Monday, January 18, 2010

not a good update...

You may have noticed that I haven't posted anything in a while.  That's mostly because I've been on Facebook and also because we've had a bit of an emergency here.  Let me fill you in...

On Jan 6th at about 9pm or so, DH started feeling pains in his chest on the left side...but he didn't tell anyone about it.  He went to bed and at about 11:30 he finally asked for me to come and help him.  At about 1:30am we went to the ER.

Tests were run and they determined that DH "probably" had pleuracy, but they couldn't be sure.  He should go check with his regular doctor in the morning.  We went home at 4am.  We got a few hours of sleep and DH felt much better (he was all juiced up on drugs from the ER) so he went out and shoveled our driveway and drove to his Mom's house to pick up a few things and shovel her driveway also.

On the 8th at about 4:30am he wakes up in terrible pain and wants to go see his regular doctor who doesn't open until 7am.  So we went to go see her.  She confirms that DH has pleuracy and prescribes him with more pain medication.  I ask her if it is okay for DH to fly because we had a vacation planned the following day and she said that would be fine.

On the 9th DH is still in pain, but managing it with pain meds so we hopped on our plane and headed to Michigan.  When we arrived in Detroit DH reported that he was pretty dehydrated so we attempted to rehydrate him as much as we could.

DH's pain was increasing and he thought perhaps it was from him getting "backed up" caused by the pain medications, so we got him some laxatives to see if that would help.

By the 12th DH was miserable and his sister who is a nurse insisted that he see a doctor as soon as possible.  So I got on the phone to find out about our medical coverage and found that we were only allowed to go to the ER (not an urgent care center) so we took him there.

I'm now going to switch to my Face book posts...

Jan 12
DH has been admitted and has pneumonia. At least two days in the hospital for DH and that means I get to figure out how to rearrange our non-changeable flights! :o Wish me luck and pray for DH please.

Jan 14
had a very busy day today. I went to see DH in the hospital until noon - helped him shave. Then I drove to Detroit to return the rental car (why doesn't Thrifty have someplace closer?). Then I went back to the hospital with BIL and helped DH eat his lunch (yeah, it was very LATE!) they were doing another procedure at lunch time...and finally got home after 7:30...I'm sooooo tired!

also Jan 14
My husband has very lousy tastes in all inclusive resort vacations!

Jan 15
this morning's update is that DH is doing better, but will still stay in the ICU for today. Bummer, I was hoping that he could get moved to Acute Care soon. I know they're still pumping him full of antibiotics and all, but hoped they were done looking at his heart. :(

also Jan 15
the nurse that I never saw LIED! I called this am for DH's update and she said that DH was doing better but wouldn't be moved. (his nurse yesterday was much better at giving me reports) I get to the hospital and they tell me they are moving him. We're now sitting in his new room where I can play on the computer! He's got less stuff hooked up to him too.

Jan 16
DH had a really good day today. They got him up and he walked the hall almost by himself. He is breathing really well on his own. At one point the nurse didn't hook up his O2 right and he was up and moving around with just room air, his puls/ox was at 82. He still gets winded when he up and moving around...but with... his O2 turned on he can keep his pulse/ox at 98.

Jan 17
Dh is still improving, but last night was very rough for him...had a bit of a scare when he had chest pain on the one side...was probably just his lung expanding, but they aren't quite sure. They do know it wasn't a blood clot. Course his roommate bugging the nurse for pain meds (trying to stock up for his release!) ...and breaking up with his girl friend in the middle of the night didn't help. (Dh's extra project: cleaning out his electric razor)

Jan 18
Today was frustrating. Dh had been doing something and then got a he took off his oxygen to get that cleared up. Well the nurses choose that time to check his pulse/ox and of course it was down. So the nurses PANICKED and didn't allow him to do ANYTHING today! The rest of the day his pulse/ox was 98 ...and the respiratory therapist even turned his O2 down. sigh!

I'm sorry that it has been easier to update my Facebook...I'm staying at my BIL's house and for some odd reason his wireless router won't send it's signal to my I have to use my SIL's computer at the house...I can use my computer at the hospital...but today DH decided he was well enough to check his email...  there went all my computer time!  sigh!


  1. I'm glad he is on the mend...
    Let me know if there is anything I can do.

  2. It's good that he's improving. Hope he's back to his regular DH self very soon.

  3. Wow, that's crazy. I only caught like one of those on Facebook.

    Hope things continue to improve!

  4. Oh Renee, I'm so sorry to learn about all this. So fortunate it wasn't his heart (my first thought.)

    Now, in defense of the nurse who lied, I have to tell you that having been a nurse who's in various hospitals, it's the doctor who has to order the move. And doctors are notorious for making nursing staff look like fools because they (the doctors) can change their minds on a whim!

  5. What an adventure. :( I'm glad to hear though that things are much better.
