Thursday, February 09, 2012


why does blogger and google reader keep ignoring my requests to stop following some blogs?  I was following my own blog???   um tell me why?  I forgot what I just wrote???

And then I went to unfollow my blog (again!) and I saw some blog I had never ever heard of on my list.  Stupid me, I clicked the link just to see what it was.  I still have no kinda looked like a Justin Beeber blog.  Horrors!  I sure hope that clicking on the link didn't doom be to forever servitude or a virus.  Sigh!


  1. LOLOL. Are you sure Lilly's not up to something at night when you all are asleep?

    1. well that would require two things of which I'm not sure Lilly has the ability to do...
      1) get out of her bedroom that we close her up in
      2) computer skills

      something tells me (as Lilly is napping on the floor at my side) that she isn't the culprit.

  2. Maybe you should follow your own blog, just in case someone hacks in and posts to it, you'll be the first to know.

    You should also reverse your peepholes.
