Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What's up with that ticker?

Some of you (okay most of you) may get what my ticker up at the top of my blog means...but I thought that I would explain it as 1) it gives me something to blog about and 2) support is always good.

I have decided yet again to give up drinking Pepsi. I don't have any thing against Pepsi. I really love the stuff and that's what makes giving it up so hard. And No I didn't give it up for Lent, as you can see I started my "Pepsi Fast" on the 4th (the ticker actually counts from when I had my last sip) a few days before Lent began (I am not a person who can give up something for Lent...it just never happens...I also don't make New Year's resolutions.)

Okay, so why would a normal Pepsi drinker suddenly decide to give it up?

Well cuz as I get older, I've noticed that I've been packing on the pounds. And I know that my real life friends will have to pick on me big time about that as they can't see where I put on the pounds. One even asked me if I gained weight in my knuckles. You can't see it cuz I camoflage it...trust me, it's there.

Each Pepsi is a 150 worthless calories (160 if you do the Cherry Pepsi!) and to top it off, once you come down off that sugar high from having one, you want another one! It's just an aweful vicious cycle. And then there's that daily addiction where you're looking at the clock and looking forward to your next Pepsi. Blech!

I was sick of it. So after I had my last one, I decided that that was it. I had to quit it.

Problems with this decision...

This isn't the first time I've tried to give it up. This isn't even the first time this year that I've tried to give this up...I tried after my flu. I figured why pick it back up again when I was well...it didn't work.

We store the Pepsi in the garage and DH brings them in to the frig as the level goes down. Each time I give it up, it takes him a bit of time to notice and he keeps bringing in more...until he figures it out and then suddenly I'm back off the waggon and drinking up all his stash.

And then there is still that time in the afternoon where I really need a pick me up. I've so far had pretty good luck replacing it with water...HEY! There's a Healthy thought!

Weekends are usually the hardest. During the week I can keep myself busy and not dwell on it...but Saturday & Sunday, especially in the winter we just sit around and it's a good day for a Pepsi.

So I keep trying.

I'm very proud that I made it though last weekend without breaking...especially since I had all that cookie stress to deal with...but that kept me too busy to think about it. YAY ME!


  1. LOLOL You put it in your knuckles ;) LOLOL :) Who would say something like that?!?!

    In any event, I am proud of you... I failed with the no sugar thing. but I am still running... Darn girl scout cookies.

  2. You've got the answer: the knuckles, lol! But I know that feeling although the scale shows the same weight I feel those extra pounds are there, in my very own body...hiding yet showing...
    YAY you!!! I know it's very hard to replace that good stuff with water. Again: YAY YOU!!!!!

  3. Good for you! I quit drinking pop (soda) of any kind a couple of years ago - my complexion is better, I am properly hydrated, and there's a big difference in my energy level now that I'm primarily drinking water (coffee and tea are my caffinated drinks now, no sugar added!) - it's not easy, but it's worth it.

  4. Congratulations on working towards a goal. I had to give up drinking lemonade back in August (for health reasons). While I know that I was doing it so that I wouldn't feel sick, it was still hard...Keep it up. As Jillian on 'The Biggest Loser' says...why would you drink your calories????

  5. Well, as you may know, I cut way back on my soft drinks late last year. However, my head still hurts most of the time if I try going all day without one.

    Maybe if you can't completely stop, you could try limiting yourself to one a day.

    Or how about having some Pez everytime you crave a Pepsi.

  6. Miss Renee- concatulations!! keep up the good werk - it's hard to give up something!

  7. I tried to give up Diet Coke and I was a failure - but I really admire you! Keep it up!!

  8. LOL! I gave up soda for lent. I had one last night with dinner, but there was no other choice... I don't drink the water at that place - it's bad!
    But, I didn't finish it. :-)

    Soda is hard to give up!!

  9. When my parents picked me up at the airport when I came home from Spain, my Dad brought me a can of Mt. Dew - something I couldn't get in Spain. (They had "coke" so even though it tasted different, I wasn't totally without.)

    That can of Mt. Dew didn't taste all that great, too sweet, etc., but I had another one a few days later. And then another.

    Having more than that one can was the dumbest thing I ever did. At that point in time, going cold turkey would have been easy for me. Sigh.

    I can go days without a can of pop... and then I'll have one. I try to not have more than one a day on the days that I do drink 'em, and like I said, days can pass without one. But giving them totally up?

    I just don't think I could do it.

  10. Want me to do it with you? I need to cut them out, too...I'm a total junkie! It's awesome....but junk calories....who needs 'em?

  11. Good luck with your quest for freedom from Pepsi! I've tried the same thing from caffeine. Well, at least reducing my intake. I feel a lot better now that I've done it.
