Saturday, August 23, 2008

No sale

Last night for my Anniversary, DH gave me a gift card to Kohls. Kohls is one of my most favorite places to shop...normally. However, lately I've been having loads of trouble finding anything that I want there.

So today I have no kid as she's over at "I's" house. So after coloring my roots I set out to do some shopping.

First I went to Qudoba for some lunch. I had their yummy Taco salad. burp!

Then I headed to Sports Unlimited cuz they had their big tent set up in the parking lot. I thought they might have been having a summer clearance...but nope! They were setting up for a ski & snow sale that doesn't start until NEXT saturday! Oh well, like I said to another lady who had stopped because of the tent "At least I didn't spend any money!" she laughed and agreed with me.

Next I went to Kohls. I first noticed that they had rearranged the entire Women's dept. boo! I hate when they do that! But I found what I was looking for and grabbed 3 pair of jeans. One pair was supposed to be a smaller size and the other two were the size I figured that I needed. I tried on the "smaller" pair first and it fit okay, but I didn't like how it sucked in around my thighs making them look bigger. These jeans were supposed to be straight leg. Then I notice the size. What the hey?!?! Apparently someone had put them on the wrong hanger...they were the same size as the other two pair of jeans. great! Well that kept me from trying on the other pair that were the exact same jeans only supposed to be a size bigger. :eyeroll!: The 3rd pair of jeans were supposed to have a comfort waistband. I tried them on and realized that they were not the right rise. They were too high.

see I'm a very short waisted gal. And "regular" rise jeans come up too high on me...they poke me in the ribs when I'm sitting. So I started getting low rise (not the so low you have to shave to wear them!) but below the bellybutton. So pair of jeans #3 is a no go too. BOO!

After that I looked around a bit at some of the other clothes and though "blech!" I put the cart I had grabbed away and then went to look at their jewelry. I figured if DH wouldn't buy me any diamonds that I would just get some with my gift card! Well it won't be happening at Kohls. Not only did they NOT have any that I could get with my card...they didn't have any that I liked enough to wear either.

Oh well!

I then decided to head over to Walmart cuz when I saw the Sports Authority tent I was hoping for maybe getting a sun shield for camping. I found one that I might get, but today wasn't going to be the day for that.

Since I had no where to be for a while I just decided to browse. I went to the craft dept and was looking at nothing really when Jen called me to let me know that our Not Back To School party is postponed due to rain & tornado watches. Oh boy.

I told her I was supposed to get Darly back from Heather at the party and Jen jokingly said I should let her stay there until the new date for the party. HA HA! She's so funny!

I called Heather and she tells me that Darly doesn't want to come home. Okay, I guess she gets to stay there and miss her Confirmation Orientation. No big really, I'm sure it will be just like the last one that was really might even have the same info. maybe I can skip it too? hummm

So I looked at a few more things and left Walmart without buying anything too. And since I didn't need to kill anymore time (no party to go to) I headed home.

DH will be so proud of me! :D


  1. Lots of shopping there!! I wouldn't last through all of that ;)

  2. Not sure if I'm impressed or just sad for you...

  3. Anonymous9:40 AM

    i LOVE kohl's!! although their jeans ARE pretty hard to fit.
