Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thursday 13: Bunnies!

Thirteen Things about Bunnies!

These are all pictures of rabbits available for adoption from the Colorado House Rabbit Society.

1. Dudley

2. Dempsey

3. Wesley

4. Benny

5. Mara

6. Aurora

7. Emilio

8. Happy

9. Dwight

10. Fynn

11. Elmo

12. Luna

13. Alfred

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. I'm not sure why Dudley's name insists on being off to the side. It's all formatted exactally the same. I guess it's a Blogger thing.

  2. cute!
    my tt is up.

  3. Need to make sure Bone knows about these. I had a friend who had bunny named Thunder. She was storm cloud colored and thumped her foot a lot.

  4. nice rabbits -- what color is Mara? is she(?) a red?

  5. They are so cute! I'd take 'em all if the cat wouldn't misbehave. :)

  6. Anonymous9:50 AM

    awww, how come there are so many bunnies? we had a bunny living under our deck for part of the winter, then we adopted our dog from a shelter. last time i saw the bunny was that day, his little tail bouncing very quickly out of our backyard.

  7. cute. But Happy doesn't look happy. Does he always look so down in the dumps?

  8. Lovely.

    I use to have 10 rabbits... but now I have none :(

  9. They're lovely. What happened to their owners?

  10. That's a cute idea for a T13! I wouldn't mind a bunny, but Davin is deadly allergic. Ok, not deadly, but definitely "hively" allergic.

    I hope they find homes soon!

  11. Great names for cute bunnies.

    All of my daughter's teddy bears are named Happy.

  12. Anonymous4:49 PM

    This is just awesome and so unique for a T 13.

    Thanks for dropping by my celebration T 13 this week.

    I've really enjoyed the picture!!!!

  13. Ok, now I'm longing for a bunny! However, I don't think he/she would get along well with our 2 cats. Or maybe the other way around. :-)

    Cute, cute!

  14. Cute, cute, cute, love little bunnies, we have one that hangs around outside our house occasionally. My list is up!

  15. Aww! LOVE the short-eared lop!

  16. Awwww, how cute...but I think my fav is Wesley (only cause I really love that name!).

  17. I want the... um.. I'll take 'em all! How cute.

  18. They are so cute! that's why I cannot eat anyone related to them...! thanks for visiting, have a happy day!

  19. All great names that fit well. Happy Mother's Day!

  20. Happy Mother's Day Renee!

  21. What a gweat collection of wabbits!
