Thursday, April 10, 2008

and so it continues *where's the eyeroll smiley?*

Well after getting the email from the gym that said that Darly's class would continue until April 24th, I decided to just keep here where she is until then. After the 24th I would go ahead and move her to the Pre-Team class which is later in the evening for an hour and a half.

Darly was all for it.

So we go into the gym and talk with the office manager and she said that was fine. She tried to lie to me and say that all the girls were at about the same level and ready to move up...I'm not so sure my face hid the fact that I knew or have a very strong feeling that she was full of it. I told her that perhaps two of the girls were ready but that I felt that Darly and one other girl were not at all ready. Whatever. It seems that they are lowering the "higher level" class as the coach of Darly's old class will be instructing it.

So Darly goes in for her class that is supposed to continue until the 24th. And of course she is the only girl there. At first I was thinking "ALL RIGHT!!! a private lesson!" That euphoria was quickly doused when I watched them move Darly into the lower level class. I was so MAD!!! But I held my tongue. It turned out to not be such a bad thing for her to be in the lower class. 1st. Darly won the handstand contest!!! She was thrilled. 2nd. Darly got to be the "Demo Girl" for everything that the lower level girls did in class. and 3rd. her coach was giving her tasks that were on her level also. So in reality Darly was doing skills that she knew very well and doing her regular stuff too. All in all I think it was a good experience.

I guess we will play it by ear for now. As long as she is happy I don't really care much.

But while talking to the other parents I got a chance to talk with the grandfather of a set of triplets who go there. The triplets were offered an advancement back when Darly moved to her current class (the one they are discontinuing) but they turned it down. Grandfather said he would talk to his daughter because they didn't realize that holding their girls back was causing this class to get canceled. The only reasons the mother held them back is because she thought her girls might not want to be the youngest in the class but grandfather said they didn't mind. So we'll see. Perhaps we'll get some things shuffeled around here and Darly can stay in her current class after all. And if not, no big deal.

And another mom who's daughter was placed on the team when they wanted to be in Pre-Team might get her girl moved as well.

Do I know how to stir things up or what? LOL! I'm not so sure the owner was happy with me today.

oh and the other girl in Darly's class that I didn't think should move up asked me why I didn't move Darly up. I told her cuz Darly didn't want to move, but that they canceled her class so she'll have to move at the end of the session.


  1. You sure know how to stir the pot! GO GIRL! :) Good for Darly too... it was nice for her to get the whole special treatment.... :)

  2. that just makes you a good mom - to stand up for your daughter and make a stink. My mom did that for me, and I didn't appreciate it then, but I do now.

    Go you!

    Have a good weekend.

  3. 8-) <-- eyeroll smiley :)

    I think that the owner shouldn't be lying and canceling things while claiming it's better for the girls. If it's a case of no teacher, own up to it. Don't worry about raising a fuss. Sounds to me like that's exactly what needs to be done.

  4. Whew! Talk about confusion! As long as Darly is learning new things, I guess it doesn't matter what class she's in. I'm sure being the Demo girl is totally okay with her!


  5. Oh, who cares about the disgruntled owner! You're daughter comes first! You go, Renee!!! :)
