Saturday, November 12, 2005

My A to Z

Swipped from Texas_Ivy10
who Snagged it from Scooter Commuter.

A is for Age - 38
B is for Booze I don't drink anymore. I'm too much of a control freak for that. ;o)
C is for Career Professional Mom! I also volunteer for LLL & our Homeschool Group
D is for Dad̢۪s name HUH? Don't know what that is.
E is for Essential items to bring to a party - food
F is for Favorite article of clothing New purple zipper sweater
G is for Goof off thing to do Computer time!
H is for Hometown Benton, LA
I is for Instrument you play piano, clarinette, recorder, drums
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - Cherry Jelly
K is for Kids 1 girl
L is for Living arrangement Live with my DH & DD.
M is for Music I like Contemporary Christian... KLOVE
N is for Name of your first pet Penny
O is for overnight hospital stays Adenoids & birth
P is for Phobias hummm
Q is for Quote you like I found a really cool one about education a few years back... but can't remember it now.
R is for Reason for blogging Why not?
S is for Siblings 3 brothers
T is for Texas , Ever been? Lived there '92-96
U is for Unique trait I usually remember everything
V if for Vegetable you love I like just about all veggies! My MIL once asked if I was vegetarian because everytime we went out to dinner I ordered veggie meals...LOL!
W is for Worst traits lazy
X is for X-Rays you've had chest for surgery, ankle for sprain, orthodontia for braces.
Y is for Yummy food you make I'm a really good cook. Everything that I make is good.
Z is for Zodiac sign capricorn


  1. Geez, you could be your own band!

  2. Jen: I didn't say that I was good at any of them! LOL (I'm not)

  3. Hello fellow Capricorn ;)
