First off is Lilly our dog.

1. Hi Lilly. What is your favorite food? Oh that's easy! Steak! It hurts my tummy so bad when mommy makes steak for dinner that I just can't wait for it to be my turn to eat it! I have to run and see if the smell is any better from the living room door. I'm not allowed in the dining room...bummer!
2. What is your favorite toy? Hummm...tough choice. It's between the ball and the bone. I love to play ball with my daddy. Mom likes to get me angry by kicking the ball out of the way while I'm waiting for daddy to come in and play ball with me when he gets home from that garage. I just don't understand how the garage sucks my people away because when I go in there I never get sucked away.
3. What's your best trick? Well I think my best trick is to catch the ball when daddy kicks it into the air. But all the humans that visit think my best trick is staying out of the rooms that I'm not allowed in. That's not a trick! I'm just being a good girl and I'm always a good girl.
4. What is your favorite human trick? How I taught daddy to play ball with me. He's the best at it, although mommy & sissy are okay at it. but I love daddy the best. Which mommy finds odd because the shelter said that I didn't like men much. But when I first met daddy (he was out of town when I was adopted) I went right up to him like I had known him all my life.
5. What human rule do you break often?
They tend to get awefully mad at me for jumping up on them. They just don't understand that I NEED to get close to their faces to lick them...but they don't like the licking either. I also have to be first when we go for a walk and that drives my mommy nuts.
6. What do you wish your human knew about you?
What kind of dog I really am. Everyone says I'm really cute and wants to know what breed I am, but they don't know. Mom used to call me a "terry bull" but she was just being silly. She now calls me a Lhasa-poo, but that's probably not right either. Cute Mutt works for me. Who cares about a pedigree anyway?
7. What are you glad your human does NOT know about you?
What I do when they get sucked into the garage.
And now for Trina & Trudy. They are working together today and always as they are almost twins.

8. Hi Girls. What is your favorite food? Bananas! Yummy!
9. What is your favorite toy? Cardboard boxes. They are fun to chew and move around and hide in. Nothing's better than a cardboard box!
10. What's your best trick? How cute we look, although that's not trick...just genetics. But it seems to get us anything we want.
11. What is your favorite human trick? How we've got them trained to take care of our every need. They bring us food and water and clean up the litter pan and treats. They are just really such well trained bunny slaves. And when they go out of town they find us bunny slaves that spoil us even more. We always gain so much weight on vacations.
12. What human rule do you break often?
They really hate it when we chew on the walls or try to eat the vines they call electrical cords. Mom screaches at us for that.
13. What do you wish your human knew about you?
not much, we like our secrecy. We don't talk and don't want to. Although Trina is really good at scaring the little one with her grunts! That's always good for a laugh.
14. What are you glad your human does NOT know about you?
Everything. We keep many secrets that must not ever be divulged.
Well Lilly, Trina & Trudy thank you so much for your time today. I'm sure our readers will appreciate it very much.
Lilly: No problem! Wanna play?
Trina & Trudy:*Thump!*
My lovely commenters & other TT's:
Norma, Katherine, Jen, twiga92, libragirl
lisa, chic mommy, barbra, surrender dorothy
better safe than sorry, purple kangaroo, mom's secret life, maura
laura, lazy daisy, Ames, Uisce
mar, bone, lifecruiser, louise, moogie, ardice
Barbra asked about how cooperative the girls were for this interview. I find it really easy to get information from animals when you're holding their dinner hostage. ;o)
Katherine remarked about Trina's eyeliner. That's pretty common for her breed, dwarf hotot mix. They try for the white liner around the eyes. I don't know why, she's cute but I really prefer Trudy's markings.
Ames asked about Lilly's room. Yes, she does have her own room but she has to share it with my washer & dryer. For the most part she doesn't mind as laundry day is only once a week. But she does get upset when it is laundry day because the dryer squeeks. Dh has tried to fix it, but the machine is almost 14 years old...I think it's about time for a new one. He of course doesn't. Lilly's room has a nice cozy sleeping place under the utility sink and a spot for her meals & water. Lilly hates her water dish because it burps at her which scares her and she will take every opportunity to drink elsewhere. We've been lucky that she hasn't noticed that the tolites have water in them. One of my previous dogs loved tolite water because it was nice & cold and would try to nudge you off the tolite to get at it!
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