I've decided to revamp my blog. Stay tuned for the changes as I'm doing them while I'm supposed to be working. ;)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sanctus Real - I'm Not Alright
Darly requested that I post this.
Sanctus Real - I'm Not Alright
From the album The Face Of Love
If weakness is a wound
That no one wants to speak of
Then “cool” is just how far we have to fall
I am not immune
I only want to be loved
But I feel safe behind the firewall
Can I lose my need to impress?
If you want the truth, I need to confess
I’m not all right
I’m broken inside
Broken inside
And all I go through
It leads me to You
It leads me to You
Burn away the pride
Bring me to my weakness
Until everything I hide behind is gone
And when I’m open wide
With nothing left to cling to
Only you are there to lead me on
‘Cause honestly I’m not that strong
And I move (2x’s)
And I move closer to you
And I move (2x’s)
And I move closer to you
And I move (2x’s)
I’m not all right that’s why I need you
Label: Sparrow Records
Lyrics may not be reproduced without permission from the publisher.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Puppy love and sadness
Casey is my Stepdad's dog. 100%! My stepdad spoils Casey all the time and they were meant to be together.
Samantha was my mom's dog, but she was really shy and not properly socialized to people so Samantha would rather hang around with Casey.
Casey could have cared less about Samantha, he wanted to be with Stepdad. In fact Casey would get jealous when Stepdad or Mom paid any attention to Samantha.
So you can imagine everyone's suprise when Casey is showing signs of missing Samantha.
The dogs were boarded at their vet's office because my mom felt that they would be checked in on more frequently and the vet would know their conditions in case something happened. And that would have been the case normally but it didn't happen on Thanksgiving because the office was closed.
When the vet tech found Samantha had passed away they said that Casey was laying on her and licking her. They took Samantha away of course and they don't know how long Casey was with her body.
Stepdad says that Casey didn't greet him when they were reunited and that he cried on the way home from the vet's office...when they got home Casey searched the house for Samantha. Poor puppy.
Mom says that stepdad doesn't want to get a new dog, but when I showed her the local Sheltie Rescue website she really wanted some of the dogs there. So that should be interesting. hee hee
I would really like to encourage them to rescue a dog instead of getting one from another puppy mill. I know that they don't mind having a dog with medical issues, but I just don't like encouraging puppy mills to produce dogs that have these problems.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving rehashed!
PROBLEM: I didn't schedule when I was suposed to get my shower and get ready...and I should have figured out where and in what to store everyting yesterday instead of trying to figure it all out on they fly!
I tried to get as much of the stuff that I knew Mom would question done before she got up...I did pretty well at it too. ha ha although she totally didn't understand my turkey cooking method. And she tried to get me to make her stuffing...but I made mine with a few of her teaks.
All the food turned out great! Everyone loved everything...even my nephew and Darly.
My brother called me to let me know that his step-FIL wouldn't be coming...one less for dinner...yay! I didn't need to drag in the folding chair.
DH was pretty wonderful...he did lots to help out.
Mom made gravy and it came out very well...good thing too cuz she eats her dinner swimming in it! LOL!
Something that I wasn't prepared for was that SIL's mom is allergic to dogs. I told her that Lilly isn't allowed in the Living room & Dining room and asked if that would be okay or is she more allergic than that. She said that would be okay...but my mom says that SIL & her mom had looks that said it wasn't okay and Lilly was soon pushed outside and had to spend most of today in her bedroom. Poor dog. I'm pretty ticked off that no one told me beforehand that she was allergic. I would have been much more willing to have dinner at my brother's house than to shut my dog up all day.
My MIL brought very yummy desserts (including my favorite!)
And my SIL brought veggies & wine (wonder where the beer she said she was bringing went?) Oh well.
And we will have lots of leftovers...I hope SIL took her cranberries home...I didn't check the frig.
right before dinner I started hiding my dirty dishes in my laundryroom's utility sink. I gave the really messy ones a shot of Dawn Power Disolver and vowed to wash them later (even though I didn't want to.)
After dinner and everything I did wash all the dishes...the dishwasher helped a lot, but I did all the pots & pans and a bunch of silverwear. but I didn't have enough room to dry it all...so I put a towel over one of my counters and left the dishes to air dry there.
My plan to use the drawer under my stove as a warming try didn't work all that well. While that drawer gets plenty warm when the self cleaner is on, it is very well insulated when normal cooking is going on...and even my pizza stone couldn't hold enough heat to keep things toasty...I think if I try that again I'll need to insulate the drawer first.
Okay the turkey, and the getting up early are catching up to me.
Oh, a very sad note. The vet's office where my mom's dogs were staying while they are here called. Samantha, my mom's sheltie passed away last night. Samantha suffered from seizures and her kidneys didn't work very well. I remember a few years ago when it wasn't expected that Samantha would live much longer, so I was quite suprised to hear that she was still with us. She was a very sweet dog who will be greatly missed.
Tomorrow I have to drive my stepdad to the airport, and call someone about fixing our garage door...the spring broke on Wednesday night. I hope they can come fix it soon.
Monday, November 19, 2007
East to West by Casting Crowns
this song usually moves me, but combined with the images here it makes me cry. What an awesome gift we've been given.
Friday, November 16, 2007
There was a wedding!
The wedding itself was very nice. DH & I were both very impressed with the judge who preformed the ceremony...although we both stressed to Darly that a Church wedding is much better. Darly exclaimed "that had to be the shortest wedding ever!" LOL! She's been to TWO weddings in her entire life now...which is TWO more than I had been to at her age. I think that I had gone to two before I got married. Oops make that 3.
We took the happy couple out to dinner at a "fancy smancy" place...meaning extremely SLOW service and high prices. But the food was good. SIL said after she ate that she should have just ordered a spinach salad & the creme brule. LOL! She couldn't finish her dinner. DH & I shared and we were the only ones with out extra food on our plate...but Brother did a very good job of trying to finish his.
answers to comments:
Jennifer said...
My head is spinning...but I don't think it's the vertigo this time...I think it's the amazement over the craziness at your house! Wow!!!
I hope you get to be the matron of honor, too...it's only fair, as hard as you're slaving!
well I got to sign the wedding certificate. I guess that counts, huh? LOL! Standing behind the judge felt better.
LadyBugCrossing said...
Wow! A wedding, Thanksgiving, and your mom for a month - I think this gives you a free pass into heaven!!
Probably not, but I think it gets me brownie points somewhere!
Lynn said...
How wonderful this whirlwind sounds. At least it is a happy occasion...right? Good job on the cleaning up. I am envious.
I still need to finish the kitchen and then touch up everything again before she stays with us...but we're doing well. And it was very happy.
TC said...
Can't wait to hear if there was indeed a wedding, and if so, how it went! :)
Is your whole family this spontaneous?
Actually NO we are not that spontaneous. My mom was shaking like a leaf and I don't know if that was nerves, her meds, or something else. My stepdad kept teasing that he was leaving, but we made sure he made it there! LOL!
Heather said...
Congratulations Mom! You should be watching a wedding soon :)
Glad everything is going smooooothly ;)
Everything went really well. On the way to the courthouse DH was driving beside me. He said that he had been trying to wave at me for about a mile before I noticed him...but yeah, I was paying attention to the cop that was in my lane. but I made the silly mistake of following DH to the courthouse...we didn't get lost, but did make a bit of a trip out of it. Then SIL calls me to see where we are and let me know where to find them...which I really didn't need since the security guard told us where to go.
Oh and get this...the Judge that married them was named "DH's first name for his first name And Stepdad's first name for his last name!" We're taking this as a good sign.
Mom seems to be tolerating our air very well. She got really winded trying to change her socks to knee highs, but she never took her air out, so I'm thinking that's a good thing. She also insisted on going for a smoke...bah! But Brother laid down the law...he said that if she wanted to smoke that she could not do it where my nephew could see her. So she went for a walk. I don't think I can tell her the same since we live on a hill. If she were to go for a walk she might not make it back up. LOL! Oh well, I've gotta come up with something though. She's gotta give this up!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
There could be a wedding tomorrow!
Mom & Stepdad get here tomorrow around 10am. So then we have to see if they're up for this speedy wedding thing...otherwise I don't know when we'll be able to pull this off as Stepdad has to go back on Friday. After the wedding is all official we head off to dinner.
So DH has picked out his wedding attire and will take it to work with him, take off early and meet us at the Courthouse...if he gets the call to do so.
Darly & I will go to Girl Scouts and then on our way to the Courthouse pick up some flowers. Darly will be the flowergirl & photographer. I hope I'm the Matron of honor.
So now all we're waiting on is the call.
and here's my Progress. The kitchen still needs some work, but I should be able to get that done by Monday. Now I just hope that the plans don't change any.
Oh and SIL & I talked about Thanksgiving. It will be here. SIL is bringing some of the side dishes. I need to see if MIL is coming and if she'll bring her pumpkin dessert...yum! If she does, I'll need some ice cream to go on top. And then the only other thing I really need is to borrow a table from my Church so we can all sit together...sort of. I'm gonna have two tables to make it easier to get in and out. The second table will be in my Living room which is connected to my dinning room by a huge arch.
Okay, that's it for now.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
avoiding the mess...
Then I tried to call my brother's house (he works freelance from home so he is normally home during the day...but he also travels around the world teaching classes in this strange computer language stuff) but there was no answer there either.
I should get off the computer and go clean the laundry room so it isn't dangerous in there when my mom visits...she says she'll be doing her own laundry. But it's nice and warm in here and not so warm in the garage where I'll be stashing all the stuff from the laundry room!
And YES, I've decided to hide all the piles of craper stuff that my family has left all over the place (ha ha I write that as if none of the piles are my stuff...LOL!) Seeing as my mother has told me that she can't climb the stairs, I'm betting that she won't ever see my basement...so that will be PRIME hiding this stuff area. Now I just need to figure out a good place in there for all of it!!!!
And if you've been keeping track of my Progress...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Don't ever ask if it can get any worse...
Sigh...nothing I can do now, but notify DH and start cleaning.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Brother emailed me back....ACK ACK ACK!
Oh wow, 7 days?!! I hope you get it all figured out!
Kailani said...
Those 7 days are going to fly by! However, if he didn't get those tickets by now, he's going to pay A LOT for them!
Lynn said...
Seven days....yikes is right. Is your brother always this 'relaxed' about reservations and planning?
TC said...
Wait... time out. She's due in a week and doesn't have a ticket yet??????
Okay I think I can cover all these comments right here. My brother emailed me back. Here's how the emails went...
November 1, 2007
Subject: Re: Mom & "Step-dad"
Hey Bro,
Do you have the dates for Mom & "Step-dad"'s visit?
No. It's hard to get free flights around the holidays. I'm still working on it though. Bro
November 11, 2007 5:21:20 PM
Subject: Re: Mom & "Step-dad"
Any progress? Just wondering if I need to hurry up and clean my house or not. 'cuz my countdown ticker says they're due here in 7 days...ACK! I shudda cleaned it last week...we weren't busy then.
Yeah, they are coming. I was cleaning all day. :)
Now you know as much as I know...
I still don't know for sure if they'll be here on the 19th (which by the way I have a Cookie Exchange party to go to that night!) I still don't know what time they're ariving and I still don't know for sure how long they're staying with my brother. And they're supposed to be getting married (finally after living together for the past 14 years) while they are here and I don't know if that's been planned at all either.
And YES, my brother is normally this much of a pain in the butt! I'm a planner and stress out about every little detail (remember me getting all freaked out about not getting an Excel spreadsheet with a time chart for the wedding??? LOL!) But he just doesn't let anything bother him. Luckily his wife is a little bit more like me about these kind of things...so I'm gonna email her to try to get some details, cuz I'm sure she's stressed...poor thing! SIL's also pregnant.
How is this for fun???
But the kicker is... I haven't heard a peep from my brother who is supposed to be arranging the travel for this wonderful event!!! I emailed him back on the 1st and he still hadn't gotten the tickets yet because he's trying to use his frequent flyer miles...well those are pretty much USELESS around the holidays. So I'm beginning to wonder if this will ever happen. I can't imagine that buying the tickets at this late date will be anything but expensive...unless he's trying to get them on Priceline. Hum
Well I just emailed him again today. I tried to be as nice as I could. I'll keep you posted.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Oh MAN does this feel soooooo much better!!!
Well the lady I spoke to of course was trying to give me the run around..."it's not our problem..." but she actually gave me some handy dandy tests I could do at home to figure out what the problem was.
And sure enough after I unplugged my router my internet was working full speed again! YAY!
And then Meezer's Mom warned me that since I took off my router firewall I had better make sure I had another one on there...and guess what...it was already running. (boy Vista sure doesn't make it easy to find that sucker!!!) but I found it and it was on and I even ran Defender (sounds so cool huh?) and was pleased to find that I didn't have anything creapy on my computer.
Now I'm all running great. YAY!!!
In other news:
I got an email about a week or two ago from my cell phone service provider that they were switching out the kind of service they offered and that my current cell phone would no longer work...so If I Clicked HERE I could get an upgraded cellphone for FREE! Well I don't know about you, but that offer sounded WAY TOO PHISHY to me. So I sat on it for a day or 3 and then I called my provider up. And Whoa and Behold it was TRUE!!! They would give me a free upgrade phone. So I signed away my first born and waited for my "new" phone. I was hoping for the pretty pink phone I saw on their website.
Well the phone arrived on Wednesday and no it wasn't a pretty pink phone...bummer. So I put in the SIM card and charged it up and by the time that got done the provider was closed for the day...they're on the East coast.
So Thursday morning I call them up to do my transfer cuz they're saying that if I didn't call in 14 days of when I got the phone they would disconnect both phones! Shock!
So I call them up and we do all the signing over of my dog and house to get my new phone up and running. I have both phones and can see the transfer taking place...kinda cool. But then she informs me that it will take 48 hours for the transfer to fully take place. WHAT??? Oh well it's too late to cry about it now. My old minutes were already on my new phone and she gave me 10 extra minutes and 2 months of service (I have a pay as you go plan) so this was rather cool.
Okay since my old phone now is useless (I asked about donating it for charity and she said that once they did the transfer it wouldn't work for 911 either.) so I gave the phone to Darly. I figured she could play with it...she likes the games and playing with the ring tones. And she was thrilled with it. so much so that she brought it along on our field trip to show her friends.
So were at the field trip and Darly has the "dead" phone in her pocket. I have my new phone that still doesn't work in my car. The guy is doing a great job of telling us all about the museum and all the sudden a cell phone goes off. Darly looks at me all freaked out. I ask is it you? and she nodds. I take the phone and hit the silent button...and soon there's a beep that I have a message. Ummmm okay, I can't answer the phone cuz it has no minutes and I can't retreive the messages until my new phone is connected to the network. LOL! so I have no idea who called and no idea what they wanted.
Then I post about this on my homeschooling board and one of my friends asks if it was her calling??? WHAT THE HEY are you calling about during a field trip??? and yes she knew we would be on a field trip...but she might have forgotten. But seriously I don't think it was her cuz it didn't display a phone number. I should check to see if it pops up our number when I call it from home.
Oh well, I should be cellular by tomorrow.
Calling all computer experts!!!
I am experiencing computer problems AGAIN!!!! And to tell you the truth it is really making me very angry.
For the past few days we've had where we can get on the internet but for some odd reason everything is taking a very long time to download (slower than way back when we were on dial up!) and most of the time Internet Explorer just gives up and says it can't display the page. I've been having to hit the refresh button over and over just to get most things to come up. A lot of the time it will down load part of a page and quit...like all the Ads and then quit before the stuff I WANT to see comes up. *eyeroll!*
I've run my antivirus...it says my computer is fine and the only thing it has ever brought up is cookies.
I can do all other applications on my computer with no problems or lag (word, and games.) It seems entirely internet related.
I have been having it give me cranky messages about flash player (cuz Webkinz uses that a lot.) And it has shut down IE because of the flash player thing.
Oh and in the past my modem has disconnected from the internet for no known reason. I've had Qwest out here to look at it before and the guy fixed a bunch of stuff on it, but I couldn't tell you what that was.
The modem seems fine right now...it's not kicking me off the internet. But if you know how I can check it, that would be great. I could also use help with testing the router.
I hate calling up anyone especially Qwest (my provider) or MSN (my ISP) because the two of them keep playing the blame game circle..."it's not our fault, it's theirs!" And the last time DH called up Qwest he had DH delete the Ethernet card which seemed to fry that out entirely!
If anyone out there has suggestions for what all I can do please let me know... Thanks!
I was able to visit blogs yesterday, but I could only comment on some. I'm so sorry.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Update on DH's doctor visits
DH had supplied the hemotologists with his military medical records...which shocked the doctor a lot. See in the military they allow you to not only see your records but to carry them around yourself...you kind of have to with all the moving around they make you do. But in the civilian world they do not allow you to even look at your medical records...I'm guessing it's all that malpractice worries.
The funny part was that in yesterday's mail we got a report from our primary care doc stating that regardless of DH's family history she wanted him to consult with a hemotologist. I know that she'll get a copy of his report but I sure wanted to send her a "nah nah nah!" letter.
Course this is the same primary care doc who sent me the very disturbing letter after my Mamogram that said I needed to come in to talk to her about the abnormal results. It seemed that someone at the Mamography center had first sent them a copy of the results when I requested that they only go to my OB/GYN's office (since the test had been ordered by them and they had actually seen me recently. And I like them better!) and second the person at my Primary care's office had filed my results backward so on top was the mamography report and under that was the sonogram report stating that I was fine.
So as of now we're all fine. DH still has to go get his thyroid checked out, but we're expecting that to go okay too.
I TOLD DH that he should have told the doctor about the family history before she ran the blood test!!! Oh well, we're only about 3 specialist co-pays poorer now.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
okay, you know it's bad when...
I don't remember what I did last Monday, but seeing as there's a blog post, I must have posted that. LOL!
Tuesday we went to the Littleton History Museum. Sorry they have a really lousy website. But it's a fun place to visit. And apparently if you want to actually see folks as reinactors you have to go early in the day because for the first time we saw someone in the school house and the kids got (a very watered down version of) a lesson and we also got to see the blacksmith working on making a hook (they sell these in the gift shop) and someone was beginning to prepair the noon meal in the 1903 farmhouse. I didn't think she had begun nearly early enough though...I guess they weren't really having a 1903 meal. All we saw her do was add wood to the fire and add water to a pot of shucked corn, that was sitting there earlier. Oh well, glad I was having Quiznos for lunch!
Wednesday was our Homeschooling Group's Halloween party. Since I'm on the board of directors, it's my job to help put on the party. This year we decided to just have games & snacks. Lots of people brought in lots of yummy snacks and many of us went home with almost all of what we brought in. The games were really fun for the kiddos, although Darly got really disappointed that it took close to 10 numbers before I called one that was on her bingo card. Next year instead of yelling my head off to be heard for bingo, we're going to make use of the dry erase board.
One of Darly's friends is a fraternal twin (I'm gonna call her TG). TG just isn't interested in doing all the fun things that her twin brother & mom like to do, so her mom regularly asks if I can take TG so she and brother can go to places like the transportation museum, which is where they wanted to go on Halloween. So coming home from the Halloween party I had TG with me. I took the girls to Panera Bread because TG is extreemly hard to feed...this kid hates everything!!! But we know that she'll eat bagles with cream cheese, so Panera Bread it is! Good thing I love their salad & sandwiches (right now I could go for some soup!) The girls had a blast playing together and Darly's room actually stayed clean (well it got cleaned again while TG was here.) DH took Darly & TG trick-or-treating.
I stayed home to hand out candy. First off we had a few small kids, but mostly tweens come and I watched as many kids passed by our house. I wonder if the small slope to my driveway was just too hard to climb for them to bother. I was pleased that since my neighbor wasn't giving out candy the kids were not cutting through my grass. YAY! And even though folks who live out in the country drove their kids into our subdivision (they live on property where the houses are about a mile apart) things were pretty much done by 8pm. We closed up then and still had some candy left over. And I never had to break into my emergency stash...yay Twix for me!!!
On Thursday I took Heather's daughter to go see Seussical Jr. I had a great time, Darly forgot her glasses so she couldn't really see the character's faces. I think we should go get her a second pair of glasses to keep in the car since she is so forgetful. The girls also got to meet another girl their age...looks like Darly's next birthday party is gonna be huge!
After we saw the play I took the girls to lunch at Sooper Salad! Neither ate very much but at least it was cheap for them. Next it was off in search of a Hallmark store so we could find some Webkinz Clothes for another friend's birthday party next Saturday.

Then we headed back to Heather's house. The girls got some quality playtime and I got to chat with Heather. At 4:30 it was time for Darly & I to rush home so she could go to Gymnastics class. STRIKE ONE! As we were pulling into the garage I tell Darly to go upstairs get her leotard on and we are leaving as soon as she is dressed. (DH was already home from work) Darly comes downstairs with her leotard in her hand and sits down at the table. I say in what was probably not the nicest voice that I had told her to get dressed she needed to hurry as we were going to be late. STRIKE TWO! We get to the gym just in time for Darly to walk into her class (she wasn't late) Whew! BUT it turns out that she had her least favorite coach. STRIKE THREE! But bad coach wasn't crabby so strike 3 wasn't so bad.
Lessons learned: 1st don't plan any other activities on Gym days...especially not a play date as Darly doesn't like to leave a playdate to go to the Gym. 2nd Darly HATES to be rushed, so try harder to be on time (looks like I'm breeding another chronically early person in the world!) And there was nothing I could do about her coach. LOL!
See Darly was moved up to this class in September. Right as Darly moved up the gym lost two of it's coaches. I don't know what happened to the first one (never met that coach as they only worked tues & thurs and we were monday/wednesday class at the time). The second coach ran off to get married (how dare her?!?! just kidding) so the gym is short 2 coaches. So Darly's class was over booked with girls (12 at one point in a class that was supposed to be only 8 girls) and has rotating coaches. Which is probably why this one coach was so cranky...she wanted to coach the TEAM girls, not Darly's class. But now crabby coach seems to have accepted this and isn't quite so crabby about it. However, I found out that crabby coach is going to Greece in a few weeks for a competetion...so I wonder how they'll staff the gym then. ut oh!
And now for Friday. We had Girl Scouts. Another mom had planned the meeting and the girls would be making boxes for Operation Christmas Child. The mom had first handed out toy blocks to each girl and told them a story about a village where a house had burned down. Everyone in the village wanted to help the family but didn't know how. So the mayor asked each family to make one brick. Everyone wondered how one brick was going to help, but after seeing the mayor make one brick they made theirs as well. Well suddenly there were plenty of bricks to make a new house for the family. As the mom told the story she invited each girl up to bring her brick to make the house. It wasn't really anything that looked like a house, but the girls got the point. Then she showed the girls a video of what Operation Christmas Child is and then the girls made pony bead bracelets for the boxes. They were making a box for a Daisy aged girl, Brownie aged girl and Junior aged girl. Well all 3 boxes were over flowing with items that we had all brought in...so much so that the mom decided later to make up a few more boxes to take. Unfortunately we won't be able to take the boxes with her as we have other plans that day.
In other news DH went to get his physical with our new doctor this week. The doctor's office failed to tell him that he needed to fast for 12 hours before coming in so they could do blood work. They also didn't tell him that he needed to give them a urine sample (yeah, it's been a LONG time since DH's last physical) so he goes in and can barely give them enough urine and has to return the folowing day for the blood draw. DH FAILED to tell the doctor that he has a family history of low white blood cell count. So when they got his blood work back they were all freaked out by his low blood cell count and now he has an appointment with an oncologist!!! He also had to go see a dermatologist who froze off quit a few unusual spots on DH's arms, hands & face...he looked pretty gory for Halloween! The dermatologist says the spots are similar to warts..but they're flat. Weird, but he's gotten them for years so we're used to this.
DH dug out his old Military medical records so he can take those to the Oncologist and hopefully not have to get another copy of his mother & sister's records before they believe that he is NOT dying of cancer. geepers! If only he had bothered to warn the doctor before hand we probably wouldn't be going through all of this. The Oncologist has sent us a packet of papers which include a "final wishes" booklet.
Today I'm gonna go Christmas shopping with Heather! YAY! And Darly told us last night that she doesn't think that Santa is real anymore. I'm torn between lying to her or letting her know she's right. I guess I better tell her the truth so she doesn't spill the beans to her friends (again!) I can't find the post but Darly told her friend the birds & the bees.
So I should go so I can go shopping!