Monday, June 11, 2007

You get to interview Darly

I was looking at some of my old posts tonight and Darly was looking over my shoulder at a post we did last year. We ask You the viewer to ask Darly questions and she answered them...I of course had to add my comments. Darly remembered what fun it was to answer those questions and she has different answers for many of she asked if I would ask you to ask her some more questions.

So here it is...ask Darly your questions and she'll answer them...right here at Fefyfomanna.


  1. What do you like being about a kid?

    What's something different about yourself?

    What's something in the world you'd like to change?

  2. Darly, does you like meezers - um, I mean kitties - or woofies better? I know you has a woofie, but doesn't you want a meezer - um, I mean kitty, too? - Miles

  3. I'm trying to remember what I asked last year so I don't ask the same questions again!

    Darly, what is your favorite thing about your Mom?

    What is your favorite thing to do?

    Do you have any chores?

  4. Darly,
    1. What do you like being homeschooled?

    2. Who's your best friend?

    3. How excited are you about being in the wedding? Can you believe that it's coming up soon?

  5. Darly...since I'm about to leave on a trip to Ireland, my only question involves traveling...

    If you could pick one place in the world to visit, where would it be and why?

  6. Darly,

    Do you like dogs or cats better?

    Does your Mom let you eat dinner while you watch TV?

    Yogurt: Yuck or yum?
