I've decided to revamp my blog. Stay tuned for the changes as I'm doing them while I'm supposed to be working. ;)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
MIL update:
Currently she is still doing the same. We went to see her and she kept talking about DH. I have to wonder if her worrying about him got her worked up enough to have this stroke. sigh funny thing, I was all worried about DH on Tuesday too.
DH might be coming back to see her before he leaves, I left the decision to him.
I kinda think that since she's stable that he doesn't need to come (If her condition was deteriorating I would tell him to hop the next flight) and I also worry about MIL if he comes and then has to leave again. I won't tell him to not come.
SIL misunderstood what she heard on my phone call with DH and told MIL that he was coming...sigh! Now I'm a bit worried about her condition if he doesn't come too.
Just talked to SIL and there's a chance that they'll be moving her out of ICU the the neuro floor. She's still stable.
well today she seemed worse to us but the doctor said it was actually better.
As part of the healing she had more swelling going on so she was sleepier, couldn't stay awake long enough to talk and was less responsive. The doctor assured SIL that this is normal. SIL is a nurse and knows most of this...I was teasing her because she and MIL's nurse were talking "nurse speak" and I didn't understand it.
Oh and we found out that she was found on top of a lamp that was ON so she had a nasty burn on her stomach. The nurse told me she fell on a lamp when I called Wednesday night, but I didn't realize it was on and she had been on it since she fell. The burn was really bothering her yesterday so I requested that the nurse change her dressing early because MIL was so agitated by it...it did seem to help...I don't know what they put on it...I would have put something to numb the area though (that's what I do to my burns).
We have figured out that she was fine up to at least 10pm on Tuesday because she wrote down the results to "Dancing with the Stars." And although I didn't watch the nurse said it was on that late on Tuesday. But MIL didn't answer her phone at 7am on Wednesday and she wasn't found until she missed her doctor's appointment at noon. (remember she was on a lamp this entire time...OUCH!)
SIL was with her all day today and was helping with her care. She was showing us (BIL & I) some things and we realized that she has some control of her left leg. But when the physical therapists were working with her, she wasn't able to sit up or even stay awake for them while they held her up.
She wasn't moved to Neuro because there wasn't a bed available.
Darly has been staying with her friend a lot lately while I've been getting the inlaws from the airport to the hospital. Darly stayed the night with them last night. I'm so very greatful that she has someplace fun to go during all of this. Yesterday Darly, our friends & I went to the Wildlife Animal Sanctuary. We had a great time and saw some beautiful animals...it is such a shame that we need a place like this. All of the animals there were bred in captivity and sold as pets. :( Stupid humans!
The inlaws now have the keys to DH's car so I don't have to be a taxi. DH is so funny (or at least I find his reactions to stress to be funny sometimes) his first thought is to call up the insurance and take his mom off the policy...and to worry about his siblings taking care of his car. LOL! The car looked just fine last night.
I finally had a good conversation with DH last night on my cell phone when I was at dinner with the inlaws. I was able to give him as much info as I knew and we both agreed that (with the help of flights not being available due to the holiday) for him to hang tight where he is for now. The doctors said that MIL still had another 24 hours until they considered her out of the woods for a repeat stroke. Depending on when she actually had the stroke that is sometime Sunday before 7am.
MIL's stroke was the kind where the blood vessel bursts in the brain ...they call it a bleed out. Apparently she had multiple bleeds in different parts of her brain and the doctor says she has a condition where this happens (I forgot those details).
Thursday, May 21, 2009
prayer request for MIL
She's currently in the ICU and is stable...they said they were not planning any surgery and that they were planning her recovery therapy. When I called for an update this morning she was on her way to a MRI and I'll have to call back.
One SIL(#2) is on her way here and she's a nurse. I spoke to SIL #1 and gave her the update on what I knew.
I've sent DH an email, but I'm not sure if I should call up the Red Cross (how I would get a message to him immediately) as other than worry there isn't much for him to do right now.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Week in review
First I'll answer a bit of fan mail (aka comments)
TC said...
"she asked if I would cut off the 1/2 inch she wants. I probably could, but I like that her hair was done right. "
ROFL Hahahaha. Oh man, I love it.
OK Chick: What can I say? I'm setting trends, I'm setting trends. Not blogging, cutting my hair... what will I start next? ;)
To TC: well I was considering cutting my hair, but your pictures did convince me to go this short.
Bone said...
Congrats on getting the spoon for two dollars. I was going to ask if you tried haggling like George did in that one episode.
No I didn't have to haggle. The one shop had only name brands and this shop had a generic for what I was willing to pay.
Jen said...
What are these special spoons?
No there isn't anything special about them, it was just that the old spoons I had all broke and I needed new ones, but I didn't need a new ladel & spatula (cuz I don't use them) so buying a set wasn't worth it...I just needed to find the spoons.
Okay, now for the updates.
Last week I was asked to consider becoming a counter for our Church. So on Monday I went in. I was told the ladies start at 8:30...no one showed up until 8:45. LOL! The regular counters were eager to have some new blood. I was told that some of the current counters are ready to move on to other things and that one counter is really getting too old to be of any use. She can't see, she frequently miscounts and she doesn't cancel the checks correctly. However, this same lady gets offended if you point out her mistakes and after working with her, I don't think that she is at all ready to step down from this job. I'm sure she likes the company. After I got home I got a call from this lady and I was at first worried that I was going to get told off for redoing some of her counting...but instead she was checking to see if she could add me to the schedule. We'll see how this all comes out...I think the office manager would like for this lady to step down, but doesn't want to ask her to. I think she wants me to come in and reform it so that the older lady quits.
Tuesday, Darly & I went to The Melting Pot for a tour and chocolate fondue. I have to admit that I was very charmed by this place. I had been to the Melting Pot in FL and wasn't at all impressed with it. Honestly I was upset at paying so much for dinner and then having to cook my dinner myself! And there wasn't much of anything to make it seem special, going there really put a damper on a wonderful day for me, that was the day that DH asked me to be his DW.
But this Melting Pot has a very charming atmosphere, with goregous views. I may have to give them another chance, although the cooking my own dinner still doesn't appeal to me, perhaps we should go just for the chocolate!
After stuffing ourselves with chocolate we went with some friends over to a dance supply store in search of new leotards for Darly. (they were looking for their girls too!) But we struck out big time. They didn't carry the type that we like.
So then it was time for lunch and we went to a nice deli. Unfortunately they put mayonaise on Darly's "plain" turkey sandwich. she only ate the upper half that didn't touch the mayo. :p My gyro was totally delish though.
next it was time to get Darly's yearbook photo taken. Darly wanted to wait for a friend of hers to show up, but I learned later that she had already been there and gone. oops.
And then Darly went to gymnastics. She is really liking her new gym a lot. We found out that they are doing "Open Gym" this next session... Darly can come in and work on whatever she wants. So we'll be signing up for that soon.
Wednesday we went to the park with our friends...and I didn't get sunburnt...although the wind did try to blow us away. And Darly went for her final Confirmation class for this year...they went to the park and had ice cream...while freezing cuz it was cold outside.
I worked on my garden on Thursday & Friday...pulled a muscle in my back :p but got it all ready to plant.
Friday night I went to TNO while Darly went to her friend's house. I had yummy Pene pasta w/ Asparagus & Shrimp. I saved half of it for lunch the next day.
Saturday I went to two plant sales. The first one was done by CSU and even though the sale lasted until 1pm getting there at 11am wasn't a good idea. When I got there I was told that there were no more heirloom plants left. I was bummed. but I looked at the other plants and picked out a few. The "tomatoe lady" showed me a very nice plant that I agreed to buy. I then thought I would get a Celebrity tomatoe since they're super easy to grow...I picked up a nice looking plant and put it in my tray. As I headed to pay I happened to look at my plants and noticed that my "celebrity tomatoe" was really a Heirloom Cherokee Purple! I was in shock! I got an Heirloom and not only that it was a PURPLE tomatoe! How lucky is that? I figured it was meant to be. The tomatoe lady was surprised too but unfortunately couldn't give me any info on my find, so I looked it up online, there was no way I was looking this gift horse in the mouth!
The second plant sale was better advertised and pretty much sold out by the time I got there. :( But at least I got to use the restroom there before heading for the long drive home.
The tomatoe lady said that I needed to keep my plants protected for at least another 10 days or I could get a water wall and plant them. So I decided to stop at Wally World to get a water wall and see if they have a reel lawn mower. they didn't have either. :(
Then I headed to Tagawa gardens figuring that they MUST have a water wall...right? ummm not so much. The very nice floor manager said that they get that kind of merchandise in around January and by May have been sold out for some time...even the manufacturer didn't have any in stock. BUT he told me how to make a water wall myself. hee hee it was meant to be!
To make a water wall you take some steaks (the wooden kind, not cow!) and make a tee pee over your plant. Then take some freezer bags and fill them 3/4 full of water and attach them to your steaks. Tah dah! I'm off to the store for freezer bags so I can plant my tomatoe babies in the ground. woo hoo!
Dh called me last night and used his entire phone card on me! okay he talked to Darly too.
Today we went to Church for our last day of Sunday School! The kids brought in some really yummy treats, I probably ate way too much. Then in service we had Recognition of High School graduates, recognition of teachers, welcoming new members and a baptism!
DH called again today. I was in shock, but he's taking advantage of phone time when he can get it. I noticed after our call that he had computer time too cuz I got quite a few emails from him.
hummm should I go shopping now or mow the lawn? shopping! even grocery shopping is better than mowing.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
WHoa! Time for an update!!!

And Darly got her hair cut too...here's her before:
and her after:
The following day Darly said that she wanted her hair shorter than that. I told her that she should have mentioned something while she was still there at the salon. Oh well, she asked if I would cut off the 1/2 inch she wants. I probably could, but I like that her hair was done right. I bet if I mentioned it now, she would say she's fine with it. we'll see when she reads this.
That was on Thursday that we got our hair cuts. On Friday we went to Girl Scouts and then brought home one of Darly's friends to stay with us so that her parents could go see the new Star Trek movie. I am pretty sure that everyone had an enjoyable evening. I liked it so much that I'm thinking that I'll invite one of her friends to stay over each weekend! hee hee Even though I had an extra kid in the house it really gave me a break...they played, I played on the computer. win win!
Saturday we took Darly's friend and met up with her parents at the Zoo. Some other friends came too, so we had a group trip to the zoo. The weather was cool enough that the animals weren't all sleeping (some were) but we got a nice visit at the zoo with lots of chatting. Darly & her friends made a pack of 4 girls who chatted the entire time, and then I got to spend some quality time with ADULTS! LOL! It was fun. We went to dinner at Panera Bread and had a great time there too.
Sunday after Church Darly & I went to Ihop for brunch. It was very busy there, but the wait wasn't too long, we chatted with friends from Church...and the food was yummy. When we got home we got a call from DH who is doing fine. He would much rather be at home though. He teased me "Did you get the flowers that I sent you for Mother's Day?" I said "You mean the yellow ones out in the front yard?" and he said yeah. LOL! Crazy guy. He also shared some of his training stories, they're working him very hard.
Then we drove down to the Outlet Mall and met up with our friends for some shopping. The girls just chatted, while us moms did some power shopping. LOL! I picked up some new corelle dishes and some pyrax bakeware. Oh and I got some new spoons. The first kitchen store we went to I found the spoons but they wanted $4 and up for them. I told my friend that I didn't want to pay more than $2 for them, so I didn't buy them. Then we got to the second store and they had them for $2. YAY! I stocked up.
After the mall we went to our friends house and had pizza dinner and watched a great movie. It was a really fun evening...oh and we watched the season finale of The Apprentice too. I didn't see last week's show, so I don't know how they ended up with Angie & Joan in the final, I wasn't very pleased with either. I don't know if I'll watch again cuz I'm getting fed up with the cat fights and obivious influence of the show's producer.
Well I see that my DH has sent me two emails while I've been working on this post, so I should see what he's up to.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Lemonhead Stylish Urban Accessories

We don’t use magnets/hot glue and NOTHING squeezed out of a bottle like silicone or rubber. Our premium patented GRIPSTRIP is made of a unique reliable material that is identical in every clip - that means you are getting the same feature every single time!!! We have also patented several processes to make the Clipeez and attach embelishments reliably to our Clipeez that is so secure it impresses every time.

We received a Clipeez and a Bandeez Headband to review. The first thing I noticed was the quality and workmanship that went into producing these pieces. Each part was put together securely and you can tell that they really had safety on their mind. No loose parts to worry about.
However, the best thing is that they look great our hair. Not only were the colors vivid and bright but they really stayed in place. A very important trait for hair accessories.

So if you’re looking to add something to that special outfit or for just everyday use, stop by Lemonhead and check out their vast selection of colors and styles.
Thanks Family Review Network & Lemonhead!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Today was Darly's first day at the new gym. And I wasn't happy. However, they had a good excuse. The owner was out sick, and one of Darly's new coaches messed up her leg so she isn't supposed to be spotting the kids at all. The owner asked her to come in to just work the phones. but then the second coach didn't come in tonight. So Darly's class got combined with another class. The other class was a small one, but it was all very young boys who had the attention span of gnats! I think I was more annoyed with two girls in Darly's class though.
The girls were hogging the equipment. when it was their turn, if they messed something up they backed up and went again, and again and again... and then after their turn they wouldn't get off the mats! I spoke with the coach about it though and she did try to keep those girls in line. Hopefully it's better when they have their normal class. And I did say something to the coach in front of one of their parents. (HAHA!) but who knows if he was even paying attention.
I was seriously thinking that I should put Darly on the team just so she would have a class with kids who were serious and not monkeying around. I just hope that the coach who didn't show up didn't quit. That would be sad to go through that again. sigh!
Today I finally called to get an appointment to get my hair cut...but I found out that my stylist moved...to a shop over near my old stylist. ugh! I think that the price they charge for a cut should be lower though, but this place charges based on the experience of the stylist...who knows what level they've put our gal at. We'll see. Darly wants her hair cut too. I should get before and after shots. We're going in on Thursday.
Friday, May 01, 2009
New Gym
Favorite coach (B) @ old gym is the son of the owners of the new gym (T & M) and the husband of the coach (A) who now works at the new gym but used to teach Darly.
So the evaluation was with the TEAM coach (D). He has been coaching for over 20 years and used to coach at a local college. In the evaluation they're supposed to just tell the girls what to do and watch them. But coach D couldn't help himself and gave Darly some pointers on how to fix up her skills. pointers that Darly should have been getting at her old gym but didn't. It was amazing how quickly she was able to straighten up her roundoff with just a few tips. I would really love Darly to be in this guy's class!
Coach D said that Darly has the foundation to be on the TEAM if she wants to. But he asked her and she said she didn't want to compete. And while I would really like for Darly to be in Coach D's class, this is really about her, not me. Coach D said that she could be in the intermediate class (where they work on the TEAM skills) and if she ever changes her mind, he would be happy to put her on the TEAM.
So we talked to Coach T (the owner) and he was willing to have Darly start that evening. We got to meet the coaches of the class and they both seemed very nice. Darly decided to wait until next Tuesday instead (I think she thought that she might have a chance to have a sleepover at her friend's house) and that sounded fine to me. So I filled out the paperwork and she's set for next Tuesday. And for now that works perfectly with her schedule. The new class is the same level as her old class and it is at the same time.
I've told Darly that it's all up to her. I hope she likes it.
I kinda think that she had other things on her mind. Yesterday we dropped DH off at 3:30am for him to head over to the sandbox. We're both doing okay, trying to catch up on our sleep. I'm trying to get our schedule filled up so that we can keep busy and fill the void. DH checked in last night with 5 emails mostly from the USO at the airport! I'm sure he'll be busy starting today, but I hope he's able to send us plenty of email while he is gone. Oh, I promised to send Darly his email address so she can write to him.