabbits a bowl of water...they were so worried that they wanted to take the rabbits home to care for them. And then I had to explain to them how I know so much about rabbits. Pretty funny since they probably didn't remember much of what I told them.

I came home from my camping trip and checked out my garden...only to find that my hard work at securing my fence had not kept the rabbits out of my garden...they had dug a hole under the back fence! But I still cannot find any evidence of them munching on my garden...just holes dug in the garden. It's so weird. DH found that one had tried to dig a way out of our yard by our second gate (the gate we actually use) it has brick pavers under the gate and sand in the gaps...the rabbit had dug the sand out of the gap trying to fit under the gate...I do not think that it was sucessfull, which is probably why there is the hole under the back fence... but now I have to patrol the yard and find all the breeches to repair and secure. I also have to find out what wormwood is so that I can get some to run off the rabbits. As my lazy dog doesn't seem to be enough of a deterant.

Update: I haven't seen any evidence of rabbit intrusion for the past 3 days. I don't know if this is from my stellar rabbit proofing abilities or if the rain has kept them away. Either way, the veggies are fine and I'm contemplating planting more as some of my seeds didn't come up...I think the birds got them!
I did learn that radishes that go to seed are not they went on the compost heap.


  1. Awww. I'm torn between bunny cuteness and wanting you to have an intact garden. :)

  2. RYC: Ok, so they so weren't hippies. I think they must have been wannabes. Sad, sad.

    Bunnies are so dangerous. Did you see the Wallace and Gromit movie about the bunnies? ;-)
