Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I deleted my ticker that was driving so many of you nuts and now everyting is centered. I guess I deleted too much, but it was just one line of code. :(

Please help me.


  1. There must be a center code somewhere near the top. Hope you find it!

    If all else fails, contact Goofy Girl.

    An Island Life

  2. Hehe, you know the drill, and I can take a look. :)

  3. oh no, that's why mommy doesn't make too many changes to our blog. plus she makes backups of the code before any change.

    and yes, mommy really does get very bad my-granes. Not really from us. But they can last for 4-6 days sometimes. And she has one of those whoppers today - the says that the entire left side of her head is so hurty that she can't even touch it. So Miles is hollering in her right ear. - Sammy

  4. You have such a beautiful blog Renee. hehe

  5. I had issues with that when I went to get rid of the ticker after Alaska, too: I had to play for hours to get it to work!

    Good luck!

  6. I wish I could offer some help...would sympathy help? I hate when things like this happen and I can't figure out how to fix it.

  7. That is an easy fix ;) If you know HTML...

    DO you recall where you deleted the code from?

    If you do... go to that same place and put in /center but with < around it > That should uncenter anything below it...

    However... it looks like you deleted more then just a center marker. It looks like you might have deleted a whole parameter... and since I dont know what it is... I cant help :(

  8. Yay! It's fixed! Yay! :)

  9. I'm glad you got things fixed... Your blog looks great!

    I hope Darly liked the caterpillar pictures, R is having lots of fun watching them!

