Monday, January 30, 2006

So What's Your Story?

I got this post idea from Kelly who got it from Liz...

They asked "what's your profile picture story?"

So here it is...

This picture was taken in October of 2004. It's at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa FL. That's me with Darly & my Mom. I have to say right here that it is really really rare to get a picture of my Mom...she hates cameras. But somehow I talked her into it.

We talk kinda weird vacations. For this one we spent the first day at my Mom's house...mostly talking and buring wood on her property. This was just after the huricane season had ended and there were a lot of tree branches that had been knocked down. Darly had a blast chasing Anoles, throwing acorns into the fire and hearing them pop and seeing a snake in the yard. I wish that I had taken more pictures that day.

Day two we went to Busch Gardens without Nana. They had a bunch of stuff under construction (which stunk) but we got to see and do a lot too. The new African Safari part is cool with the animals up close. Darly liked the kids ride part.

Day three we went to Lowry Park with Nana. Darly loved it. We all thought that Lowry was better than Busch...more to see & do and cheaper too. That's where the picture was taken. That Manatee statue is at the entrance to the park. It has a water feature that the kids can play in during the summer. We could play in it in October too if we wanted to, it was certainly warm enough.

Day four we went to MOSI with Nana & Papa Vance.
Another fun day of learning. Papa Vance is a school teacher and just loved being able to teach his granddaughter. We got to do this really cool exhibit where you solve a mistery...collecting clues and looking at evidence.

I'll have to go & check out some of the other stories about the pictures. But I thought it was interesting how my profile pix and Kelly's both crop out everyone else. I picked this picture because I think that I look really good in it and I think that Kelly looks great in hers too.

Monday Memories: a recent memory...

Monday Memories: Did I ever tell you about How I HATE Cell phones?

I really Hate cell phones. Not that the phones themselves are bad. I have one myself. It's the other people out there using cell phones in a bad way that really drive me up a wall.

On Monday 2 weeks ago I was at Darly's gymnastics gym. Because of the crazy parking lot there, we get there really early each week. So we are waiting for her class to start in 20 minutes. There is this little 2 y/o girl there with her mom waiting for her big sister to get out of class. The classes are all an hour long and there is NOTHING to do but watch the kids or sit. Mom is sitting and chatting on her cell phone with who knows who...but little 2y/o is tired of watching the big sister's class and has nothing to do. She keeps asking mom when big sis will be done, but mom who is on the phone keeps ignoring her. 2y/o tries to run around the room, but mom won't let her. 2y/o tries to watch the other class, but mom won't let her. Mom continues to talk on the phone for the ENTIRE time ignoring 2y/o. The most Mom says to 2y/o is "that's enough." So by the time the class is over 2y/o has HAD IT. Big sis comes out of class and 2y/o just bursts into tears and can not be consoled. Mom had finally gotten off the phone and looks totally dumbfounded when people are giving her looks as to why her kid is behaving like this.
Another mom says "Somebody's tired." I had to correct her "No, somebody has been ignored for the past hour." GRRR!

I hate it when I'm in line and a person in front of me is so into their conversation on the cell phone that they can not even interact with the cashier to complete their transaction...but do they get off the phone...NO! GRRR!

I hate it when I see a mom who has just loaded her kids into the mini-van, hop into her seat and click on her phone to call someone. As if driving requires a phone conservation. Who is she calling? And are her kids' lives really worth it?

Another time Darly & I went to McD's for lunch. A mom in front of us had finished placing her order, and pulls out her phone. "Hey! What are you doing?... Me? I'm waiting for my order at McD's... yeah, we'll be here about 20 min I figure and then we'll come over, okay?...yada...yada...yada..." I hate hearing someone else's entire conservation.

I hate it that our Pastors at Church have to remind folks to "set their cells to stunn and to take their calls outside of the sanctuary" during service. I also hate it that our Pastor used to wear his cell phone during service. I haven't seen it in a long time, so maybe someone else told him to get rid of it or maybe there was something important going on at that time.

Oh and I hate that a few people that I know seem to have their DHs checking up on them ALL THE TIME with their cells. This one friend's DH calls her about every hour it seems. That just seems to me to be too much. What in the world do they talk about when they are together? He knows what they did all day because he kept calling.

Okay, I know this kinda went off of the whole monday memory stuff...but that memory of the 2y/o was really getting to me and I had to download it. Thanks for reading...

Links to other Monday Memories
(If you participate, leave your link in the comments and I'll post it below)

Click here for the Monday Memories code
Click here for Running2Ks blog

Trackbacks, pings, and comment links are accepted and encouraged!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Boo Hoo! It's over...

The first Blog Olympics came to a close today. The closing ceremonies and a wrap up of the whole Olympics can be seen here at our Blog Olympic newscaster. The show was awesome and we could understand every word!

I am sad to report that I was not the winner. I'm even sadder to report that I missed an event last night! I was just too tired to compete after a day of real life figure skating (HA! AS IF! Darly & I went skating and I was very lucky that I didn't spend any time on my butt, but my feet were killing me.)

I would like to take this opportunity to congragulate the winners... Running2Ks and Uisce. They were both very good sports and competitors.

My final medal count 4 silver 1 gold and one missed game. Not too shabby. I hear that the next olympics will be next January...I suggested that it be every 4 years but I guess the blogging community won't wait. But that might be enough time to rest. Thanks Barbara! It was a lot of fun. Also Thanks to Lazy Daisy who was anything but lazy! nite... zzzz

Thursday, January 26, 2006

My current medal count!

Come check out the Blog Olympics over at Trying to Catch Up.

For full coverage of the Blog Olympics, please tune into our sponsoring network over at Lazy Daisy Log.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

what ya gotta do to get comments...

Tonight's blog olympics challenge was to comment with our post that had the most comments.
For me, that was my Sleepin-around Thursday Thirteen. I had 32 comments. So apparently, for me anyway, in order to get comments I have to be a bit riskay. And it didn't hurt at all that it was a TT and everyone was hunting down posts to comment on.

First I should thank everyone who commented on that post. Thank you all very much. I really appreaciate you all stopping by and saying something. A lot of you are very funny. And second, I've gotta come up with something that will get me more comments!

Any suggestions?

I got another one!

*doin a happy dance* I gotta nother silver

I don't see myself getting a gold or bronze in these olympics...I'm just too average. But hey, that's a-okay with me. :D

My first medal *blush*

Here's my first medal in the Blog Olympics! Woo Hoo! Yay me!

Monday, January 23, 2006

I'm an Olympian!

I've signed on to be an Olympian in the first ever Blog Olympics over at Trying to Catch Up.

For full coverage of the Blog Olympics, please tune into our sponsoring network over at Lazy Daisy Log.

come on over and cheer me on (or watch me get my rear totally kicked!) Either way it promises to be a good time.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

feeling better and tagged...

From Veronika
Meme: Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 Guilty Pleasures" and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly.

1. computer time- I have a ritualistic order for this. I start off with my coffee in the AM, tea in the PM and log on. First I check my email accounts in order (usually ignoring certain emails for later), then I check my homeschooling support board and finally I check my blog.

2. reading - I read magazines and books like crazy. I love to read. When a new magazine comes into the house, I usually finish it with an hour...front to back. If there is something that doesn't hold my interest enough to read it right away, I take one of the order cards out and hold that place then skip to the next article.

3. shower/bath - I haven't had a bath in a long time because my tub is filled with painting supplies, until I pain my bathroom. but even showers can be lovely with the right stuff in there.

4. caramels - oooooooooooh

5. Black Cherry Berry tea - yummy!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Is it just me?

Okay, I'll be the first to admit that I can be quite an (very un-nice person) when I am in pain. And while I know that my cramps are not the most painful on the earth, they hurt ME and make me grumpy.

So today, I am in pain and I forgot to re-load my purse with tons of motrin and we were at MIL's house. I thought of asking her for some drugs, but didn't want to seem too wimpy.

But Am I the cranky one today? NO! It's DH & Darly who are being the crabbiest people on the planet. Darly is whining that she doesn't want to do this or that and DH is actually being crabby with his mom! *shock*

I need to have a talk with that man about his constant defending of his kid, 'cuz it's driving me batty...maybe next week when I'm more rational though.

But back to the crabbiness of the other family members. ARE THEY TRYING TO GET KILLED HERE? Do they not realize that they are playing with fire?

Hand me the Motrin and no one will get hurt...until it wears off.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

69 Things...

stolen from TheIdleReceptionist

1. What time did you get up this morning?

woke out of bed: 8:20am

2. Diamonds or pearls?


3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

Madagascar - "we like to move it move it!"

4. What is your favorite TV show?

Good Eats

5. What did you have for breakfast?

French Vanilla coffee w/ 2 spoons of vanilla creamer & 1 spoon of chocolate milk mix.

6. What is your middle name?


7. What is your favorite food?

Just about anything

8. What foods do you dislike?

Peanut Butter

9. Your favorite Potato chip?

Baked Lays, Guacamole Doritos, Cheddar & Sour Cream Lays

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?


11. What kind of car do you drive?

1994 Ford Explorer, w/ less than 100K miles!

No Question 12.

No Question 13. Someone must be superstitious.

14. Favorite drink?


15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be?

I would still like to see Europe, but I'll wait for world peace first. If that never happens in my life time, Hawaii will do.

16.What color is your bathroom?

Upstairs both white and in need of painting. downstairs: lt beigh swirls.
17. Favorite brand of clothing?

As long as it fits, I don't care who's name is on it! After living in the land of counterfits, you just don't care.

18.Where would you retire?

Someplace warm

19. Favorite time of day?

When I crawl into bed and DH has had my electric mattress pad on so it's all nice and toasty in there.

20. There was no question 20.

21. Favorite sport to watch?


22. Who do you least expect to send this back?

don't know

23. Person you expect to send it back first?

don't know

24. What laundry detergent do you use?


25. Coke or Pepsi?


26. Are you a morning person or night owl?

Night owl.

27. What size shoe do you wear?

Depends upon the shoe...usually a 7, but boots are an 8. Most likely the size they are out of!

28. Do you have pets?

1 mixed breed dog, 2 rabbits

29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your friends?

It's 10:38 am, I should be heading to Park Day and DD just woke up!

30. What (who) did you want to be when you were little?

I never knew

31. Favorite candy bar?


33. What are the different jobs you have had in your life?

Just about every fast food place, copy room of an Electric Company, receptionist & Accouting of Property Management company, church secretary. Minimum wage is now more than I have EVER earned.

34. Favorite season?


35. Nicknames you've had?

Nay, Purple, and those given by DH

36. Piercings:

2 in each ear

37. Eye color:


38. Ever been to Africa?


39. Ever been toilet papering?

Yes, just last year! I tried to find the evidence for you, but can't remember what month it was. Maybe Jen will let you know.

40. Love someone so much it made you cry?


41. Been in a car accident?

Yup! I rearended a lady who stopped short in front of me while I was on a bridge so I couldn't swerve. We didn't report it.

42. What's a question no one has ever asked you?

don't know

43. Favorite day of the week?

hummm... don't know

44. Favorite restaurant?

Steak & Ale

45. Favorite flower?

Purple Pansies

46. Favorite ice cream?

don't care much. Carmel Caraboo is really good.

47. Disney or Warner Brothers?

don't care

48. Favorite fast food restaurant?

Quizno's Turkey Ranch & Swiss

49. What color is your bedroom carpet?


50. How many times did you fail your driver's test?

None. But that's a good story. My mom was really nervous that I would fail because they make you pay for the license even if you fail and she was NOT paying for it if I failed. So I studied really hard. When I finished the test we went up to the counter to get it graded and the poor kid in front of me failed. My mom gave me a look like "That had better NOT be YOU!" I turned in my test, she graded page one... no wrong answers, she graded page two... NO WRONG ANSWERS! I got everything correct. Then I gave mom a look like "SEE! I'M NOT STUPID!" I've had to take the test a few times since then and have only gotten one question wrong w/o studying.

51. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail?

Didn't get this in an email. My last email was from Klove, they send me a bible verse every morning.

52. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?

No where! I don't max out my cards ever!

53. What do you do most often when you are bored?


54. Bedtime:

sometime between 10 & 2

56. Last person you went to dinner with?


57. Ford or Chevy?


58. What are you listening to right now?

59. What is your favorite color?

Purple... was this a suprise?

60. Lake, Ocean or River?


61. How many tattoos do you have?


62. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

who knows? who really cares?

63. How many people are you sending this email to?

This was an email? Oh I'm so glad I didn't get it that way!

64. Favorite Cocktail?

Strawberry Margarita

65. Red or White wine?

I don't care for wine.

66. Where would you go for a girls or boys weekend get-away?

The beach.

67. What do you want to be?


68. Republican or Democrat?

Republican...was that a suprise?

69. Favorite Family Vacation?

Anaheim CA, Oct 2004

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Does this sound psychic?

Sometimes I just know things. Is that psychic, or maybe just lucky?

Here's what I mean:

Back in 1996, DH & I were buying our first house. We had looked all over town and this house was the only thing that we would consider living in. So the asking price was $116,000... we were in sticker shock because we had moved from TX where we could get a brand new house for only $80K, but anyway. They wanted $116K. So DH decides that he'll offer them $110. His thinking is that he'll offer them way low and they'll counter with a lower number and each side will work their way to a middle ground. Well the seller said that he was offended and rejected our offer.
So DH & I go out to the car and talk this out. I say, offer them $114K. (The state had a first time buyer's financing program that capped out at $114.) He thinks I'm crazy... I say, try it.
We bought our first home.

Flash forward to 2001... we are in the market for a new home again. We think that we are what every seller is looking for because we don't have a contengency of selling our previous house because we don't have one. So after months of looking for a house we finally decide that this one will do. It's not perfect, but it's the closest to what we were looking for. So DH, trying his method from before, offers the seller $8K less than current asking price. Mind you, the seller had just dropped his asking price $8K. So we put in our bid and the seller just rejects it. DH is crushed, why won't anyone counter with him? (Oh, I forgot to mention that we put in a similar bid on a different house, but someone else had also bid on it and offered asking price so even though they had a contengency, the seller chose them.) We knew that this seller HAD to sell the house because he had been transfered to TX and his family needed to move as school had started and they really wanted to be in TX.
So we waited a week. Then 9/11 happened. So I suggested that we offer $5K less than asking w/o the air conditioner allowance (the current asking price included a $2K a/c allowance because everyone who came threw the house had said they weren't interested because it didn't have a/c.) I suppose that the reason the seller bit was that they really needed to sell the house, we were the only ones interested and they knew with 9/11 they weren't going to get much better. So they accepted our offer.

That's twice that I knew the selling price on our house. Does that make me psychic? Or maybe I just know better than DH how to negotiate?

So maybe not so psychic?

Oh well.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

That's using your.... legs!

This is me playing with the lights. I should learn to keep my chin up!

Darly & I were taking down the Christmas trees (finally!) last night. My job was removing the lights and her's was to smush the branches to get them back into the box. (yes, they're artificial trees!)

So as she's going along, she announces her new plan for getting the branches smushed back down. She shows me her placing the branch between her knees and pulling it out. Tahdah! It works! Although I wouldn't recommend doing this with shorts on (as if in Colorado!) but it works great if you're wearing jeans.

And so we ran most of the branches through our legs to get them smushed. Boy that kid is so smart!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Monday Memories: Super Bowl half-time show

Monday Memories: Did I ever tell you about The time I was in the Super Bowl half-time show?

Before you begin to worry, it wasn't the one with Janet Jackson! LOL AS IF!

I've actually done two half-time shows... both in Tampa and both sponsored by Disney, so they were both family friendly. The second one NEVER AIRED on TV because the network chose to air footage of the Gulf War (even though nothing new had happened) instead.

The first time was in 1983/84. Disney wanted an all child cast and went around to local schools holding auditions for it. I tried out to be a dancer, but quickly chickened out. However, they were also looking for props department folks so I signed up for that. My job would be to make sure all the cast had their props... I worked out of the back of a truck and the cast came up to get their prop. Props included tap dancing disks, umbrellas and flags. We had tons of rehersals and my boyfriend & best friend & her boyfriend were together for all of it. It was a blast! We had a great time watching the dancers and making fun of them "Flashdance wannabes!" And got to meet lots of fun folks from Disney... I remember one especially, he went by the name of TAZ. We had nametags that read "Hello, I'm..." and another Disney person had written "COLD" on hers. We were all cold! It was DECEMBER! Even in FL it gets cold.
So the day of the Super Bowl we went to a highschool to wait. The dancers practiced and we sat ridiculing them...or walking around outside the school (no worries about creaps back then) and spending alone time with our boyfriends. Then they loaded us up on school busses and drove us to the stadium. We were handed our passes and warned to not let the pass out of our sight as someone might try to take it or offer us money for it. No one came near us, but we did see some scalpers. I went to my truck and got busy doing my job.
The show started and all the sudden... BOOM! I screamed pretty loudly, which echoed in the back of the truck. I also got some looks from folks around me. No one had bothered to tell us that FIREWORKS would be shooting off from the truck next to us! thanks!
My final job was to wait in the vomitorium (at least that's what they told me it was called, aka. the big exits from the stadium) and collect the umbrellas from the cast. When that was finished we were to go back to the busses to be transported back to the highschool. I tried to keep an umbrella as a souvenier (one of the staff said it was okay) but it was taken from me by another staff member on my way back to the bus. Where I met up with my boyfriend (he was working on another area) and we did the classic run to eachother hug. We met up with my bestfriend & her boyfriend and boarded the bus... and then waited and waited, but no one else came to that bus. So we had the whole bus to ourselves on the way back. We sat in the back with the windows open and just shared the experience with eachother.

The second time was in 1990/91. My youngest brother asked me to drive him to the first meeting and I asked if I could help out again. They said sure and I got the part.
This time my job was to push a HUGE balloon character out onto the field and then go wait by the sidelines until the end to push it back off the field.
New Kids On the Block was the entertainment for the show, but their part was on tape. So for all the practices, we had Disney staff up there lipsyncing to the tape. For all the practices we would all "boo and hiss" when the tape announced the NKOB. But our part was to dance around to the music as if we were enjoying the show. LOL!
So the day of the dress rehersal, the NKOB were supposed to be there... but only two showed up. We heard rumors that the rest were drunk on their bus. We got to walk past the bus but it was locked up tight so no proof.
The day of the show we did our part and cheered when the NKOB went on stage and everything went well.
We never got to meet the NKOB or anyone else... but TAZ was there again and this time he was in charge.
Because the second one never aired, Disney sent us a tape. I still have it! I also received tickets to any Disney park for each show.

I also did another Disney show. It was the Red, White & Blue Troops homecoming celebration. I was actually a preformer with a costume and everything. I'll post some pix later...gotta get Darly to gymnastics.

Links to other Monday Memories
1. Running2ks

(If you participate, leave your link in the comments and I'll post it below)

Click here for the Monday Memories code

Trackbacks, pings, and comment links are accepted and encouraged!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I have the proof!

My blogging friend Barbara has been proclaiming lately that she is not a geek. We all of course do not think that she is, but apparently someone somewhere accused her (falsely) of this. So while making my daily blogging rounds today, I came across this quiz. Are you a nerd?

I am nerdier than 64% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Well that's a little more nerdy than I was thinking, but not too bad. I guess low rank nerd and slightly nerdy are about the same...right?

If you're brave enough, take the test and let me know... are you?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Am I wierd?

I got this from Veronika. She said that if I wanted to be her friend, I would have to do this.

Rules: “The first player of this game starts with the topic “five weird habits of yourself,” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.”

Five weird habits I have:

1. I cannot eat any food before 11:30am. I can have coffee, but no food. If I have any food before 11:30am I get sick to my stomach and then I also eat constantly for the rest of the day...which may lead to the getting sick part. Hummmm... But seriously I feel sick after the first early meal.

2. I love to color my hair! I don't care if I have roots or not, I just like trying different things with my hair color. My hairdresser hates me 'cuz I've about fried the ends off, but I don't care.

3. I cut my toe nails too short...right up the the quick. Sometimes I get them too short and it hurts to wear socks, but I don't like them any longer than that because they snag on everything.

4. I will turn on the TV and the radio and be working on dinner in the kitchen where I can't hear either. DH will come in and see the TV on and ask if I'm actually watching that program because he knows that I'm not.

5. I got this one from my mom, I run my fingers threw my hair but I'm actually rubbing my scalp. I do the entire scalp at least once a day. It's kinda like a scratching massage...comforting.

Okay, how weird was that? I'm supposed to tag 5 people, but I don't tag. So do this if you want, but not on my account. :D Let me know if you did though, so I can see how weird you are.

By popular demand... but you'll wish that you didn't

Well here it is as promised...

Here is what happened for my Birthday "celebration"...

Okay, my birthday was Wednesday. DH normally takes off from work on all of our birthdays (except the dog's), but his co-workers decided that starting in the new year they would have a meeting on the Wednesday before their drill. This particular Wednesday is AKA my birthday.
So instead of having Wed off he was home Tue, Thurs & Friday.

So on Wednesday, I wake up to an empty house. Darly & dog were both still asleep & DH was gone to work. No note, no presents, nothing. So I make my coffee and begin my usual morning stuff... also getting the laundry started. YIPPEE!
Wednesdays are our Homeschooling Group's park day so I tried to wake Darly up to go to that... but she wasn't interested, so we stayed home and did laundry.
I also got to do a project for Church.
When DH got home we had dinner, a pork roast (that Darly hated). And then I got to open up my gifts.

Darly got me a Glade Thomas Kinkaide candle and a heart shaped Sweettarts box of candy.
DH got me a bag of Hershey's Caramel Kisses and a really lousy card! (this bad card thing has been getting on my nerves! So I tried to let him know how unpleased I was by mentioning that they have a whole section of cards for WIVES in every card shop...even at Wal-Mart! He tried to say that they didn't have ANYTHING good where they bought the cards.) BLECH!

Dh said that something else would be coming in the mail soon.

On Thursday DH was home all day and it was pretty much an ordinary day with him home. I cleaned out the pantry and DH "cleaned" the office (I don't see any difference and I know that he threw out some stuff. Oh maybe that was the stuff to shred which is now sitting by the shredder.)

When I went to the mailbox, I noticed a package from my mom. Mom got me another Bundt Pan (this one is the pretty holiday tree shaped pan). I still do not bake bundt cakes. So dh & I discussed what I should do with it. We decided that even if the store gave me barely anything for it, that I should return it because I won't ever use it and someone somewhere should have the joy of cooking with it.

Then they took me out to dinner at Black Angus steak house (sorry Running2ks, we're carnivores here.) The meal was good, but the service was LOUSY! Apparently they didn't have enough people working because folks had to wait 20-30 min for a table when there were 4 tables in front of where we were seated all empty.

In Friday's mail I got my other present from DH and a card from my grandmother. My other present was a memory card for my camera. But DH mentions that the card can also be used in a MP3 player (that he doesn't have). So I say "so I have to share this with you like the memory stick?" I also get to share my bag of caramel kisses.

And that's it!

As you may have noticed, I wasn't thrilled. I guess that after my HUGE Christmas, I should have known better. Oh well.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sleepin' Around

Thirteen Things about Renée

This is all Running2Ks fault ;o) She started with a post 4 states you've lived in and then commented about me sleeping in more states than her... so here's the proof... Here's all the states that I have slept in...

Alabama - probably. As a kid my parents drove all night on our family vacations to go to FL from LA. It would have been a short time sleeping in that state as we drove threw the very bottom part.
Arizona - No, but I've been there while visiting NV. Someone talked us into going to Laughlin. BAH! I think that I baked part of myself.
Arkansas - Yes, on a Church trip to see the Christ of the Ozarks play.
California - Yes, more than once on vacations
Colorado - live there
Florida - used to live there
Georgia - yes, while someone else was driving through the state.
Hawaii - yes, on vacation! Aloha Baby!
Idaho - yes, on the way to WA
Kansas - yes, my great grandfather lived there and we visited him many times
Louisiana - yes, unfortunately I was born there
Maryland - no, but drove through
Michigan - yes, last July
Mississippi - yes, see the AL car trips
Nebraska - yes, as a kid on the way to SD
Nevada - yes, been to Vegas numerous times...once while pregnant (NOT RECOMMENDED!)
North Carolina - yes, Asheville (to see the Biltmore Estate)
Ohio - no... at least I don't think so. I might have napped in the car.
Oklahoma - yes, that's a sleepy state
Oregon - probably, drove threw
Pennsylvania - Yes and I went to Kennywood too! {when I lived in WV I over heard a kid exclaim that "I bet everyone in the whole wide world has been to Kennywood!" Well at that time, I hadn't been. But I figured if everyone else had been that I had better go there quickly. jk}
South Dakota - yes, I have relatives there
Tennessee - yes
Texas - oh yes, we lived there
Utah - yes and let me tell you that after living to the east of the Rocky Mtns for many years and driving at night to get to Salt Lake...waking up with the Rockys on the "wrong" side of you is very very weird!!!
Virginia - yes, in the car again
Washington - yes, we had to drive our car to WA so it could be shipped to Korea.
West Virginia - yes, I lived there... in my past life (no, I'm not crazy. I call everything that happened before I met DH, my past life.)
Wyoming - yes, we lived there... Darly was born there.

UPDATE: I forgot about the following states:
Montana - family vacation
New Mexico - driving threw very NE corner from TX to CO
South Carolina - probably didn't sleep, but drove threw

I know that I promised a list of my birthday gifts for this week's 13, but they're still coming... DH & Darly got me some candy and a candle, so far. I'm not too sure what's up with the candy from DH though... I thought that he wanted me to be thinner (as if that's ever gonna happen!) I'm also to get to go out for dinner tomorrow night.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. squashedtoad 2. ivoryfrog 3. Lisa 4. phoenix 5. Lazy Daisy 6. Kat 7. D 8. Running2Ks 9. Jennifer 10. laura 11. yellowrose 12. Jen 13. chickadee 14. sallwood 15. Veronika 16. bone 17. Prairierose 18. audra 19. Dawn N. 20. barbara 21. Karin 22. leanne 23. uzicue 24. Lisa @ The World.. 25. deejay 26. tc 27. texas ivy 28. holly 29. master enigma 30. Allison 31. Charity 32. ms. crystal 33. Jane 34. themartins 35. anna 36. fondofsnape janet 37. Heather 38. Nicole

and new this week... 1. Uisce 2. Mom's secret life (cool name huh?) 3. gabrielle 4. peri 5. shelli 6. drama queen 7. goofy girl 8. mommaK 9. Kimmy and Jacob

(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Tagged be4

Okay, Running2Ks didn't tag me for this, but I'm doing it anyway...

4 Jobs I’ve had:
Fast Food drive threws (Arby's, Rax, Naugles, Wendy's, Hardee's, Taco Bell)
Mail room/copy room of Electric Cooperative
Accounting of a Property Management firm
Church Secretary
and would you believe, other than volunteer jobs, that's it!

4 Movies I can watch over & over:
Any Harry Potter movie
Fried Green Tomatoes

4 Places I’ve Lived:
West Virginia
S. Korea
Sorry, I got carried away!

4 Books I Love: (I’m going to go with authors I’ve enjoyed in my life)
Judy Blume
JK Rowling
Diane Noble
Limony Snicket

4 (current) Shows I won’t miss:
Donald Trump's Apprentice
Good Eats
30 Min Meals
Extreem Makeover Home Edition

4 Vacation places:
Honolulu, Hawaii
Breckenridge, Colorado
Disney World: Orlando, Florida
Disneyland, California

4 Websites I visit daily:
Blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs

4 Foods:

4 Places I would rather be right now:
getting a massage (wait a minute, I can turn on my chair massager!)
Jetted tub (would someone come and clean it out for me? It's full of cleaning supplies & paint cans because I need to paint the bathroom!)

4 Albums I can’t live without: (changing to artists I can’t live without)
Mark Schultz
Nichole Nordeman

I won't tag anyone either, but if you wanna do this, feel free...let me know so I can come & peek at what you wrote!

Hummm Where did my post go???

I just posted this big It's my birthday post and now it's lost in cyberspace forever. Boo hoo! Too depressed to try to recreate the post.

Today's my birthday... I'm 39 now. It doesn't feel that much different...until I fill out a survey asking for my age with an age bracket that says I'm now in the 39-55 age bracket. YIKES!

Let's see if this post pushes my other one up...

It's my birthday!

I thought that I should post this because my new blogging buddy Veronika is advertising that everyone should come and say Happy Birthday to here's a spot to do that.

I had considered setting up a virtual wish list and seeing how many virtual gifts that I got... but DH bought me everything that I had on my wish list for Christmas. Hummm... what do I want now? Not much.

So far my birthday morning has been very quiet. Dh had to work this morning because in their infinite wisdome read with dripping sarcasm they decided to start holding the planning meeting on the wednesday before the first weekend of the month... they decide to start that with the new year and of course that falls on my birthday. Bummer.

So DH left for work being very quiet to let me sleep and I woke to nothing. Darly is still asleep and the dog is sleeping too.

DH will be home tomorrow, so I'll have birthday time with him then. But I'm supposed to get my loot this evening. And sometime today I should hear from my Mom.

My brother sent me a card that read "Aging is Inevitable. Maturing is optional!"

Have a great day everyone!