Friday, May 11, 2007

Tired and stuffed now!

Today my calendar was clear. If I forgot something important, I'm very wasn't on my calendar and it is Scholastic Book Fair time! Everything in the Warehouse is on sale and at least 30% off! Most is 50% off. We love these sales and usually come home with lots of good stuff... today was no different.

Once Darly got up and I told her that we were going she got dressed in a flash...and she noticed that I was wearing one of the two shirts that we both have matching sets she dressed like me. Awww how cute.

We got to the sale and started filling up our cart. At first I was nervous because we weren't finding all that much that we wanted...but then I found the 80% off area...whoo hoo! I was tossing all sorts of stuff in the cart. We went through the $1 a book area and found a few things for my nephew...the guy instead of charging us $2.50 (one item was from the 50cent area) he only wrote $1.50.

The sad part was that we came across a whole stack of "The Care and Keeping of You" books. I just bought that for Darly a while back... so I don't need one and I couldn't remember which of my friends needed a copy. I was kinda bummed...but I posted it when we got home so they should see it. Other than that we came home with lots of good stuff. I even found a lot for me to read...some of it in my age level too.

After we filled up our cart we went to the check out. Remember that $1 a book area where the guy wrote only $1.50 on my bag? Well when the gal rang me up, the machine only charged me 75 cents! Woo Hoo! Can't beat that. I just wish that there were more things I liked in that area.


So after the sale we had lunch and then decided to see if we could finally see the Ben Franklin exhibit at the Museum. We got there and did not see any school buses...good omen #1. We also noticed people leaving the museum...good omen #2. And once inside it wasn't crowded! Woo Hoo! It felt a bit like having the place to ourselves...well not quite.

The Ben exhibit was a bit crowded, but not nearly as bad as other times that we have tried to go see it. Darly & I were able to see and do most of the activities in the exhibit and were finally quite pleased. The only annoying part was this one kid (never figured out who he was there with) kept acting as if he were with us...looking over my shoulder at stuff or getting right up in our personal space. I kept trying to ditch him and he kept showing up. GAH! But he didn't say anything, was just extra nosey and interested in whatever it was that we were doing. Oh well. At the end they have a time capsule that they are going to put in the museum's vault to be opened 300 years from now. They asked us to either predict items that will still be of importance in 300 years or what we should be doing now to make the future better for 300 years. We decided to predict the future. Darly says that we'll still have computers of some sort, cars, Microwave ovens and in the future Robots will clean our house for us.

After seeing Ben we went to one of my favorite exhibits "Hall of Life." We had the place pretty much to ourselves and for the first time ever I got to take the How stressful is your life test. I'm like not even stressed at all...then why did I find grey hair this morning? gotta get my roots done.

After we finished the Hall of Life I decided that we should head for home. Darly mentioned that she would like a snack and I suggested that we get dinner. So after spending probably 45 minutes in traffic, we got to Old Sante Fe Grille and had our dinner. I'm now stuffed with chile reanaeo...who knows how to spell it? I just eat it. YUM!


  1. Between the Scholastic book sale, the Museum, and the food...I'm exhausted! I love to buy books, and it sounds to me like you got a fantastic deal! What a great day for you and Darly.

  2. Whew...I'm exhausted just reading about your day. As a former librarian, I cant get enough of buying books particularly when there are bargains to enjoy! And the Museum sounds like lots of fun!

  3. What a fun day! I love days like that :-)

  4. I love the Scholastic book fair. I always end up buying way too many books!

    An Island Life

  5. Happy Mother's Day, Renee! Hope you have a wonderful day/weekend.

  6. book fairs ROCK! And I answered DD's question on the blog today

  7. I love Ben Franklin, I bet that exhibit was fun. I'm glad you're not stressed, what's your secret?
