From Veronika
Meme: Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 Guilty Pleasures" and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly.
1. computer time- I have a ritualistic order for this. I start off with my coffee in the AM, tea in the PM and log on. First I check my email accounts in order (usually ignoring certain emails for later), then I check my homeschooling support board and finally I check my blog.
2. reading - I read magazines and books like crazy. I love to read. When a new magazine comes into the house, I usually finish it with an hour...front to back. If there is something that doesn't hold my interest enough to read it right away, I take one of the order cards out and hold that place then skip to the next article.
3. shower/bath - I haven't had a bath in a long time because my tub is filled with painting supplies, until I pain my bathroom. but even showers can be lovely with the right stuff in there.
4. caramels - oooooooooooh
5. Black Cherry Berry tea - yummy!
Oooh, caramels! YES! Thanks for playing.
I am sooo with you on the first one. But in a different order :)