Our home has had a guest for the last few days (he came over Tuesday night). He is very handsome and just about everyone here is smitten with him. For the most part he is a very good guest. He keeps us entertained with his antics and doesn't make too much of a mess.
His name is Sox (picture later) and he is a rabbit. He is very cute and funny. Sox's family went out of town for Thanksgiving and we agreed to keep an eye on him. His 'bean mom said that we didn't need to let him out to run cuz he's pretty used to not getting to run at home cuz his house isn't yet bunny proofed, but we decided to let him out just to see how much trouble he would be. Except for one little thing, he's been very good.
The one little thing is that he keeps trying to visit with my girl rabbits. Or as Darly and I have taken to calling it... "He wants to see the Ladies" with a acent you might say on the word Ladies. It's so funny. He keeps trying to go over there and rubbing his chin on everything (chin rubbing is one way that rabbits (and cats too) leave their mark on things), another is to poop...but it isn't normal poop...it's a bit smellier cuz they're leaving their "calling card."
But poor old Sox. Alas the Ladies don't want anything to do with this wild man! If he gets near they run, hide and thump. So we have blocked Sox's access to the girls room to keep them from getting upset. Sox keeps trying to get there though...and he is pretty smart. I'm going to have to make something a little more difficult for him tomorrow...I think that he plots how to get over there whenever we aren't there.
When Sox isn't trying to see the Ladies, he's a good boy and runs around the basement. He hasn't tried to find and eat any electrical cords or anything else for that matter. He just hops around, checking things out. He's found a few places that he likes to splat in. (we call it a splat when a rabbit lays down with their feet kicked out to the side...they're at ease and not worried about predators.) He doesn't mind us petting him or picking him up...but he doesn't like to sit in your lap. And he doesn't make any kind of fuss when we put him back in his cage.
I know that Darly is going to be upset when he has to go home on Monday. I may be too.
Well this was a pretty nice Thanksgiving.
Since MIL was doing most of the cooking I got to sleep in until 9am. I got up and put together the green bean casserole. I decided to make some rutabegas too since I had them and I know that MIL likes them.
When we got to MIL's house we found out that some family friends would be coming for a visit...so we were holding dinner (hadn't put it in the oven yet) until they came over because we didn't want it done while they were visiting. I should mention that MIL decided to make a Turkey roast instead of a full bird...so we only needed about an hour and a half to cook dinner.
The friends never showed up. BIL was there and he & DH got into an argument over politics. Some of what BIL said made me all the more sure that my suspicions about him might be true...
We finally had our dinner at about 5:30. The turkey roast was okay, but DH said when we got home for me to never buy one. I asked him if he wanted me to thaw out the turkey I had bought and make it up, but he said I didn't have to do it right away. But looking at my calendar...I'm thinking that having it soon would work out best for me. I'm gonna start thawing it tonight.
Last night we had a Thanksgiving Eve service at Church with a pie social. They asked folks to sign up to bring in pie. We ended up with way too many pies. I brought DH's favorite dessert and they barely served any of it...one of the gals too about six servings home with her and I still have more than half of what I made. And MIL sent home the dessert that she made...so now I have tons of desserts! I should try to freeze some of it! Hummm
Okay...time for sleep. I'll post Sox's picture tomorrow...during laundry & turkey thawing.
I've decided to revamp my blog. Stay tuned for the changes as I'm doing them while I'm supposed to be working. ;)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Knit Two
I know from traveling around the blogosphere that many of you have read “The Friday Night Knitting Club” by Kate Jacobs and if you haven’t you’re missing out. It is a wonderful story about the special bond women can share. I really enjoyed getting to know the characters so I was very excited to get the chance to meet up with the “club” again and find out what’s been going on. “Knit Two” continues the story and fills us in on everything that we’ve missed in the 5 years since the first story.
From the publisher…
Little compares to the bond between women. Sometimes a great friend can feel like a sister: someone to share secrets with, laugh with over embarrassing moments, or turn to for support. With no sisters ourselves, we have always relied on friends to fill this role! Author Kate Jacobs understands this extremely well, which probably explains why her books seem to speak to each of us individually. Her novel, The Friday Night Knitting Club, earned rave reviews for its powerful characters and moving storyline. And you should expect nothing less from the sequel. Knit Two, which comes out November 25th, brings us back into the lives of the original characters five years after the first book left off. This time, 18-year-old Dakota runs her mother’s knitting store part-time with the help of the knitting club. With a focus on the challenges, joys, and friendships of these characters, this book is a powerful read for any woman. Although those who read the first book will be especially captivated by the continuation, even new readers will find countless things to love. Few novels these days are a must read, but, for any woman who understands the power of friendship, this should be one of them.
Those who know me best (my family) know that I love to read. In fact I usually say that I “devour” books. And these two books were no exception. Once I got my hands on these books I couldn’t put them down. I’m so happy that I got a sneak peak at “Knit Two” and I hope that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.
I really think that with the Holiday gift buying season upon us that this book would make an excellent gift for any gal on your shopping list…or even on your own wish list. ;-)
These books inspired me to finially finish up my practice project...it kinda looks like something that Darwin might have made, LOL! But I'm proud that I finally did it. My little "Georgia Afgan" is perfect for slinging over my shoulders in my cold computer room...so that I can blog more. ;-)
From the publisher…
Little compares to the bond between women. Sometimes a great friend can feel like a sister: someone to share secrets with, laugh with over embarrassing moments, or turn to for support. With no sisters ourselves, we have always relied on friends to fill this role! Author Kate Jacobs understands this extremely well, which probably explains why her books seem to speak to each of us individually. Her novel, The Friday Night Knitting Club, earned rave reviews for its powerful characters and moving storyline. And you should expect nothing less from the sequel. Knit Two, which comes out November 25th, brings us back into the lives of the original characters five years after the first book left off. This time, 18-year-old Dakota runs her mother’s knitting store part-time with the help of the knitting club. With a focus on the challenges, joys, and friendships of these characters, this book is a powerful read for any woman. Although those who read the first book will be especially captivated by the continuation, even new readers will find countless things to love. Few novels these days are a must read, but, for any woman who understands the power of friendship, this should be one of them.
Those who know me best (my family) know that I love to read. In fact I usually say that I “devour” books. And these two books were no exception. Once I got my hands on these books I couldn’t put them down. I’m so happy that I got a sneak peak at “Knit Two” and I hope that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.
I really think that with the Holiday gift buying season upon us that this book would make an excellent gift for any gal on your shopping list…or even on your own wish list. ;-)
These books inspired me to finially finish up my practice project...it kinda looks like something that Darwin might have made, LOL! But I'm proud that I finally did it. My little "Georgia Afgan" is perfect for slinging over my shoulders in my cold computer room...so that I can blog more. ;-)
Monday, November 24, 2008
stuff to do...
well after a pretty lazy weekend, I've got to start getting ready for everything...
tomorrow I need to pick up some of the last minute shopping I need to do. I need eggs and evaporated milk.
Darly has gymnastics tomorrow and I may sneak in some Christmas shopping for DH. I would like to be all done by Thanksgiving...wish me luck with that. I totally don't see it happening. sigh
We will also get to host a visitor for a few days. His name is Sox and he's a very cute dark grey bunny with "helecopter" ears. I'll have to see if he lets me take his picture. His mom said I could use him as a stud with my rabbits if I wanted to. LOL! She wanted to send her boy bunny over for an 0rg!e. (<- that ought to bring in a few lurkers!) Just so you know, my girls are all spade.
Wednesday night we're having a pie fellowship after Church service and I'm being sneaky...I'm bringing Pumpkin Dessert instead of pumpkin pie. It's kinda like a pumpkin dump cake...pour pumpkin mixed with all the stuff you normally put in a pie into a baking dish; cover it with a dry cake mix; then chopped nuts; and finally a melted stick of butter. Bake until it's "golden brown and delicious!" Yum! DH is thrilled cuz his mom who normally makes this dish is making a cherry dessert for Thanksgiving...so now he'll get his favorite.
Thursday we'll go over to MIL's house bringing Green Bean Casserole & salad. :( MIL isn't letting me help much at all. Oh well. I bought my own turkey to make sometime later (she's serving a Turkey roast, I sure hope it's a good one!)
Friday DH has to work while we're in a turkey coma! Ha Ha
Saturday, nuttin planned
Sunday we have practice for Darly's Christmas Program, Sunday School, Church service AND a birthday party to attend! Yup! Crazy party animals here!
tomorrow I need to pick up some of the last minute shopping I need to do. I need eggs and evaporated milk.
Darly has gymnastics tomorrow and I may sneak in some Christmas shopping for DH. I would like to be all done by Thanksgiving...wish me luck with that. I totally don't see it happening. sigh
We will also get to host a visitor for a few days. His name is Sox and he's a very cute dark grey bunny with "helecopter" ears. I'll have to see if he lets me take his picture. His mom said I could use him as a stud with my rabbits if I wanted to. LOL! She wanted to send her boy bunny over for an 0rg!e. (<- that ought to bring in a few lurkers!) Just so you know, my girls are all spade.
Wednesday night we're having a pie fellowship after Church service and I'm being sneaky...I'm bringing Pumpkin Dessert instead of pumpkin pie. It's kinda like a pumpkin dump cake...pour pumpkin mixed with all the stuff you normally put in a pie into a baking dish; cover it with a dry cake mix; then chopped nuts; and finally a melted stick of butter. Bake until it's "golden brown and delicious!" Yum! DH is thrilled cuz his mom who normally makes this dish is making a cherry dessert for Thanksgiving...so now he'll get his favorite.
Thursday we'll go over to MIL's house bringing Green Bean Casserole & salad. :( MIL isn't letting me help much at all. Oh well. I bought my own turkey to make sometime later (she's serving a Turkey roast, I sure hope it's a good one!)
Friday DH has to work while we're in a turkey coma! Ha Ha
Saturday, nuttin planned
Sunday we have practice for Darly's Christmas Program, Sunday School, Church service AND a birthday party to attend! Yup! Crazy party animals here!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I need something new up here! Thursday Thirteen
I don't really have anything new to blog about though. sigh
1) I guess my biggest news is that Google now offers Theme backgrounds for your email account. It's been fun checking them all out.
2) Next biggest news is that I've been offered the opportunity to help at the Scholastic Warehouse Book sale. They'll give me free books! Yippee! I hope the work isn't too hard though...and that the warehouse isn't too cold. burr!
3) I'm still plugging away at reading the book. I hope to have it finished soon so I can tell you all about it.
4) I cleaned my toilets this morning...I tried vinegar & baking soda. I didn't get a fun volcano though. :(
5) I thought my MIL was calling me today about our Thanksgiving menu...looks like I need to call her though.
6) I still need to call up American Girl Catalog about the missing part in one of Darly's toys. sigh
7) I also need to figure out which patterns I'm going to sew for Darly...they'll be my Christmas present to her.
8) Dh & I went over Darly's HUGE Christmas wish list last night and figured out what we'll get for her. She's in for a huge cutback in the loot, cuz she has way too much stuff already.
9) Yeah, like we're really going to cut back! I'll see that when it happens!
10) We got hit with a cold front today. It actually came in yesterday. Tuesday we had a high of 80, now it's cold! Burr!
11) I signed up to do Leanne's Handmade Gift Exchange. Now I need to come up with a good handmade gift. hee hee
12) I also signed up for Kailani's Ornament exchange. I did that last year and it was a lot of fun...I got to add to my bunny collection!
13) Boy that was tough...it's been a slow week here. How's your week going?
See another boring day at Renee's place.
1) I guess my biggest news is that Google now offers Theme backgrounds for your email account. It's been fun checking them all out.
2) Next biggest news is that I've been offered the opportunity to help at the Scholastic Warehouse Book sale. They'll give me free books! Yippee! I hope the work isn't too hard though...and that the warehouse isn't too cold. burr!
3) I'm still plugging away at reading the book. I hope to have it finished soon so I can tell you all about it.
4) I cleaned my toilets this morning...I tried vinegar & baking soda. I didn't get a fun volcano though. :(
5) I thought my MIL was calling me today about our Thanksgiving menu...looks like I need to call her though.
6) I still need to call up American Girl Catalog about the missing part in one of Darly's toys. sigh
7) I also need to figure out which patterns I'm going to sew for Darly...they'll be my Christmas present to her.
8) Dh & I went over Darly's HUGE Christmas wish list last night and figured out what we'll get for her. She's in for a huge cutback in the loot, cuz she has way too much stuff already.
9) Yeah, like we're really going to cut back! I'll see that when it happens!
10) We got hit with a cold front today. It actually came in yesterday. Tuesday we had a high of 80, now it's cold! Burr!
11) I signed up to do Leanne's Handmade Gift Exchange. Now I need to come up with a good handmade gift. hee hee
12) I also signed up for Kailani's Ornament exchange. I did that last year and it was a lot of fun...I got to add to my bunny collection!
13) Boy that was tough...it's been a slow week here. How's your week going?
See another boring day at Renee's place.
Monday, November 17, 2008
ACK! Thanksgiving is coming up fast!
Thanksgiving Countdown & MySpace Layouts

If like me you're always on the hunt for new and exciting recipes that your family will eat...OR if you're just getting started at this whole holiday party thing, then you should check out http://www.ultimatepartymeatballs.com/ for some cool recipes.
Oh and did I mention that you could win $3000 for the ultimate party? YUP! So hop on over there and sign up today. And if you win...be sure to invite me to your party, K? ;)
The Friday Night Knitting Club
I know that many of you have already read The Friday Night Knitting Club. Sorry I'm a bit slow...I'm just now getting to it. :p
I'm checking it out now because the sequel Knit Two is coming out on Nov 25th.
I picked up my copy of TFNKC the other day and I've been plugging away at it. Saturday I was reading while doing laundry and other things around the house. I was waiting for DH to get upset with me about reading, but he never did (or never said anything about it!)
I'm now excited to get my hands on Knit Two...I'm also eager to get my hands back on my practice knitting project. I really wish that I had bothered a few skeins ago to learn different stitches. Oh well, my poor project is just knitting. I'll have to bug Jen to teach me how to do more.
Perhaps we should start our own Friday Night Knitting Club! ;)
I'm checking it out now because the sequel Knit Two is coming out on Nov 25th.
I picked up my copy of TFNKC the other day and I've been plugging away at it. Saturday I was reading while doing laundry and other things around the house. I was waiting for DH to get upset with me about reading, but he never did (or never said anything about it!)
I'm now excited to get my hands on Knit Two...I'm also eager to get my hands back on my practice knitting project. I really wish that I had bothered a few skeins ago to learn different stitches. Oh well, my poor project is just knitting. I'll have to bug Jen to teach me how to do more.
Perhaps we should start our own Friday Night Knitting Club! ;)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray
Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray offers an easy way to help reduce common indoor allergens* that can be found on soft fabric surfaces in the home.
Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray helps reduce common indoor allergens (cat dander, dog dander and dust mite matter) up to 90 percent.** These allergens can build up in soft surfaces in the home and can trigger allergic reactions.
Use Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray on soft fabric surfaces around the home where indoor allergens thrive, such as:
• Cushions
• Upholstered fabrics
• Curtains
• Carpets
• Bedding
• Stuffed animals
• Pet bedding
Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray is safe to use on virtually all fabric surfaces.**
It is gentle enough to use around kids and pets and is dye and fragrance free with no harsh fumes.
Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray denatures, or chemically breaks apart, the allergens. The fine mist trigger is developed such that it does not leave behind a harmful residue on fabrics.
Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray will retail for $2.99 and be available beginning in August in the home care aisle of stores across the country.
Additional information on Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray is available online at http://www.clorox.com/products/overview.php?prod_id=aaafs or by calling 1-800-227-1860.
WIN IT! Win a free bottle of Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray to try out in your home.
HOW? Hop on over to http://www.clorox.com/products/overview.php?prod_id=aaafs and then come back and leave a comment telling me your favorite feature of the product. You’ll then be entered in the drawing.
*Dust mite matter, cat and dog dander
**When used as directed
Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray helps reduce common indoor allergens (cat dander, dog dander and dust mite matter) up to 90 percent.** These allergens can build up in soft surfaces in the home and can trigger allergic reactions.
Use Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray on soft fabric surfaces around the home where indoor allergens thrive, such as:
• Cushions
• Upholstered fabrics
• Curtains
• Carpets
• Bedding
• Stuffed animals
• Pet bedding
Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray is safe to use on virtually all fabric surfaces.**
It is gentle enough to use around kids and pets and is dye and fragrance free with no harsh fumes.
Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray denatures, or chemically breaks apart, the allergens. The fine mist trigger is developed such that it does not leave behind a harmful residue on fabrics.
Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray will retail for $2.99 and be available beginning in August in the home care aisle of stores across the country.
Additional information on Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray is available online at http://www.clorox.com/products/overview.php?prod_id=aaafs or by calling 1-800-227-1860.
WIN IT! Win a free bottle of Clorox® Anywhere® Anti-Allergen Fabric Spray to try out in your home.
HOW? Hop on over to http://www.clorox.com/products/overview.php?prod_id=aaafs and then come back and leave a comment telling me your favorite feature of the product. You’ll then be entered in the drawing.
*Dust mite matter, cat and dog dander
**When used as directed
Friday, November 14, 2008
What are they thinking???
"It takes a village to raise a child" - African saying
"If you are expecting the village to raise your child, you had better hope that you don't get stuck with the villiage idiot!" - Renee's saying!
I am always suprised and amazed at all the stories and first hand accounts of parents who refuse to parent their children, which is why I came up with my saying up above. I'm sure that I wasn't the first person to think of that saying...but I'm the first person I know to say it aloud. Feel free to share this with your friends too.
Every year at my Church we are begging for folks to help teach the Sunday School classes. Currently we are in need of two co-teachers and for someone to run the games for the 2-5y/o's class. (please note that those are co-teacher spots...that means that they don't have to teach every Sunday!) I guess that I should be greatful that we don't need more teachers than that and I am. However, I'm going to lament about it anyway. Why?
Because the reason we need those other teachers is silly!!!
There are just too many folks at our Church who think totally silly things like "Oh, I could never teach!"
WHY? Teaching the Sunday School classes isn't hard at all. The Church provides the lessons, all a person has to do is read through them with the kids. The kids are well behaved. So what are they affraid of? I sure don't know.
One Sunday I asked the kids in my class what their parents were doing while they were in Sunday School classes with me. A few answered that their parents were in a Sunday School class themselves. (GOOD!) A few answered that their parents were teaching a Sunday School class (EVEN BETTER!) But what saddened me the most was how many kids reported that their parent was sitting in their car reading a book. WHAT?!?!?!?
Why on earth would they be sitting outside reading a book? They obiviously know that Sunday School is important for their children. But wouldn't it be just as important for them?
And why on earth do they think that I'm much better qualified to teach their kids? Do I have some sort of special training? (NOPE!) Do I have some sort of special calling? (NOPE!) The only thing that I have they don't seem to have is the desire to make sure that my child actually gets a class...cuz if I'm not in there teaching her and her classmates...who is going to teach them?
And here's an even better one for you... There are three students who while still members of the Church have "dropped out" of Sunday School because their parents didn't like how they were taught last year. But did any of those parents say something to those in charge about their problems with the lessons? Nope! Did any of those parents offer to help teach cuz they could do a better job? Nope! Instead they pulled their kid. Sigh!
Honestly, I don't really mind that I'm the only teacher for Darly's class. I mean if I weren't teaching her class, I would have to be in another Sunday School class myself and I'm learning right along with the kids. We have a good time (I wish our room was bigger with better accoustics so my ears aren't ringing every Sunday, we have severe growing issues with our Church.) I'm just upset that there are too many parents out there who won't help because they don't have enough confidence in themselves to do it. They think that they can't.
God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called!
"If you are expecting the village to raise your child, you had better hope that you don't get stuck with the villiage idiot!" - Renee's saying!
I am always suprised and amazed at all the stories and first hand accounts of parents who refuse to parent their children, which is why I came up with my saying up above. I'm sure that I wasn't the first person to think of that saying...but I'm the first person I know to say it aloud. Feel free to share this with your friends too.
Every year at my Church we are begging for folks to help teach the Sunday School classes. Currently we are in need of two co-teachers and for someone to run the games for the 2-5y/o's class. (please note that those are co-teacher spots...that means that they don't have to teach every Sunday!) I guess that I should be greatful that we don't need more teachers than that and I am. However, I'm going to lament about it anyway. Why?
Because the reason we need those other teachers is silly!!!
There are just too many folks at our Church who think totally silly things like "Oh, I could never teach!"
WHY? Teaching the Sunday School classes isn't hard at all. The Church provides the lessons, all a person has to do is read through them with the kids. The kids are well behaved. So what are they affraid of? I sure don't know.
One Sunday I asked the kids in my class what their parents were doing while they were in Sunday School classes with me. A few answered that their parents were in a Sunday School class themselves. (GOOD!) A few answered that their parents were teaching a Sunday School class (EVEN BETTER!) But what saddened me the most was how many kids reported that their parent was sitting in their car reading a book. WHAT?!?!?!?
Why on earth would they be sitting outside reading a book? They obiviously know that Sunday School is important for their children. But wouldn't it be just as important for them?
And why on earth do they think that I'm much better qualified to teach their kids? Do I have some sort of special training? (NOPE!) Do I have some sort of special calling? (NOPE!) The only thing that I have they don't seem to have is the desire to make sure that my child actually gets a class...cuz if I'm not in there teaching her and her classmates...who is going to teach them?
And here's an even better one for you... There are three students who while still members of the Church have "dropped out" of Sunday School because their parents didn't like how they were taught last year. But did any of those parents say something to those in charge about their problems with the lessons? Nope! Did any of those parents offer to help teach cuz they could do a better job? Nope! Instead they pulled their kid. Sigh!
Honestly, I don't really mind that I'm the only teacher for Darly's class. I mean if I weren't teaching her class, I would have to be in another Sunday School class myself and I'm learning right along with the kids. We have a good time (I wish our room was bigger with better accoustics so my ears aren't ringing every Sunday, we have severe growing issues with our Church.) I'm just upset that there are too many parents out there who won't help because they don't have enough confidence in themselves to do it. They think that they can't.
God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Silly Lilly!
I had to post about Lilly's "vacation."
On Saturday (Nov 1) I gave Lilly a bath with Darly's help. I wanted her to be nice smelling when she went to stay at Grandma's house. Since I had her collar off for the bath, I took some duct tape and wrote her name and MIL's address on it so that just in case she got out, whomever found her could return her back to MIL. (thankfully, not necessary!)
On Sunday we took Lilly to MIL's house. Lilly is always a good traveler...loves to hop up into the car and get into her crate. Lilly always travels by crate because it's safest for everyone...although Darly had the backseat door open and Lilly thought that was where her crate was. (when we go camping I put her crate in the backseat.) But for this trip the crate was in the back cargo area of the car. Clue one for Lilly that this trip wasn't something fun like camping. but she didn't complain about it.
When we got to MIL's house I tried to have Lilly go potty outside before we went in, but MIL was calling for her at the door...so she went running to her instead. As soon as everyone said hello, I sent Lilly to the backyard. Lilly enjoyed exploring the backyard and marking it, but she insisted that I be out back with her.
It has been about 3 years since the last time we left Lilly with MIL, but I swear that this dog has an awesome memory. Everytime we sent her out back she wanted me to be with her or she would come right back in. She seemed worried that I would leave if she were out back. I think I did leave when she was out back last time.
We stayed at MIL's house about 2 hours, trying to get Lilly all settled, but she never calmed down...she was a huge bundle of nerves. We took Lilly's bed, couch & some toys for her, but she spent most of the 2 hours running around making sure that I was still there.
Finally we left and Lilly watched us go from the front door. I don't know if she whined or barked. Darly called MIL when we got back home to check on her. MIL said she missed us, but was doing just fine...and for us to not worry.
When we got back, DH called MIL to let her know that Darly & I were coming over to get Lilly. MIL told Lilly that we were coming and Lilly went to look out the front window to check for us. When we arrived MIL told Lilly we were there, but it seemed that Lilly didn't believe her.
I got to the door first and it seemed for a second that she didn't remember me as she just sniffed my hand and then went to Darly. But as soon as Lilly was done sniffing Darly she was back to me and jumping all over the place.
MIL told us about all their adventures. She said that Lilly was a very good girl. She slept at the bottom of the stairs (never even tried to go up - cuz she's not allowed at home!) and did her best to protect MIL from weird noises. MIL said that Lilly was welcome to come back any time cuz she was such a well behaved girl. (course MIL has dog sat for her best friend's dog who is not a good dog, so Lilly was a treat!) I think that MIL enjoyed having her there...she said they had many good talks and naps together.
When we got Lilly home, DH was waiting for us. She greeted him with a running jump & kiss. LOL! And after getting propper belly rubs she soon calmed down to take a nap.
All has returned to normal for Lilly. but I may see if MIL wants Lilly to come with us for Thanksgiving...so that they can visit eachother again.
On Saturday (Nov 1) I gave Lilly a bath with Darly's help. I wanted her to be nice smelling when she went to stay at Grandma's house. Since I had her collar off for the bath, I took some duct tape and wrote her name and MIL's address on it so that just in case she got out, whomever found her could return her back to MIL. (thankfully, not necessary!)
On Sunday we took Lilly to MIL's house. Lilly is always a good traveler...loves to hop up into the car and get into her crate. Lilly always travels by crate because it's safest for everyone...although Darly had the backseat door open and Lilly thought that was where her crate was. (when we go camping I put her crate in the backseat.) But for this trip the crate was in the back cargo area of the car. Clue one for Lilly that this trip wasn't something fun like camping. but she didn't complain about it.
When we got to MIL's house I tried to have Lilly go potty outside before we went in, but MIL was calling for her at the door...so she went running to her instead. As soon as everyone said hello, I sent Lilly to the backyard. Lilly enjoyed exploring the backyard and marking it, but she insisted that I be out back with her.
It has been about 3 years since the last time we left Lilly with MIL, but I swear that this dog has an awesome memory. Everytime we sent her out back she wanted me to be with her or she would come right back in. She seemed worried that I would leave if she were out back. I think I did leave when she was out back last time.
We stayed at MIL's house about 2 hours, trying to get Lilly all settled, but she never calmed down...she was a huge bundle of nerves. We took Lilly's bed, couch & some toys for her, but she spent most of the 2 hours running around making sure that I was still there.
Finally we left and Lilly watched us go from the front door. I don't know if she whined or barked. Darly called MIL when we got back home to check on her. MIL said she missed us, but was doing just fine...and for us to not worry.
When we got back, DH called MIL to let her know that Darly & I were coming over to get Lilly. MIL told Lilly that we were coming and Lilly went to look out the front window to check for us. When we arrived MIL told Lilly we were there, but it seemed that Lilly didn't believe her.
I got to the door first and it seemed for a second that she didn't remember me as she just sniffed my hand and then went to Darly. But as soon as Lilly was done sniffing Darly she was back to me and jumping all over the place.
MIL told us about all their adventures. She said that Lilly was a very good girl. She slept at the bottom of the stairs (never even tried to go up - cuz she's not allowed at home!) and did her best to protect MIL from weird noises. MIL said that Lilly was welcome to come back any time cuz she was such a well behaved girl. (course MIL has dog sat for her best friend's dog who is not a good dog, so Lilly was a treat!) I think that MIL enjoyed having her there...she said they had many good talks and naps together.
When we got Lilly home, DH was waiting for us. She greeted him with a running jump & kiss. LOL! And after getting propper belly rubs she soon calmed down to take a nap.
All has returned to normal for Lilly. but I may see if MIL wants Lilly to come with us for Thanksgiving...so that they can visit eachother again.
What the doc said...
Ear Trouble
Everytime I fly I have problems with my ears. I think that my Eustachian tubes are blocked or something cuz my ears are harder to regulate than everyone else I know (well other than my Mom who suffers as well.)
I was miserable as we were landing into California. I was rubbing my face, and trying all sorts of things to regulate the pressure without blowing an eardrum or two...but alas, nothing seemed to work until we got down. (I think the pilot took the longest decent ever, it felt as if we were decending the entire last hour of the flight!!! I didn't have my watch so I don't know how long we were decending, but it was a very long time.)
Once we got on the ground the pain subsided and my ears did eventually stop feeling stuffy (still crackly, but not stuffy)... however, I noticed that I was dizzy. It wasn't a constant dizziness at first and remembering back, I've been dizzy after flying before...this is just the worst case I've had so far.
I went online when we got home (btw: the return flight was fine! no pain at all.) looking everthing and of course they recommend that I go see my doctor which couldn't happen until Monday! so I've been trying home remedies. That doesn't seem to be helping either - but at least it doesn't feel bad!
here's a pretty good article on Barotrauma also known as Airplane Ear.
I saw the doctor yesterday and she thinks I have Benign Positional Vertigo. but wasn't sure because my symptoms don't match up quite right. I feel better if I'm moving where normally I should feel worse.
She prescribed that I take decongestants to try to reduce the congestion in my ears (which she thought was minor) and take Dramamine for the dizziness. I don't think either have helped...but I do feel very non-congested. And I have to pee all the time too.
I'm hoping that I can just lay low for the next two days see if that helps.
oh and she thinks I brought it on by having my ears a bit damaged by the flight and then going on all the rollercoasters for our trip. I think she might be right.
Today I decided to try not taking the decongestant or motion sickness drugs, just to see if I feel any different than yesterday. And nope! The decongestant is still in my system and my nose is all free & clear. I react funny to drugs most of the time. And the Dramamine didn't ever make me stop feeling dizzy.
I've been meaning to try the exercises shown in the second link. They're supposed to help move the floaty stuff to an area of my ear where it won't bother me so much...but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Today went pretty well until I took Darly to the gym. I was stupid and decided to stay and watch her...well I shouldn't have been standing that long. when we got home I was miserable.
And I don't know if this is at all related but my tummy feels funny and I'm gassy (I know, thanks for sharing!) but I'm mostly burpy. I did mention to the doc that my tummy felt funny.
If my symptoms don't clear up in two weeks, I'm supposed to go back. There's a chance that I might always have this (I sure hope not!) The doc may also send me to an Ear Nose & Throat doc. I saw online that they can go in and surgically remove the debris which has collected within a part of the inner ear. This debris can be thought of as "ear rocks", although the formal name is "otoconia".*
So I guess the lesson learned is that I'm not allowed to go on roller coasters after I fly. LOL! Next time I'll have to drive.
*copied from the second website.
Everytime I fly I have problems with my ears. I think that my Eustachian tubes are blocked or something cuz my ears are harder to regulate than everyone else I know (well other than my Mom who suffers as well.)
I was miserable as we were landing into California. I was rubbing my face, and trying all sorts of things to regulate the pressure without blowing an eardrum or two...but alas, nothing seemed to work until we got down. (I think the pilot took the longest decent ever, it felt as if we were decending the entire last hour of the flight!!! I didn't have my watch so I don't know how long we were decending, but it was a very long time.)
Once we got on the ground the pain subsided and my ears did eventually stop feeling stuffy (still crackly, but not stuffy)... however, I noticed that I was dizzy. It wasn't a constant dizziness at first and remembering back, I've been dizzy after flying before...this is just the worst case I've had so far.
I went online when we got home (btw: the return flight was fine! no pain at all.) looking everthing and of course they recommend that I go see my doctor which couldn't happen until Monday! so I've been trying home remedies. That doesn't seem to be helping either - but at least it doesn't feel bad!
here's a pretty good article on Barotrauma also known as Airplane Ear.
I saw the doctor yesterday and she thinks I have Benign Positional Vertigo. but wasn't sure because my symptoms don't match up quite right. I feel better if I'm moving where normally I should feel worse.
She prescribed that I take decongestants to try to reduce the congestion in my ears (which she thought was minor) and take Dramamine for the dizziness. I don't think either have helped...but I do feel very non-congested. And I have to pee all the time too.
I'm hoping that I can just lay low for the next two days see if that helps.
oh and she thinks I brought it on by having my ears a bit damaged by the flight and then going on all the rollercoasters for our trip. I think she might be right.
Today I decided to try not taking the decongestant or motion sickness drugs, just to see if I feel any different than yesterday. And nope! The decongestant is still in my system and my nose is all free & clear. I react funny to drugs most of the time. And the Dramamine didn't ever make me stop feeling dizzy.
I've been meaning to try the exercises shown in the second link. They're supposed to help move the floaty stuff to an area of my ear where it won't bother me so much...but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Today went pretty well until I took Darly to the gym. I was stupid and decided to stay and watch her...well I shouldn't have been standing that long. when we got home I was miserable.
And I don't know if this is at all related but my tummy feels funny and I'm gassy (I know, thanks for sharing!) but I'm mostly burpy. I did mention to the doc that my tummy felt funny.
If my symptoms don't clear up in two weeks, I'm supposed to go back. There's a chance that I might always have this (I sure hope not!) The doc may also send me to an Ear Nose & Throat doc. I saw online that they can go in and surgically remove the debris which has collected within a part of the inner ear. This debris can be thought of as "ear rocks", although the formal name is "otoconia".*
So I guess the lesson learned is that I'm not allowed to go on roller coasters after I fly. LOL! Next time I'll have to drive.
*copied from the second website.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
What I did for my summer vaca.... wait a minute!
Here's the pictures from our trip!
We got in Monday with almost no problems...the only problem was my ears. I think that the pilot started our decent as soon as we crossed over into California cuz it seemed that my head hurt the entire last hour of the flight...and yes I was trying to keep the pressure from building up. I've been dizzy ever since and will be heading to my doctor tomorrow about this.
After grabbing some lunch we headed directly to American Girl Place. Darly was in Heaven!!! You should have seen the look on her face. The place was more than she could even imagine. Everything that she's ever wanted was all there on display. When you asked what she wanted she said the list of what she didn't want was much shorter! Poor kiddo. We told her that we would get her something but she had to be able to carry it home (meaning no full sized doll - cuz she had brought two with her on the trip. *) She ended up picking out the cat, a pair of doll sized** jeans and a souvenir doll sized t-shirt. AGP has personal shoppers and one asked us if we needed anything. Darly mentioned that when we purchased one of her accessories that it didn't come with all the parts...so she was wondering if we could get the missing part. The personal shopper tried really hard to find the missing part, but alas she didn't have it. So she told us to try calling up the catalog (I will this week) and to come see her when we check out. She ended up giving Darly a doll sized coat & a doll sized pair of jeans! WOW!
We finally tore Darly out of there about 3 hours later (note the parking garage was only validated for 2 hours!) At the recommendation of Joan who lives in CA, we stopped at the fountains. She said they were like a mini-Bellagio in Vegas, and she was right! It was a very nice fountain show with music. And I think that Darly was pleased with the show (she's been begging to go to Vegas to see the fountains - which isn't going to happen for her until either they ban smoking or she's old enough to gamble.)
We then went back to our hotel. DH had checked in the day before. He told us that originally they had us in a room on the highway side of the hotel, but he asked if we could get a room on the other side and they switched us with no problems. YAY! It's much quieter on the other side, and seeing as we could hear conversations from folks outside in the parking lot (even though we were on the 5th floor) I can imagine how noisy the highway side would have been. The hotel was great, nice comfortable room & bed and decent free breakfast. DH & I had belgian waffles every morning. YUM!
Day two we headed over to Disneyland. It had rained that morning so the air was a bit chilly, but for most of the day we were comfy in our long sleved t-shirts. Seeing as it was Darly's second time there we weren't concerned with hitting everything...we just did what we wanted to...although I had to talk Darly into a few rides. She loves roller coasters, so being tall enough for them this trip was a real treat for her. She says Space Mountain is her favorite. (I have to remember that I don't like that one!) We ended up getting too cold at around 3:30 or so, and headed off to find dinner. DH had seen that one of the restraunts near our hotel was offering free dessert on Election day...we shouldn't have bothered. LOL! :p
Day three we went to the Science Discovery Center. THANKS Lynn for the tip to try my museum membership. We all got in for free on the museum passport system. YAY! I'm so glad that we didn't have to pay cuz while the museum was great, it was crowded with about 4 or 5 school groups there on field trips. It seemed that every time we went to something a group of kids would push their way up in front of us. Darly really wanted to stay and wait until the kids left but DH & I talked her into leaving. and she's so glad that we did...cuz we went to ...
Knotts Berry Farm next. Darly of course had no idea what they had there so she was very reluctant to go there...but once we got there she was in Heaven! Knotts was practically empty. We didn't have to wait for any of the rides and Darly was in roller coaster land. LOL! Her favorite was the Jaguar. She also loved the swing ride (where the swings lift up and go in a circle). We ended up closing the place.
Thursday was coming home day. We got all packed and to the airport just fine (only minor traffic on the way) and DH dropped us off at check in so we wouldn't have to carry his bag from the car rental. I went ahead and got into line and hoped that he would get back before I reached the counter just in case his bag was overweight. He made it back just fine and his bag wasn't overweight. whew!
The fun part came after our plane pushed back from the gate. We got into line and were assigned #3 for take-off. and then 20 min later we were told that the wind had switched directions, so after the traffic control tower got their ducks in a row we would taxi to the other end of the runway. Guess what happened by the time we got to the other end of the runway? YUP! The wind had switched back!!! So we had to wait until they cleared the taxi-way and taxi back to the original end of the runway. So after sitting in the plane for nearly an hour we made it in the air. I felt sorry for the flight attendants cuz they had to keep telling folks that we couldn't get up (even though the plane wasn't moving) cuz if we were finally able to move we couldn't if someone wasn't in their seat. The pilot felt so bad for us that he turned off the fasten seatbelt sign when we were only half way up so we could go pee.
We got back to Denver at 3:30, got a very late lunch and then dropped DH off at his car. Then got the fun of driving in rush hour traffic to MIL's house to pick up our very happy dog Lilly. She was so very silly. We finally made it home at 6pm.
I have been dizzy since we landed in CA on Monday. I'm pretty sure that I messed up my inner ears. I checked online and found that I probably should have seen my doctor on Friday, but of course I didn't find this out until my doctor was closed.
*DH & I both think that two of these dolls is plenty for her to have, so we won't be getting her anymore of the dolls.
**I am noting doll sized because American Girl also sells child sized clothing, which although I considered getting Darly some, I decided against it because she'll just outgrow it and I didn't think the quality was worth the price.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
As promised, here's a shot of our puking pumpkin!
Here's a close up!
and of his victim! hee hee
Darly's costume.
and here's me! Meow!

We finally had a warm Halloween this year. Temps were in the low 60s or so. Usually it's unbearably cold out there. We had sleet one year. But as normal we didn't get all that many kids and they were all done by 8:30! That's odd for a Friday...maybe they were all going to parties afterward...or like Darly after the candy bucket is full, walking to get more just isn't worth it!
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