We had just got home from VBS today when my "step-dad" called. At first I saw the caller ID and thought it was my mom. I figured she was gonna whine about us going to the wedding.
But when I answered it was my "step-dad." Ut oh!
Vance (my "step-dad"- they aren't married, but have been together since 1993) said that he had to put my mom into the hospital yesterday because she couldn't breath. He said that she had pneumonia back in March and has still be coughing and hacking ever since. He finally took her to a pneumonogist (lung specialist) a while back who told her it was arthritis in her lungs. Meanwhile she is still coughing and hacking.
She was recently put on oxygen at home and that helped some...but yesterday was just too much. In fact she was "out of it" totally not herself. She was appologizing (this woman NEVER applogizes for ANYTHING!) So of course Vance knew something was wrong.
She's been in the hospital for 24 hours and the doctors have run x-rays & MRIs but still can't agree on what is wrong with her. One says pneumonia the other says not.
I'm not doctor...but a good dose of Anti-biotics never hurt anyone (well except for the yeast infection...but that's minor at this point). LOL! I have to make jokes about this to get through it.
So I'm pulling out all the stops here and I'm asking anyone to send prayers & postitive thoughts her way.
What's worse is the timing...we have plans to go to Michigan on Wednesday. I guess worst case, I go to FL (try to get the airlines to change my ticket) and Tom & Chrissy head to Michigan for the wedding.
Thanks everyone...will keep you posted.
UPDATE: My stepdad was at the hospital and she was getting worse again. Her heart rate was up and she was struggling to breath again. The nurse came in and Vance asked if they could see a lung specialist. The lung specialist had her moved to ICU and started running a bunch of tests that haven't ever been done on her (which to me seemed like something that should have been done right away...like running a culture on the mucus in her lungs and doing blood cultures too. ) This was just done so we won't know anything for a bit.
They've upped her oxygen and put her on a full face mask which perked her up. They also gave her some pain meds...but they hadn't kicked in yet and mom was asking for her purse where she keeps her vicadin. Luckily my stepdad didn't let her have it.
UPDATE AGAIN: Just talked to my stepdad and while my mom is still in the ICU, she is stable and doing much better. The tests confirmed that she does have pneumonia so they are putting her on Anti-biotics for that. My stepdad wants them to check a few things with her arthritis & osteoporosis medications while they've got her captive.
I've decided to revamp my blog. Stay tuned for the changes as I'm doing them while I'm supposed to be working. ;)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Tags & Memes
I got tagged as:

Lynn over at A Tired Mama tagged me with this Rockin' Girl Blogger pink tag thingy. She also wrote something very nice about me...and I truly appreciate it...Thanks Lynn. Wow! You think I'm cool. hee hee
"Now I must choose 5 women bloggers worthy of this beautiful pink button and that shouldn't be too hard. If you get tagged, grab your well deserved pretty pink badge up top and slap it on your site and then list 5 Rockin' Girl Bloggers. Here's my list...in no particular order...:
Kailani: Kailani is a busy mom like me, but she thows in an extra kiddo and she works as a flight attendant too! I don't know how she manages to do it all, but she sure comes up with some very funny flight stories. People are sure funny and I love hearing about the weird stuff they do while stuffed into a plane.
Catzee: Is a very cute tortishell kitten who bloggs about her adventures in figuring out our world. She is very curious and shares her world with her older brother Rascal, who as you can see has his own blog too. Sometimes it's a hoot to check out the other side to the story as the cats have very different personalities but get along pretty well under the same roof. Their mom also blogs about her attempts to do her yarn work with curious kitties around.
Carmen: is a fun-loving (maybe not for long?) single gal living & working in VA. She has a very cute cat named Pooh and takes trips to die for. We all live vicariously through her adventures.
Jen: My good real live buddy who got me started in all this blogging business. Jen is a homeschooling mom to 4 great kiddos who are always good for some blog fodder. Lately she's been telling stories of her girls growing up, but she hasn't blogged about them. She may be too busy with her plumbing problems.
Ladybug: Is a very cool Mom with two lovely children who seem to have no heads. ha ha Actually I've been one of the very few privileged folks to see her kids heads. I don't know how LB does it as she is way more busy than I am, but yet she manages to blog too...maybe she doesn't sleep? Well I know she didn't sleep for LLB's slumber party. Poor gal. I hope she gets a nap today.
I actually have many more blogging friends that I think are Cool Rockin Girl Bloggers, but I just went down my blogroll from the top. I love you all!
Music meme
Seen at Janet's
1. Go to the Billboard #1 Hits listings (scroll down and you'll see them separated by decades on the left in the sidebar)
2. Pick the year you turned 18
3. Get yourself nostalgic over the songs of the year
4. Pick 5 songs and write something about how these songs affected you
5. Pass it on to 5 more friends
Okay, Like Janet...I'm gonna comment on the entire year. hee hee
December 22, 1984 - February 1, 1985: Like a Virgin- Madonna that was soooo ironic! that's all I'm sayin.
February 2 - February 15: I Want to Know What Love Is - Foreigner I think I was learning more about what Lust is.
February 16 - March 8: Careless Whisper - Wham! featuring George Michael All I can remember about this was he was arrested soon after this for those "indecent acts."
March 9 - March 29: Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon Hee hee. I remember sitting in sociology class and this girl Amy that I knew complaining about how stupid this song was...specifically the line "...row this ship onto the shore and throw away the oars forever..."
March 30 - April 12: One More Night - Phil Collins Didn't pay much attention to this song back then.
April 13 - May 10: We Are The World - USA For Africa I always prefered the Band Aid song...I was more into European artists.
May 11 - May 17: Crazy for You - Madonna I thought I was crazy for a guy back then...he sure made me do some crazy things (get your mind out of the gutter!) I mean being so focused on spending time with him that I ignored important things like my family and schoolwork. Almost blew my scholarship!
May 18 - May 24: Don't You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds Ah! The Breakfast Club! I remember seeing this at the $1 theater pub w/ same guy mentioned above. We may or may not have ordered illegal for us drinks. We knew some of the folks who worked there and they thought that we were the same age they were.
May 25 - June 7: Everything She Wants - Wham!
June 8 - June 21: Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears For Fears Graduation time!
June 22 - July 5: Heaven - Bryan Adams This was Rubin & Mickey's song. I always thought that Rubin was gay, but apparently Mickey was trying to convince him otherwise.
July 6 - July 12: Sussudio - Phil Collins Did anyone understand this song?
July 13 - July 26: A View to a Kill - Duran Duran Loved Duran Squared!
July 27 - August 2: Everytime You Go Away - Paul Young We used to sing..."Everytime you go...away...you take a piece of MEAT with you..." LOL!
August 3 - August 23: Shout - Tears For Fears Funny, I'm remembering all these songs past June as happening earlier. I guess they were on the charts a long time.
August 24 - September 6: The Power of Love- Huey Lewis & The News Back to the Future!
September 7 - September 20: St. Elmo's Fire (Man In Motion) - John Parr Went to the movies w/ guy mentioned above...we paid to see Backwoods Massacre, but got bored and started to keep ourselves otherwise occupied...but soon realized that we were more interesting than the movie (all eyes were on us) so we snuck into St. Elmo's Fire. The theater was doing some collection for charity and the very same ticket taker had come in with a bucket to collect. I think he did notice that we were just in the other movie...but he didn't say anything. Whew! I must have not seen this movie again cuz I don't remember it...and no we didn't try to be occupied again!
September 21 - October 11: Money For Nothing - Dire Straits Hey, I just quoted this when we installed our new Microwave oven! Cool song...also remember this song much earlier as we had MTV when it came out and did not have MTV when I graduated.
October 12 - October 18: Oh Sheila - Ready For the World
October 19 - October 25: Take On Me - a-ha Oh I loved this song! I bought the cassette tape! I might have been the only person to do that. ha ha
October 26 - November 1: Saving All My Love For You - Whitney Houston Ya know? After all the years of her with Bobby Brown, any good memories have been tainted!
November 2 - November 8: Part Time Lover - Stevie Wonder Still wondering about that song.
November 9 - November 15: Miami Vice Theme - Jan Hammer Never did get into that show much...but did think that Don Johnson was cute.
November 16 - November 29: We Built This City - Starship Did everyone's radio station change that part to their own station?
November 30 - December 6: Separate Lives - Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin What I SHOULD have been doing, but I wasn't!
December 7 - December 20: Broken Wings- Mr. Mister
December 21, 1985 - January 17, 1986: Say You, Say Me - Lionel Richie Say WHAT?

Lynn over at A Tired Mama tagged me with this Rockin' Girl Blogger pink tag thingy. She also wrote something very nice about me...and I truly appreciate it...Thanks Lynn. Wow! You think I'm cool. hee hee
"Now I must choose 5 women bloggers worthy of this beautiful pink button and that shouldn't be too hard. If you get tagged, grab your well deserved pretty pink badge up top and slap it on your site and then list 5 Rockin' Girl Bloggers. Here's my list...in no particular order...:
Kailani: Kailani is a busy mom like me, but she thows in an extra kiddo and she works as a flight attendant too! I don't know how she manages to do it all, but she sure comes up with some very funny flight stories. People are sure funny and I love hearing about the weird stuff they do while stuffed into a plane.
Catzee: Is a very cute tortishell kitten who bloggs about her adventures in figuring out our world. She is very curious and shares her world with her older brother Rascal, who as you can see has his own blog too. Sometimes it's a hoot to check out the other side to the story as the cats have very different personalities but get along pretty well under the same roof. Their mom also blogs about her attempts to do her yarn work with curious kitties around.
Carmen: is a fun-loving (maybe not for long?) single gal living & working in VA. She has a very cute cat named Pooh and takes trips to die for. We all live vicariously through her adventures.
Jen: My good real live buddy who got me started in all this blogging business. Jen is a homeschooling mom to 4 great kiddos who are always good for some blog fodder. Lately she's been telling stories of her girls growing up, but she hasn't blogged about them. She may be too busy with her plumbing problems.
Ladybug: Is a very cool Mom with two lovely children who seem to have no heads. ha ha Actually I've been one of the very few privileged folks to see her kids heads. I don't know how LB does it as she is way more busy than I am, but yet she manages to blog too...maybe she doesn't sleep? Well I know she didn't sleep for LLB's slumber party. Poor gal. I hope she gets a nap today.
I actually have many more blogging friends that I think are Cool Rockin Girl Bloggers, but I just went down my blogroll from the top. I love you all!
Music meme
Seen at Janet's
1. Go to the Billboard #1 Hits listings (scroll down and you'll see them separated by decades on the left in the sidebar)
2. Pick the year you turned 18
3. Get yourself nostalgic over the songs of the year
4. Pick 5 songs and write something about how these songs affected you
5. Pass it on to 5 more friends
Okay, Like Janet...I'm gonna comment on the entire year. hee hee
December 22, 1984 - February 1, 1985: Like a Virgin- Madonna that was soooo ironic! that's all I'm sayin.
February 2 - February 15: I Want to Know What Love Is - Foreigner I think I was learning more about what Lust is.
February 16 - March 8: Careless Whisper - Wham! featuring George Michael All I can remember about this was he was arrested soon after this for those "indecent acts."
March 9 - March 29: Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon Hee hee. I remember sitting in sociology class and this girl Amy that I knew complaining about how stupid this song was...specifically the line "...row this ship onto the shore and throw away the oars forever..."
March 30 - April 12: One More Night - Phil Collins Didn't pay much attention to this song back then.
April 13 - May 10: We Are The World - USA For Africa I always prefered the Band Aid song...I was more into European artists.
May 11 - May 17: Crazy for You - Madonna I thought I was crazy for a guy back then...he sure made me do some crazy things (get your mind out of the gutter!) I mean being so focused on spending time with him that I ignored important things like my family and schoolwork. Almost blew my scholarship!
May 18 - May 24: Don't You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds Ah! The Breakfast Club! I remember seeing this at the $1 theater pub w/ same guy mentioned above. We may or may not have ordered illegal for us drinks. We knew some of the folks who worked there and they thought that we were the same age they were.
May 25 - June 7: Everything She Wants - Wham!
June 8 - June 21: Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears For Fears Graduation time!
June 22 - July 5: Heaven - Bryan Adams This was Rubin & Mickey's song. I always thought that Rubin was gay, but apparently Mickey was trying to convince him otherwise.
July 6 - July 12: Sussudio - Phil Collins Did anyone understand this song?
July 13 - July 26: A View to a Kill - Duran Duran Loved Duran Squared!
July 27 - August 2: Everytime You Go Away - Paul Young We used to sing..."Everytime you go...away...you take a piece of MEAT with you..." LOL!
August 3 - August 23: Shout - Tears For Fears Funny, I'm remembering all these songs past June as happening earlier. I guess they were on the charts a long time.
August 24 - September 6: The Power of Love- Huey Lewis & The News Back to the Future!
September 7 - September 20: St. Elmo's Fire (Man In Motion) - John Parr Went to the movies w/ guy mentioned above...we paid to see Backwoods Massacre, but got bored and started to keep ourselves otherwise occupied...but soon realized that we were more interesting than the movie (all eyes were on us) so we snuck into St. Elmo's Fire. The theater was doing some collection for charity and the very same ticket taker had come in with a bucket to collect. I think he did notice that we were just in the other movie...but he didn't say anything. Whew! I must have not seen this movie again cuz I don't remember it...and no we didn't try to be occupied again!
September 21 - October 11: Money For Nothing - Dire Straits Hey, I just quoted this when we installed our new Microwave oven! Cool song...also remember this song much earlier as we had MTV when it came out and did not have MTV when I graduated.
October 12 - October 18: Oh Sheila - Ready For the World
October 19 - October 25: Take On Me - a-ha Oh I loved this song! I bought the cassette tape! I might have been the only person to do that. ha ha
October 26 - November 1: Saving All My Love For You - Whitney Houston Ya know? After all the years of her with Bobby Brown, any good memories have been tainted!
November 2 - November 8: Part Time Lover - Stevie Wonder Still wondering about that song.
November 9 - November 15: Miami Vice Theme - Jan Hammer Never did get into that show much...but did think that Don Johnson was cute.
November 16 - November 29: We Built This City - Starship Did everyone's radio station change that part to their own station?
November 30 - December 6: Separate Lives - Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin What I SHOULD have been doing, but I wasn't!
December 7 - December 20: Broken Wings- Mr. Mister
December 21, 1985 - January 17, 1986: Say You, Say Me - Lionel Richie Say WHAT?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I bet you're wonderin'...
why I haven't posted anything new in a while? You're thinking "she can't have fallen off the planet because she's been commenting a bit." So why haven't I been posting?
Mostly too busy to even think of anything blog worthy. But I've been toying around with an idea. hee hee
I also wanted to give Darly a chance to answer Island Girl's questions...but she's been busy too. I'll have to do that in a separate post. And thanks to Bone we will be offering a more frequent Darly session...it may be more questions you ask her...it may be (like Scone suggested) questions that she asks you!...or it may just be her very own creation. The gal has talent...don't know where she might be getting that from at all.
So here's the idea I was playing around with.
How much does it cost to go to your neice's wedding?
Well let me see...
Airfare for 3 on Southwest: $714.30
Car Rental from Avis w/ discount: $166.32+ taxes
Car parking in Denver: $29.94+ taxes
Hotels (yes two...one in hometown & one in wedding site town): $384.45
Kennel for animals: $108.50
update shots for dog to stay at kennel: $145 WAIT A MINUTE! All I really needed for her to stay at the kennel was the kennel cough shot so that's: $16.50 The rest of that was the "well it's due next month, so you might as well save yourself a trip..." stuff
Haircoloring/cutting & styling for me: $129+tip
And finally (I think, unless something else comes up) a gift for the Bride & Groom. I was telling DH that whatever we give we should also add on the price of the Flowergirl dress that neice sent us...so say we were planning to spend $100, we should spend or give $135 to cover the dress and maybe more than that to cover shipping the dress to us as well.
I should also mention that we're being sneaky. So far I haven't heard anything from the bride or her mother that we need to be in town early for anything...ie. a bridal shower. (When I married into this family my MIL threw me a shower so that all of DH's female family members could meet me. It was very nice and I got a lot more loot! At the same time they had a shower for DH with all the men & the kids. So no, he didn't get another bachelor party. ha ha) We get in one day before the wedding rehersal...we aren't going to tell anyone that and will let them know we are there at about 8pm of the day before the rehersal. That way we have an entire day to ourselves to do what we want...otherwise we could get stuck at SIL's house doing nothing and eating food that we don't really want.
But here's the deal. In Dh's hometown where niece lives there's a tradition of CRASHING Wedding Receptions. If you're getting married in town...expect for the entire town to show up at your reception. MIL said at some receptions they hire a "bouncer" to keep uninvited guests out. But MIL says that the uninvited guests usually bring gifts, so she didn't think the "Crashers" were a big deal and kinda liked the tradition. But neice is on a tight budget for her wedding and she wants a formal sit down dinner...in order to afford this she has a very small guest list. In fact SIL was talking to her cousin/best friend about the plans and mentioned the date...so cousin was all excited and planning to come to the wedding when SIL had to tell her that she wasn't invited. So to avoid the wedding crashers, neice is having her wedding 2 hours away from hometown...which is why the extra hotel is necessary. DH & I were bummed because this means we won't be able to attend Church in his hometown. While I've seen the Church where he was baptised, I've never been to a service there.
I hope that DH isn't keeping a running tab on how much this is all costing because my mom got all whiney when she heard we were going back to Michigan this summer. Dh said we would try to go visit her in October when we normally take our family vacation...might have to stay with her to afford it. YIKES! I just thought of a pretty good idea... arrange a house swap with my brother & his family. We could go stay at his house in Florida and they could come stay here in our house...we use each other's cars & take care of eachother's pets...and then have our vacations. Hummm? I wonder if my husband & brother would go for this idea? I'm thinking NO!
Mostly too busy to even think of anything blog worthy. But I've been toying around with an idea. hee hee
I also wanted to give Darly a chance to answer Island Girl's questions...but she's been busy too. I'll have to do that in a separate post. And thanks to Bone we will be offering a more frequent Darly session...it may be more questions you ask her...it may be (like Scone suggested) questions that she asks you!...or it may just be her very own creation. The gal has talent...don't know where she might be getting that from at all.
So here's the idea I was playing around with.
How much does it cost to go to your neice's wedding?
Well let me see...
Airfare for 3 on Southwest: $714.30
Car Rental from Avis w/ discount: $166.32+ taxes
Car parking in Denver: $29.94+ taxes
Hotels (yes two...one in hometown & one in wedding site town): $384.45
Kennel for animals: $108.50
update shots for dog to stay at kennel: $145 WAIT A MINUTE! All I really needed for her to stay at the kennel was the kennel cough shot so that's: $16.50 The rest of that was the "well it's due next month, so you might as well save yourself a trip..." stuff
Haircoloring/cutting & styling for me: $129+tip
And finally (I think, unless something else comes up) a gift for the Bride & Groom. I was telling DH that whatever we give we should also add on the price of the Flowergirl dress that neice sent us...so say we were planning to spend $100, we should spend or give $135 to cover the dress and maybe more than that to cover shipping the dress to us as well.
I should also mention that we're being sneaky. So far I haven't heard anything from the bride or her mother that we need to be in town early for anything...ie. a bridal shower. (When I married into this family my MIL threw me a shower so that all of DH's female family members could meet me. It was very nice and I got a lot more loot! At the same time they had a shower for DH with all the men & the kids. So no, he didn't get another bachelor party. ha ha) We get in one day before the wedding rehersal...we aren't going to tell anyone that and will let them know we are there at about 8pm of the day before the rehersal. That way we have an entire day to ourselves to do what we want...otherwise we could get stuck at SIL's house doing nothing and eating food that we don't really want.
But here's the deal. In Dh's hometown where niece lives there's a tradition of CRASHING Wedding Receptions. If you're getting married in town...expect for the entire town to show up at your reception. MIL said at some receptions they hire a "bouncer" to keep uninvited guests out. But MIL says that the uninvited guests usually bring gifts, so she didn't think the "Crashers" were a big deal and kinda liked the tradition. But neice is on a tight budget for her wedding and she wants a formal sit down dinner...in order to afford this she has a very small guest list. In fact SIL was talking to her cousin/best friend about the plans and mentioned the date...so cousin was all excited and planning to come to the wedding when SIL had to tell her that she wasn't invited. So to avoid the wedding crashers, neice is having her wedding 2 hours away from hometown...which is why the extra hotel is necessary. DH & I were bummed because this means we won't be able to attend Church in his hometown. While I've seen the Church where he was baptised, I've never been to a service there.
I hope that DH isn't keeping a running tab on how much this is all costing because my mom got all whiney when she heard we were going back to Michigan this summer. Dh said we would try to go visit her in October when we normally take our family vacation...might have to stay with her to afford it. YIKES! I just thought of a pretty good idea... arrange a house swap with my brother & his family. We could go stay at his house in Florida and they could come stay here in our house...we use each other's cars & take care of eachother's pets...and then have our vacations. Hummm? I wonder if my husband & brother would go for this idea? I'm thinking NO!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
You asked, she answered!
You can still ask questions. These are just the answers so far.
Darly’s answers will be in bold. and my comments will be italicized.
Goofy Girl said...
What do you like being about a kid? One word: SLEEP OVERS !!!
What's something different about yourself? I don’t like spaghetti. She probably says this because I find it highly unusual that my kid doesn’t eat spaghetti. I mean what kid doesn’t eat spaghetti?
What's something in the world you'd like to change? Air plane prices and France not liking U.S.A. um okay. Well I understand the airplane prices…as she likes to travel…but the France/USA thing? Not so sure on that one. Perhaps she would like to go there and wishes they were more friendly to us?
The Meezers said...
Darly, does you like meezers - um, I mean kitties - or woofies better? I know you has a woofie, but doesn't you want a meezer - um, I mean kitty, too? - Miles I LOVE Kitties, but I can’t have one for 2 bad reasons. One: my woofie chases fast moving objects. Two: my dad won’t allow any more animals in the house…3 is our max capacity. I have another reason. Trina & Trudy. Cats are hunters by nature and while there are many many cats who get along just fine with rabbits, I just don’t want to risk it. Besides, we would have the dog chasing the cat and the cat chasing the rabbits…what a mess. And speaking of mess…you should see all the hair in our vacuum cleaner!
Bone said...
I'm trying to remember what I asked last year so I don't ask the same questions again!
Darly, what is your favorite thing about your Mom? Uuummm ‘cuz she loves me. gee, I would have thought that I have some better qualities than that. Ha ha
What is your favorite thing to do? PLAY!!! She likes to read a lot, make crafts and go shopping too.
Do you have any chores? yes clean my messy room !!! and clean up her messes in the living room, kitchen & the office. But she doesn’t do any of them. I have to threaten to vacuum up her doll shoes to get her to move!
Lynn said...
1. What do you like being homeschooled? I have recess whenever I want! If you care what I like about it, I like that we learn what she’s interested in at her pace…I think she retains the info better.
2. Who's your best friend? Um…her name? E. edited by mom to delete friend’s full name. We’ve had this unfortunate problem of her best friends moving away. So E is NOT allowed to move. I hope her parents don’t mind. Hee hee
3. How excited are you about being in the wedding? Can you believe that it's coming up soon? I’m not too excited. And NO!!! LOL! I think she is getting nervous about her roll in the wedding. I think she needs to focus on the fact that she’ll get to see her cousins. It will be a fun trip…although, we really cannot plan to do vacationy stuff right now as we don’t know what the Bride has planned for us.
Joan said...
Darly...since I'm about to leave on a trip to Ireland, my only question involves traveling...
If you could pick one place in the world to visit, where would it be and why? Just one ?!? I guess England. hummm I think she might like Disney World better. LOL! But you did say the world. I would rather go to Germany…but I guess the language thing made her choose England. BTW: no one asked this, but Darly wants to be a librarian when she grows up.
Carmen said...
Hi Darly, I'll ask you some more questions.
What's your favorite outfit to wear in the summer? A cute green t-shirt w/ blue hibiscus flowers on it and some shorts.
Are you a Harry Potter fan? Or is there another book you like better? I’ve never read Harry Potter, but I have a LOT of favorite books one is : DOG by Daniel Pennac. Darly tried to read HP#1 about a year or so ago. But she put it down and hasn’t gone back yet. We have #1-6 waiting for her here (I’ve read them ALL a few times). I expect that she’ll pick them back up soon…well as soon as she can since she’s busy reading her other favorites. She just finished up “Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator,” that’s the follow up to “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”
PS: My sister didn't like pizza. We all thought that was weird. ;) this is the same sister who ruined your plans so she could have her “me” time with a glass of whine? (misspelled on purpose.)
Traveling Chica said...
Oh those are soooo cute! :)
1. What's your favorite book? I have a lot of fave books like the Judy Moody books. And Junnie B Jones, Animal Arc, American Girl, Ramona…etc.
2. Do you like summer or winter better? Summer. she’s her mom’s kid. Hee hee I can’t stand being cold and when it’s finally warm enough, I lay around outside like a lizard soaking in the sun…sometimes in the winter I’ll lay in front of a window if it’s sunny out.
Bone said...
I’m not too excited. And NO!!!
LOL I'm with you, Darly. This is fun. I think Darly should get to blog once a month :) I’m sure that Darly would like that a lot. She loves the comments from her thoughts. I guess that’s another way she’s like her mom. It’s fun to write something that everyone likes.
Darly’s answers will be in bold. and my comments will be italicized.
Goofy Girl said...
What do you like being about a kid? One word: SLEEP OVERS !!!
What's something different about yourself? I don’t like spaghetti. She probably says this because I find it highly unusual that my kid doesn’t eat spaghetti. I mean what kid doesn’t eat spaghetti?
What's something in the world you'd like to change? Air plane prices and France not liking U.S.A. um okay. Well I understand the airplane prices…as she likes to travel…but the France/USA thing? Not so sure on that one. Perhaps she would like to go there and wishes they were more friendly to us?
The Meezers said...
Darly, does you like meezers - um, I mean kitties - or woofies better? I know you has a woofie, but doesn't you want a meezer - um, I mean kitty, too? - Miles I LOVE Kitties, but I can’t have one for 2 bad reasons. One: my woofie chases fast moving objects. Two: my dad won’t allow any more animals in the house…3 is our max capacity. I have another reason. Trina & Trudy. Cats are hunters by nature and while there are many many cats who get along just fine with rabbits, I just don’t want to risk it. Besides, we would have the dog chasing the cat and the cat chasing the rabbits…what a mess. And speaking of mess…you should see all the hair in our vacuum cleaner!
Bone said...
I'm trying to remember what I asked last year so I don't ask the same questions again!
Darly, what is your favorite thing about your Mom? Uuummm ‘cuz she loves me. gee, I would have thought that I have some better qualities than that. Ha ha
What is your favorite thing to do? PLAY!!! She likes to read a lot, make crafts and go shopping too.
Do you have any chores? yes clean my messy room !!! and clean up her messes in the living room, kitchen & the office. But she doesn’t do any of them. I have to threaten to vacuum up her doll shoes to get her to move!
Lynn said...
1. What do you like being homeschooled? I have recess whenever I want! If you care what I like about it, I like that we learn what she’s interested in at her pace…I think she retains the info better.
2. Who's your best friend? Um…her name? E. edited by mom to delete friend’s full name. We’ve had this unfortunate problem of her best friends moving away. So E is NOT allowed to move. I hope her parents don’t mind. Hee hee
3. How excited are you about being in the wedding? Can you believe that it's coming up soon? I’m not too excited. And NO!!! LOL! I think she is getting nervous about her roll in the wedding. I think she needs to focus on the fact that she’ll get to see her cousins. It will be a fun trip…although, we really cannot plan to do vacationy stuff right now as we don’t know what the Bride has planned for us.
Joan said...
Darly...since I'm about to leave on a trip to Ireland, my only question involves traveling...
If you could pick one place in the world to visit, where would it be and why? Just one ?!? I guess England. hummm I think she might like Disney World better. LOL! But you did say the world. I would rather go to Germany…but I guess the language thing made her choose England. BTW: no one asked this, but Darly wants to be a librarian when she grows up.
Carmen said...
Hi Darly, I'll ask you some more questions.
What's your favorite outfit to wear in the summer? A cute green t-shirt w/ blue hibiscus flowers on it and some shorts.
Are you a Harry Potter fan? Or is there another book you like better? I’ve never read Harry Potter, but I have a LOT of favorite books one is : DOG by Daniel Pennac. Darly tried to read HP#1 about a year or so ago. But she put it down and hasn’t gone back yet. We have #1-6 waiting for her here (I’ve read them ALL a few times). I expect that she’ll pick them back up soon…well as soon as she can since she’s busy reading her other favorites. She just finished up “Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator,” that’s the follow up to “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”
PS: My sister didn't like pizza. We all thought that was weird. ;) this is the same sister who ruined your plans so she could have her “me” time with a glass of whine? (misspelled on purpose.)
Traveling Chica said...
Oh those are soooo cute! :)
1. What's your favorite book? I have a lot of fave books like the Judy Moody books. And Junnie B Jones, Animal Arc, American Girl, Ramona…etc.
2. Do you like summer or winter better? Summer. she’s her mom’s kid. Hee hee I can’t stand being cold and when it’s finally warm enough, I lay around outside like a lizard soaking in the sun…sometimes in the winter I’ll lay in front of a window if it’s sunny out.
Bone said...
I’m not too excited. And NO!!!
LOL I'm with you, Darly. This is fun. I think Darly should get to blog once a month :) I’m sure that Darly would like that a lot. She loves the comments from her thoughts. I guess that’s another way she’s like her mom. It’s fun to write something that everyone likes.
Monday, June 11, 2007
You get to interview Darly
I was looking at some of my old posts tonight and Darly was looking over my shoulder at a post we did last year. We ask You the viewer to ask Darly questions and she answered them...I of course had to add my comments. Darly remembered what fun it was to answer those questions and she has different answers for many of them...so she asked if I would ask you to ask her some more questions.
So here it is...ask Darly your questions and she'll answer them...right here at Fefyfomanna.
So here it is...ask Darly your questions and she'll answer them...right here at Fefyfomanna.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Small town Parade!
One of the greatest things about living in the small town that I live in here is that they have not just one parade, but TWO every year. The first parade of the year is during the Parker Country Festival and that was today. They have another parade at Christmas time and it is a Carriage parade with lots of horses.
So today was our parade and I couldn't remember seeing what time the parade started anywhere. So I hopped on line and found that the start time was 10:30am. Whew! I had over an hour.
DH decided that he should really go to MIL's house to do her yardwork, so I suggested that I take Darly to the parade while he did that. DH wisely suggested that he could drop us off and then we would just have to walk home. Not a bad thing. We normally park about 1/2 the way and walk in. It's less than two miles from the farthest point back to our house...although we did walk through all the vendor booths...so give us another 1/2 a mile or so of walking total.
We told Darly that DH was going to drop us off at the parade. She figured out before we even left that we were either going to have to be there a long time (waiting for DH) or have to walk back. Smart girl! I didn't tell her that the waiting for DH thing wasn't an option.
So I wake Darly up and have her get ready to go. We thought that we would be able to pull into this one area to drop us off, but they had that area blocked to prevent folks from trying to park there. So DH did a U-turn and dropped us off at the end of Mainstreet where the parade was setting up. We freaked out a kid who was helping the police keep folks from trying to turn onto the blocked road...but as I got out, I told him that he was just dropping us off and the kid was fine.
Darly & I walked to the parade starting point and found a good place to watch. It was a very good parade and we got TONS of candy...I forgot to bring a bag so I was trying to figure out where to put all the candy. After the parade we went to the bank and asked if they had any bags (which I know they did because I saw others with them!) and they were happy to give us a bag and asked us to come back for a chance at the money grab (put you in a cage w/ a fan blowing around money and all the money you catch goes into your new account you open with them.) yeah right!
After that we headed to the vendor booths. We saw at least three chiropractors, bunches of insurance sales (one gave out free sunscreen!), two Airbonne booths, and tons of other stuff. I ended up walking right past most of it. We got Darly's face painted for free - it didn't look all that great and it didn't last at all, but what do ya want for free? Darly was happy.
Instead of eating the WAY overpriced fair food we walked over to McDonalds and joined the very packed air conditioned room of all the smart folks. After that we stopped by the pet store and visited lots of very cute puppies and a very talkative Meezer cat. (I bet his future owner won't get much sleep! LOL!) Darly fell in love with lots of cuties. There was this one puppy (Shih Tzu or Lhasa Apso) who was flat on his back, front paws at his sides with his head in the food dish. It was so cute.
We then checked out the Beadery Cafe. They have a coffee bar & where you can make bead crafts. The first thing I noticed was that they had the very best radio station playing. hee hee I said "Oh listen (to Darly) they have a really Great Radio Station playing!" and the owner's daughter says "Oh you listen to KLOVE?" and I said "All the Time!" and then she started asking me about a contest they had just recently had there. She was cute...she had tried to win, but never got through. Her question would have been too easy though...she said she wanted to know the second line to a song. You were supposed to stump the DJs. Oh well.
Next stop... Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins. We both got sherbert. Rainbow for Darly & I got Lime Daquiri Ice. Very tart & refreshing. We checked out the rides but didn't see any that we wanted to spend that kind of money on, so we headed for home.
Darly got tired so we rested at a Church's picnic area that is about 1/2 way to our house (very nice) I took off my shoes and cooled my feet in the shade. Then we headed home. She might be napping...I could go for that.
Wonder how Dh is doing? He's supposed to be mowing a yard.
So today was our parade and I couldn't remember seeing what time the parade started anywhere. So I hopped on line and found that the start time was 10:30am. Whew! I had over an hour.
DH decided that he should really go to MIL's house to do her yardwork, so I suggested that I take Darly to the parade while he did that. DH wisely suggested that he could drop us off and then we would just have to walk home. Not a bad thing. We normally park about 1/2 the way and walk in. It's less than two miles from the farthest point back to our house...although we did walk through all the vendor booths...so give us another 1/2 a mile or so of walking total.
We told Darly that DH was going to drop us off at the parade. She figured out before we even left that we were either going to have to be there a long time (waiting for DH) or have to walk back. Smart girl! I didn't tell her that the waiting for DH thing wasn't an option.
So I wake Darly up and have her get ready to go. We thought that we would be able to pull into this one area to drop us off, but they had that area blocked to prevent folks from trying to park there. So DH did a U-turn and dropped us off at the end of Mainstreet where the parade was setting up. We freaked out a kid who was helping the police keep folks from trying to turn onto the blocked road...but as I got out, I told him that he was just dropping us off and the kid was fine.
Darly & I walked to the parade starting point and found a good place to watch. It was a very good parade and we got TONS of candy...I forgot to bring a bag so I was trying to figure out where to put all the candy. After the parade we went to the bank and asked if they had any bags (which I know they did because I saw others with them!) and they were happy to give us a bag and asked us to come back for a chance at the money grab (put you in a cage w/ a fan blowing around money and all the money you catch goes into your new account you open with them.) yeah right!
After that we headed to the vendor booths. We saw at least three chiropractors, bunches of insurance sales (one gave out free sunscreen!), two Airbonne booths, and tons of other stuff. I ended up walking right past most of it. We got Darly's face painted for free - it didn't look all that great and it didn't last at all, but what do ya want for free? Darly was happy.
Instead of eating the WAY overpriced fair food we walked over to McDonalds and joined the very packed air conditioned room of all the smart folks. After that we stopped by the pet store and visited lots of very cute puppies and a very talkative Meezer cat. (I bet his future owner won't get much sleep! LOL!) Darly fell in love with lots of cuties. There was this one puppy (Shih Tzu or Lhasa Apso) who was flat on his back, front paws at his sides with his head in the food dish. It was so cute.
We then checked out the Beadery Cafe. They have a coffee bar & where you can make bead crafts. The first thing I noticed was that they had the very best radio station playing. hee hee I said "Oh listen (to Darly) they have a really Great Radio Station playing!" and the owner's daughter says "Oh you listen to KLOVE?" and I said "All the Time!" and then she started asking me about a contest they had just recently had there. She was cute...she had tried to win, but never got through. Her question would have been too easy though...she said she wanted to know the second line to a song. You were supposed to stump the DJs. Oh well.
Next stop... Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins. We both got sherbert. Rainbow for Darly & I got Lime Daquiri Ice. Very tart & refreshing. We checked out the rides but didn't see any that we wanted to spend that kind of money on, so we headed for home.
Darly got tired so we rested at a Church's picnic area that is about 1/2 way to our house (very nice) I took off my shoes and cooled my feet in the shade. Then we headed home. She might be napping...I could go for that.
Wonder how Dh is doing? He's supposed to be mowing a yard.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Bunny cam
too cute!
No these babies are not mine. I found them on YouTube. The owner is a teenager who raises show bunnies. The babies are from 3 different litters, one litter is 8 weeks old (the bigger ones) and the other two are 4 weeks old. The owner kept just one of these cuties and found homes for all the rest.
Darly wants to changes the words to the Llama Song to post with this. Maybe I'll get that up later tonight or this weekend.
here’s a bunny
there’s a bunny
and another little bunny
fuzzy bunny
funny bunny
bunny bunny
bunny bunny
bunny bunny
bunny bunny
i was once a treehouse
i lived in a cake
but i never saw the way
the orange slayed the rake
i was only three years dead
but it told a tale
and now listen, little child
to the safety rail
did you every see a rabbit
kiss a rabbit
on the rabbit
rabbit’s rabbit
tastes of rabbit
rabbit rabbit
half a rabbit
twice the rabbit
not a rabbit
rabbit in a car
VW rabbit
is THIS how it's told now?
is it all so old?
is it made of lemon juice?
now my song is getting thin
i've run out of pop
time for me to retire now
and become a LOP!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Where in the world is Renee this month?
I've been trying really hard to get Darly to see her bestest friend but lately things just aren't working out...and I've also tried to plan a camping trip for us, but that doesn't look like it's happening either.
Here's why:
Wed 6/6 worked at church* from 9am to 12pm, took Darly to park, no one there so we went to the mall to get me a hair appt & eat lunch, then took Darly to her gymnastics class. Got home to realize that I had forgotten to take anything out for dinner...we had hot dogs.
*working at Church to cover for the Secretary who is on vacation.
At Church there are only a few folks who volunteer there who are willing to do the computer work. So the Office manager saves up work for us to do. I'm not sure why they keep just finding out that they need certain info, but it seems each time I come to help out they need more data entered so they can have the software print out a report. Wednesday I got to enter all the Baptisms that have happened since May of 2006 when they ran out of pages in the "Big Red Book" and couldn't find any more.
Thurs 6/7 work at church 8 am til 12pm. I was supposed to be there today at 8 but the secretary forgot to tell me that. oops! trying to get Darly to see bestest friend, but realized that bestest friend is scheduled to do a coop class that we didn't sign up for. Probably won't work out then.
Today, Thursday, I got to Church about 7:55. I was the first one there. Luckily the construction crew was there so I could get in. I finished up one of the baptism items (someone had entered a family incorrectly...had the guy's mother as his wife. LOL!) And I got to start entering the Church's inventory. What a fun job that is. NOT! For insurance purposes, we have to keep a record of EVERYTHING in the Church. So I got to type out... in closet 2a, 95 folding chairs, value $15ea. It was great fun...not. But it is good to be helping out. I also got to learn how to operate the folding machine. Very interesting piece of equipment.
Unfortunately Bestest Friend and her family are going away for the weekend and Darly can't go visit with them...so she'll not get her sleepover and will be very bummed when I tell her.
Friday 6/8 work at church 8 to 5. Darly will be helping me unless I can get her a sleepover. see above...no sleepover. :(
No sleepover so Darly had to go with me to help out at Church. Unfortunately there wasn't much work she could do at Church that she wanted to do. She ended up reading upside down from a chair for most of the time. (she puts her feet & bottom in the chair and hangs her head down to the floor and reads upside down...I don't ask.) Since it was so quiet at Church we got to go home early.
Saturday 6/9 we will got to MIL's house to get her yard taken care of.
See the parade post above!
Sunday 6/10 I get to usher at Church to fill in for DH as he is leaving town. Not sure what we'll do after Church. Hummm girls in trouble ;)
DH left at about 9am for his trip and then Darly & I went to Church. I was ushering with the former Church president. Mr. Ex-Pres normally ushers at the 8am service, so I had to fill him in on how we do communion at the 10:30. It all went off mostly w/o any hitches...except one lady who was sitting in the Narthex came in before I was ready...but I just waved her on through. See our Church has four sections of pews and then there are also pews out in the Narthex for overflow and noisy children. (this past Sunday it was for quiet sleeping babies though.) They have 4 communion stations (one for each section) but the two outer sections of pews are much smaller, so they of course are done sooner. When that happens, we are supposed to send the larger sections to the outer stations...but that makes things very tricky for getting back to the pews. What they should do is go all the way around and back to the middle eisle to return to the pew...but they don't. LOL Oh well it worked out okay.
Monday 6/11 more work at Church 9-12 this time. Darly to gym at 4:30.
I got to Church first and had to find a way in. Soon after I got there a group that does medical screenings showed up to set up...turns out they were at the wrong Church. I had to go send them next door. One of them was smoking a cigarette...I hollered at him "HEY! THAT'S NOT HEALTHY!" he said he knew.
I started entering the inventory again...but only got one page done when I was asked to do another task. We are trying to make sure that everyone's info is entered into the system correctly and the same way...unfortunately we have a "Too many cooks in the kitchen" thing going on as each different person who works on something has their own idea of how it should be entered. So I spent today making everyone entered as Adults Only was really TWO adults...many were single! While doing this I found a family with TWO wives! LOL! That's not really what happened of course. Turns out that Mr & Mrs had two kids. Both kids got married and eventually moved away...but the DD was never moved out into her own family and someone changed her status to spouse...so it looked like she was married to her dad. What's even weirder is that the DIL has the same first name as the DD. We had a lot of fun working that out...good thing the DIL works for the Church so I could ask her what is going on.
Tuesday 6/12 supposed to go to the zoo, probably won't; Darly has a doc appt for a physical so she can go to summer camp.
Wednesday 6/13 another attempt at park day and then gym at 4:30
Thursday 6/14 Hair appt for me so hopefully I look good for the wedding. Can't go to Night Out 'cuz there's no one to watch Darly.
Friday 6/15 going to see IMAX film on Beavers then will study animal habitats in Girl Scouts (should look for badges to cover) DH comes home
Saturday 6/16 Gym make up for Memorial Day.
Sunday 6/17 should be normal...we'll see
At least I don't have 4 things scheduled for one day...yet.
Here's why:
Wed 6/6 worked at church* from 9am to 12pm, took Darly to park, no one there so we went to the mall to get me a hair appt & eat lunch, then took Darly to her gymnastics class. Got home to realize that I had forgotten to take anything out for dinner...we had hot dogs.
*working at Church to cover for the Secretary who is on vacation.
At Church there are only a few folks who volunteer there who are willing to do the computer work. So the Office manager saves up work for us to do. I'm not sure why they keep just finding out that they need certain info, but it seems each time I come to help out they need more data entered so they can have the software print out a report. Wednesday I got to enter all the Baptisms that have happened since May of 2006 when they ran out of pages in the "Big Red Book" and couldn't find any more.
Thurs 6/7 work at church 8 am til 12pm. I was supposed to be there today at 8 but the secretary forgot to tell me that. oops! trying to get Darly to see bestest friend, but realized that bestest friend is scheduled to do a coop class that we didn't sign up for. Probably won't work out then.
Today, Thursday, I got to Church about 7:55. I was the first one there. Luckily the construction crew was there so I could get in. I finished up one of the baptism items (someone had entered a family incorrectly...had the guy's mother as his wife. LOL!) And I got to start entering the Church's inventory. What a fun job that is. NOT! For insurance purposes, we have to keep a record of EVERYTHING in the Church. So I got to type out... in closet 2a, 95 folding chairs, value $15ea. It was great fun...not. But it is good to be helping out. I also got to learn how to operate the folding machine. Very interesting piece of equipment.
Unfortunately Bestest Friend and her family are going away for the weekend and Darly can't go visit with them...so she'll not get her sleepover and will be very bummed when I tell her.
Friday 6/8 work at church 8 to 5. Darly will be helping me unless I can get her a sleepover. see above...no sleepover. :(
No sleepover so Darly had to go with me to help out at Church. Unfortunately there wasn't much work she could do at Church that she wanted to do. She ended up reading upside down from a chair for most of the time. (she puts her feet & bottom in the chair and hangs her head down to the floor and reads upside down...I don't ask.) Since it was so quiet at Church we got to go home early.
Saturday 6/9 we will got to MIL's house to get her yard taken care of.
See the parade post above!
Sunday 6/10 I get to usher at Church to fill in for DH as he is leaving town. Not sure what we'll do after Church. Hummm girls in trouble ;)
DH left at about 9am for his trip and then Darly & I went to Church. I was ushering with the former Church president. Mr. Ex-Pres normally ushers at the 8am service, so I had to fill him in on how we do communion at the 10:30. It all went off mostly w/o any hitches...except one lady who was sitting in the Narthex came in before I was ready...but I just waved her on through. See our Church has four sections of pews and then there are also pews out in the Narthex for overflow and noisy children. (this past Sunday it was for quiet sleeping babies though.) They have 4 communion stations (one for each section) but the two outer sections of pews are much smaller, so they of course are done sooner. When that happens, we are supposed to send the larger sections to the outer stations...but that makes things very tricky for getting back to the pews. What they should do is go all the way around and back to the middle eisle to return to the pew...but they don't. LOL Oh well it worked out okay.
Monday 6/11 more work at Church 9-12 this time. Darly to gym at 4:30.
I got to Church first and had to find a way in. Soon after I got there a group that does medical screenings showed up to set up...turns out they were at the wrong Church. I had to go send them next door. One of them was smoking a cigarette...I hollered at him "HEY! THAT'S NOT HEALTHY!" he said he knew.
I started entering the inventory again...but only got one page done when I was asked to do another task. We are trying to make sure that everyone's info is entered into the system correctly and the same way...unfortunately we have a "Too many cooks in the kitchen" thing going on as each different person who works on something has their own idea of how it should be entered. So I spent today making everyone entered as Adults Only was really TWO adults...many were single! While doing this I found a family with TWO wives! LOL! That's not really what happened of course. Turns out that Mr & Mrs had two kids. Both kids got married and eventually moved away...but the DD was never moved out into her own family and someone changed her status to spouse...so it looked like she was married to her dad. What's even weirder is that the DIL has the same first name as the DD. We had a lot of fun working that out...good thing the DIL works for the Church so I could ask her what is going on.
Tuesday 6/12 supposed to go to the zoo, probably won't; Darly has a doc appt for a physical so she can go to summer camp.
Wednesday 6/13 another attempt at park day and then gym at 4:30
Thursday 6/14 Hair appt for me so hopefully I look good for the wedding. Can't go to Night Out 'cuz there's no one to watch Darly.
Friday 6/15 going to see IMAX film on Beavers then will study animal habitats in Girl Scouts (should look for badges to cover) DH comes home
Saturday 6/16 Gym make up for Memorial Day.
Sunday 6/17 should be normal...we'll see
At least I don't have 4 things scheduled for one day...yet.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Thair be Pirates!
While surfing the blogosphere I found a contest. I know, what's so special about that, there are contests everywhere?
But this contest is for winning both Pirates of the Caribbean movies that are on DVD (course you can't win Pirates 3...it's still in the movies!)
So to get me a few more entries in the contest...I post about the contest. Easy peasy. So here it is:
My wonderful post about the wonderful contest going on over at SIMPLE KIND OF LIVE her colleenie weenie contest: june
I really hope I win...but if I don't, I hope one of you...my friends wins (and lets me cover to your house to watch the movies.)
But this contest is for winning both Pirates of the Caribbean movies that are on DVD (course you can't win Pirates 3...it's still in the movies!)
So to get me a few more entries in the contest...I post about the contest. Easy peasy. So here it is:
My wonderful post about the wonderful contest going on over at SIMPLE KIND OF LIVE her colleenie weenie contest: june
I really hope I win...but if I don't, I hope one of you...my friends wins (and lets me cover to your house to watch the movies.)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
It's another boring saturday here. DH had to work, so Darly & I are left to our own for entertainment.
We were supposed to go to a friend's baptism today. But Darly woke up throwing up. How fun is that???
She's been at it for 2 hours...no idea why. She feels a bit warm to my hand, but then my hands are always cold...so I just sent her to get the thermometer. I'm sure she isn't sick...she's never sick. I'm wondering if perhaps she's allergic to something as the only thing she ate last night that was different from the rest of us were Twizzlers.
We finally got a Pepto Bismol down here and she seems to have gotten empty. I'm betting that she'll be eating like crazy in about an hour...hoping it all stays down.
I should go do some more laundry...blech!
UPDATE: Darly was feeling better and did eat a lot today...with none of it coming back up! But I went outside to read my book and managed to sunburn my legs...you should see how I'm sitting to type this...it isn't pretty! DH said my legs look like lobsters and he expects that I'll be the one puking soon. I've never done that puking from too much sun thing. But I did do something stupid... I put Aloe Vera on my legs...and then a bit later went to take a shower...as the water was warming up I had bent my legs and the aloe on them stuck together. When I went to stand up it was like I was ripping a bandaid off my legs. OWCH!
We still don't know what made Darly's tummy do the flip flop...I'm thinking it was the red dye that she ate, but it could be the artificial flavor. I don't really wanna test it again.
We were supposed to go to a friend's baptism today. But Darly woke up throwing up. How fun is that???
She's been at it for 2 hours...no idea why. She feels a bit warm to my hand, but then my hands are always cold...so I just sent her to get the thermometer. I'm sure she isn't sick...she's never sick. I'm wondering if perhaps she's allergic to something as the only thing she ate last night that was different from the rest of us were Twizzlers.
We finally got a Pepto Bismol down here and she seems to have gotten empty. I'm betting that she'll be eating like crazy in about an hour...hoping it all stays down.
I should go do some more laundry...blech!
UPDATE: Darly was feeling better and did eat a lot today...with none of it coming back up! But I went outside to read my book and managed to sunburn my legs...you should see how I'm sitting to type this...it isn't pretty! DH said my legs look like lobsters and he expects that I'll be the one puking soon. I've never done that puking from too much sun thing. But I did do something stupid... I put Aloe Vera on my legs...and then a bit later went to take a shower...as the water was warming up I had bent my legs and the aloe on them stuck together. When I went to stand up it was like I was ripping a bandaid off my legs. OWCH!
We still don't know what made Darly's tummy do the flip flop...I'm thinking it was the red dye that she ate, but it could be the artificial flavor. I don't really wanna test it again.
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