Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Thursday 13: May

Thirteen Things about What we did in May

1) May 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd. Darly has Gymnastics class HERE. What do I do while she's in class? Sometimes I read, sometimes I knit (I'm not very good yet) and sometimes I go shopping.

2) May 2nd. First we started off the morning with a Field Day. Remember back in school when we went out to the foot ball field and did all sorts of running and relay races to just wear us out? Well that's what Darly did! She had fun and won lots of cheep prizes...happy day.
Then we had a field trip to Buffalo Bill's grave on Lookout Mountian. (I couldn't get the link to work when I was posting this...hopefully its back up now.) The museum has lots of cool stuff about Bill and his show. Did you know that they parked a tank on his grave to keep people from digging him up? Apparently a bunch of people were not too happy that he was burried in Colorado instead of WY and NE. Weird.

3) May 3rd. We went to see Slim Goodbody! This was a really cool show where the kids learned about the different systems in our bodies. I kinda think that Darly already knew most of what Slim had to say, but she learned some really cool songs to help remember it all.

4) May 4th. We had a play date at a friend's house and stayed very late. They have a trampoline...need I say more? Nope! I wasn't on it at all. I stayed on terra firma next to the fire pit because it was chilly that day.

5) May 5th. Girl Scout meeting. Well it should have been a meeting, but instead we went to a play called The End of the Beginning. Oh this was hillarious! I would highly recommend seeing this if you can. The ant character kept popping up in the audience (when your attention was focused on the stage) and hollering at the cast to hurry up...too funny!

6) May 6th. Home Depot Kids Workshop. Check the Home Depot in your area for this and its tons of fun and FREE!!! Every first Saturday of the month they have a free workshop where the kids come in and build a wood kit. This month's was a planter for Mother's Day that Darly gave to MIL. It was very nice.

7) Nope! It wasn't on May 7th...hee hee. It was on May 10th. This was a class that I taught the kids on how seeds travel and grow. First I had the kids disect a lima bean and taught them the different parts of the seed. I figured out later that I should have died one with food coloring because the parts were pretty hard to see. Then the kids went on a seed hunt to find different kinds of seeds in the park and we talked about how they travel. And finally the kids got to plant some seeds to start their own gardens. One mom said she would be bringing her kid's seedlings to my house if they made it because they have no yard.

8) May 17th. I was sick that day so we skipped our regularly scheduled park day and went to the Scholastic Book Fair Warehouse sale where all the books were 1/2 off the cover price...except for the books that were $1 or $0.25 each. We got a ton of good stuff, including "Ya-Yas in Bloom" that I just finished reading and a Rachael Ray cookbook for kids. Love those sales.

9) May 18th. We went to the Cheyenne Mountian Zoo and had a guided tour. It was very nice...great weather. And I got to pet a Walaby! I tried to upload a picture here, but its not working for me...probably protected on shutterfly.

10) May 22nd. We went to the Manitou Cliff Dwellings. I blogged about it HERE. We had a great time, but I was really bummed to find out that the dwelling were not originally constructed there. But it makes sense...especially since there were so many walls taken out so that us HUMONGOUS people could fit into them...the indians who built these dwellings were all less than 5 feet tall. I got to feel like a tall person!!!

11) May 23rd. We went to see Cosmic Journey at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. It was a nice show and I would have never gone to the Planetarium otherwise as the non-group price even for members is really steep and I'm a cheap person.

12) May 26th. Presentation Club! This a little program put on my our Homeschooling Group once a month where the kids get to work on their public speaking skills. Its known that if you can overcome your fear of speaking in public at an early age you do much better in life. I myself am terrified of speaking in public...but Darly doesn't have a problem with it. This month's topic was Books so the kids could talk about any book they want to. Darly chose Meet Felicity, part of the American Girl Collection.

13) May 31st. Another play date with the trampoline. But today it rained so we left early only to run into hail when we got closer to home. We hid out at our local library until the storm passed and then went to buy some flowers for the yard.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. Oh, I'm the first! Sounds like you had some fun. I cant knit very well either, but I can crochet.

    My list is up

  2. had a busy month. Lots of fun, though! Thanks for stopping by my list.

  3. Sounds like you had a busy but Fun month. My husband lives at Home Depot, I'll have to check to see if there is anything for the kids. He can take them too, and I'll have a peaceful afternoon. Thanks for the info. Have a great TT!

  4. MAN! You had a fun month. Except for getting sick, I guess. I would have LOVED the book sale! ;)

  5. What a busy month!! Kids LOVE trampolines - even all hot and sweaty, they still go back for more. :)

  6. Anonymous6:13 AM

    I LOVE the Cheyenne Moutain Zoo. Tell me, do they still have the red panda?

    (We used to live in Colorado...our daughter had a home in Co Spgs for nearly 17 years)

    My T 13 is up

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    OMG! You certainly did A LOT!!!! I'll have to check on that Home Depot thing.

  8. I've never taken my son to a Home Depot workshop...but I'm sure he would love it! I'll have to check into it.

  9. WOW what a busy BUSY month you had! :D

  10. When I was a kid, I lived for the days of the Scholastic Book Fair! :)

    Happy Thursday!

  11. sounds like a great, merry month of may.
    my tt is up

  12. Wow were you on vacation? Or just really organized and into doing things at home? Sounds fun either way. (And my TT are up.)

  13. You do soooo much for Darly and her home schooling - that is so inspiring!

  14. Wow, busy month!!

    My list is up:)

  15. Too fun, Renee! My list is also up, but I can't do the fun linky thing.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Anonymous12:35 PM

    i've done a few of those things as well, the home depot kids event, the book fair, and trampoline at the neighbors, and i too, did not go on!

  18. Sounds like a blast.

  19. Wow, you guys were busy in May. I wish I had done a few of those with my bunch. Well, theres always June! Thanks for the info on the book sale, I had no idea they did that. I cant wait to go. Thanks for stopping by my TT!

  20. Good heavens! I'm not sure I've done that much the entire year.

    Actually, if you take everything I've accomplished in my entire life, and condense it down into one day, it looks decent!

  21. Oh man, what a busy month you've had!

    I remember those "Field Days". I hated them with a passion.

    I like the lima bean lesson and the search for seeds. What a fun way to learn about plants.

    And that scholastic books warehouse! Ohhh that would have been heaven on earth for me!

  22. Sounds like a lot of fun. Do you homeschool?

    I had no idea Slim Goodbody was still around! I remember the character when I was a kid.

  23. Man, you're busy! What's up with you crazy homeschoolers? Hee hee!

    I can teach you how to cast off, bring some knitting to Girl Scouts or the Board Meeting and I'll show you there.

  24. You homeschoolers sure have good times. Thanks for the update.

    My TT is up.

  25. How did I miss you on Thursday? :)

    Trampolines are so much fun!
