Monday, May 01, 2006

Monday Memories: a twisted dream?

Monday Memories: Did I ever tell you about A Twister hit my house?

I don't remember exactally how old I was, it was some where between 8 and 11 though. I can date it to there because of the clothes I remember.
We were living in Benton LA where I spent a good deal of my childhood. I just tried to get a satelight map of my old house but for some odd reason the map doesn't even show the streets...I did the same for my current house and can see the streets very clearly. Maybe the streets in Benton don't show up because they're made of cheap asphalt?

Anyway I'm digressing here. I should first tell you that I'm a very heavy sleeper. I can sleep through when we lived in a trailor in FL someone who was driving drunk crashed into our trailor shoving the AC system completely under the trailor...I never woke up, even slept through the sound of police sirens and my mom talking with the police in the trailor. I didn't even believe my mother's "story" until I went outside and surveyed the damage myself. Okay, I've established that I can sleep through anything...

So it was a typical spring night in Benton and a storm was rolling in. My mother had run around the house opening the windows a crack so that they would not get sucked out and my father went out to try his best to keep his rabbit pens from blowing away.... I was asleep in my bed.

My father was at the rabbit pens and watched as the twister (small tornado) picked up one of his sheds and threw it at our house...about 4 inches from my bedroom window that I was sleeping under! The shed of course broke into many parts and some landed on our neighbor's house, right outside my other bedroom window (which was also open). I slept on. Had this shed hit the house 4 inches the other way, the window would have broken sending glass all over me...and I may not be here.

This same twister also took off the top portion of my favorite climbing tree. Previously this tree stood twice as tall as our one story house and about 15 feet from the back door. The twister took off the part that stood higher than the house and pretty much dropped it right next to the original tree.

The next morning was a normal day. I dressed to go to school in a sundress that my aunt had sewed for me. But it was trash collection day and my mother wanted the top of the tree in the trash. Since my father had refused to move the tree, she had me and my brothers help her drag the tree top to the street for the trash men to take. The bark on the tree trunk stained my was ruined and I had to still wear it to school because as soon as we got the tree moved the bus had arrived.

The next door neighbors an elderly (and crabby) couple had called and requested that we remove the shed from their roof. My mother was not a happy gal.

I don't remember any other twisters at that house... my next tornado story happened in Texas.

Links to other Monday Memories

The Shrone
Yellow Rose
Mom’s secret life

(If you participate, leave your link in the comments and I'll post it below)


  1. Wow, that's scary! It's weird the little things that we remember as being upsetting, I have memories of things like your ruined dress.

    I'm glad the shed missed you and that you're here!

  2. YIKES! Amazing that you slept through that! Sorry your dress was ruined, isn't funny how we remember those kind of things during stressful situations? I have things like that in my head too.

    Happy Monday!

  3. OMG, I can't even imagine. I'm glad I live in nice, safe New England, where the only thing we ever get is the occasional nor'easter!

  4. Wow. I thought my sister was this freak of nature because she is the only woman I know that can sleep through anything. Glad to know there are others. I can't sleep through an ant fart, I tell ya.

    My husband slept through our housefire though, until I physically moved him out of the bed to smell the smoke. Even shouts of "Joe, the dryer caught fire!" "Fire!" did nothing.

  5. Never experienced a twister and am glad I haven't. That's quite a story.
    Glad you were OK. Thanks for coming by.

  6. Yowza. You and my hubby have that sleeping thing in common...drives me batty!

    My MM are up but at my Xanga site:


  7. That is really sleeping! Have you had that checked? Sounds like it could be dangerous. Glad you're OK--except for the dress.

    My MM is up.

  8. That's scary! I hate tornados!!!
