Friday, March 04, 2022

40 day sugar fast day 4

 I woke up really groggy (thanks useless drugs!) and really parched (also thanks useless drugs!).  The rest of my day went pretty well once I got some water into me.

My foot pain is still the same and the drugs do not seem to be doing anything other than making me very groggy.  ugh!  The PA wrote me back that the reason they didn't look at my broken tailbone is the doctor didn't think that was what was causing my pain.  I have an appointment with a neurologist, but the one med they gave me was supposed to stop nerve pain, and it isn't.  great.

I did feel really hungry after I got my water.  I considered making myself an egg, but never got around to actually doing it. :p  

I replaced a zipper in a skirt twice.  The first time I used a used zipper that was in my stash.  After getting the entire thing sewn in, I went to test it to make sure it works and it ripped the teeth away from the tape in the waist.  ugh!  Pulled that one out and put in another one.  fun times.

Not having sugar doesn't seem to be bothering me all that much.  I guess it was more of a habit to have my coffee with sugar in the morning.  I even gave up my tea.

steps: 18,456  weight:-1lb

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