Monday, June 04, 2012

Blessings Galore!

Over the past few weeks a few things have happened that I am just so grateful for.

First, my daughter's theater group acquired space our costume closet, and props & sets shed to be moved into.  Before they were paying rent for two separate very inadequate locations that we were literally spilling out of.  We were constantly having to weed out items that we didn't have room for.  And because these spaces were so cramped we had a very hard time knowing just what we had so we often made or bought new when we might have already had what we needed.
The new space is HUGE!  It is very tall so we'll be able to build clothing racks up the walls that are 3 high (we'll get a rolling ladder like you see at big box stores so we can reach everything).  We'll also (and this is my favorite part) be able to store questionable things (is it a prob or a costume?) in a central area so if the director puts it on a list for the wrong committee we can just get it anyway.
The plan is to build the racks & shelves and ORGANIZE everything...and then CATALOG everything (getting software for this) so that we can possibly rent out our stuff to other theater groups in the area (there are a LOT of them) and possibly cover some of our rental costs.  I'm just thrilled that I'll be able to store our show's costumes at the storage space instead of all over my poor house!!!  YAY!

Oh and another bonus is that there are two bathrooms in the space!  YAY!  now I don't have to worry about choosing between a busted bladder and a dehydration headache!  oops and another cool thing is that the space is in my town...just a few minutes from my house!  YIPPEE!

Second, and this is so HUGE!  My Church finally was able to break ground on the location for our new building!!!  We've been waiting for this for a long time.  We had our ground breaking ceremony this past Sunday.  The ground was very hard, but we were able to dig into it and have a blessing on it.  Next we have to get a sign permit for our temporary sign and have the land surveyed for the location of the building (we have an approximation on there now).  Then come the graders to move the dirt around so we can start laying lines and pour a foundation!  W00t!

Third, Darly will be going on her first mission trip this summer.  I mentioned this before in my projects post...about the coffee sleeves that I'm making for a fundraiser.  But the blessing is that the trip is already half funded!  YAY!


  1. Wow, lots of good news! Renting stuff to other theater groups is a great idea.

    Did you know when you comment on other blogs, your name is still linked to your google plus page? With no link to your blog??????

    1. I had no idea. Didn't I delete my google plus? I wonder what they're smokin?

    2. Apparently they've changed things and when I went on my purge I took out the blog link. I put it back in there, but it is gonna insist that you look at my google plus even though I'm not using it.

      Poor Desperate Google Plus!

    3. LOL. I'm glad the link is back. I have you in a blog reader, but I usually just click on commenter's links to visit their blogs. I remember you deleted your plus account. So much for their respecting our wishes.

  2. For some reason, this made me think of the Seinfeld where Elaine discovers Puddy is "religious."

    Puddy: "You stole my Jesus fish!"
